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Posts posted by thaimate

  1. When going to the UK am always told to take familly to uk q, on coming into Thailand use Thai q as i live here ,never a problem ,in fact this year the chap on the desk in Thailand asked if i had a familly here when i said yes he smiled and said welcome home.

  2. We too have just downgraded from platinum to gold ,most of true is a load of rubbish ,and we intend mainly to watch nat geo ,history and the news channels , to watch anything else i just route you tube through the tv so mutch more choice ,just watched the Borgias which my daugter informs me only starts in Britain next week.

  3. Just a quick question ,not wanting to spend out my hard earned ,wonder if any of you know

    my wife and son lived with me for many years in the UK ,my wife has a national insurance no and both have leave to remain ,five years ago we came to live here ,and now when i go back for a visit they are coming as well this time ,if we all turn up together ,as they have been out of the country (with me) what would happen if they did not have visit visas? Its just i begrudge paying so much for them :angry: the visas that is :)

  4. My WIfe reads ,john Grisham (3 have been translated into Thai) Agatha Christy and many more falang books that have been translated into Thai ,she has just started the Lincoln lawyer,she tried reading in English but it takes so long as she had to keep either asking me what a word was or looking in her dictionary .

    Many more Thais must read "proper" books as there are sectiones in all book shops.

    Not all Thais read comics

  5. The thing about Pattaya is, it's got all those beautiful Russian women walking around.

    Seriously there are some absolute stunners, without sounding over the top they are cat walk material, 6 foot leggy blondes, Rod Stewart would have a field day.

    Yes ,and some of them are even women :D

  6. .. you guys sound like a bunch of old house wives :whistling: ... only thing that i go to the supermarket is for beer and maybe upgrade my my flip-flops,t-shirts shorts combo to the latest styles... seriously guys, try and develop some kind of a hobby opposed to bitching about the price of a kilo of turnips.. :huh:

    I take it your not married with a familly? :)

  7. The most popular explanation now seems to be that "we do not need the money" and can wait forever for a sucker.

    A large part of the problem in Thailand is that many (most?) farang buyers have indeed spent money that they dont need, or which would otherwise be earning some tiny interest rate in a bank that might collapse at any time. Combine that with the low cost of property ownership here (no taxes, low maintenance charges) and it's no surprise that they choose to wait.

    But I know a man who owns 4 units in Jomtien. One he lives in, one is rented out with a tenant of many years, and the other two are empty and for sale. He is always complaining that he has no money but wont reduce his sale or rental price to attract a buyer or tenant. I think he is an idiot.

    Reading your post made me think about a property i tried to rent when we came here 5 years ago ,i offered what i thought was a fair price telling the owner that we would be long term tenants ,but he insisted on 2000b more than i was willing to pay , so we rented another property which we are still in and love living in (the rent has dropped 5000b ) over the five years to keep us here .

    As for the other property ,its still empty and has been since we first offered on it.

  8. A lot depends i suppose on your age and where you are in life ,years ago ,like you i had a wandering dick and had as much sex as i could get ,but i married a lovely Thai girl who i genuinly love and must admit that these days getting your balls powdered at bedtime is far more relaxing and important than running around.

    ps my wifes familly also have their own incomes and not having to shell out is a lovely bonus :)

  9. So many people have been telling me the same thing. So i went there today to check for myself. Most of the check outs were empty. Went to the bakery which thankfully was still the same. The rest of it was typical Big C, crappy plastic toys, crappy tee shirts that nobody would be seen dead in. Very cheap though, maybe they are targetting the Russian market! At the top of the stairs there were trestle tables laid out full of out of date clothes, 50 baht an item, which Carrefour used to do, always loads of Thai "Housewives" rummaging through picking up the bargains for their kids, husbands etc. Today they couldn't get a look in. Full of Russians pushing and shoving them out of the way. I stood there for maybe 20 minutes watching the bun fight, along with a few Westerners. We were all shaking our heads and laughing. Reminded me of when i was a kid and my mum used to take me to the village jumble sale. Anyone else remember this? Doors would open at 2 o clock and there was a stampede. But this was 40 years ago! Shit, this is happening today in Pattaya! Quality tourists for sure!

    I AM afraid that the quote "quality tourists" and Russian cannot be used in the same sentence, there is no such thing here in Pattaya anyway ,as for Big C taking over carrfour ,i was never a big fan of Carrefour , but yes it has gone downhill fast , i am afraid that our shopping days there are now a thing of the past .

  10. My buddha some of you blokes ain't got a pot to piss in if you think 300 baht is expensive. My lunch today was 1,200.

    I do have a very large pot to piss in (the wife uses the toilet) but if you think paying 1200 baht for lunch in Thailand is good value ,you have more money than sense(no offence intended)

  11. More inflation, higher unemployment, weaker baht, higher SET. Do the math.

    I agree about higher inflation and higher unemployment ,as wages rise stores ect will cut staff as will petrol stations ,self service here we come ,security companys will put up prices and companys will do without, we have seen it in the west already , as for a lower baht that i dint know ,certainly seems that we wont have a stronger pound ,not with 0.5% interest rates.

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