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Posts posted by gunnerterry

  1. I've been teaching in Thailand for many years. I have a wp and a degree in English. My last 2 year waiver stated i need an education qualification to renew. I'm 53 years old and I think I'm a good teacher of English. I've only had 2 schools since I've been here. Are they really going to enforce the education degree on those of us that have been here a while and are doing a good job? I don't/won't study again at my age but i do want to continue teaching for a few more years. I'm sure there are others like me; what are you going to do/have done?

  2. The 350 teachers will probably be Thai teachers who have gained a masters degree in English language. These degrees usually obtained through paying native speakers to write their papers! The only way the ministry of education can really drive English language tuition is to involve native speakers and experienced ESL tutors in the planning process. Unfortunately they are so stubborn this will never happen.

  3. As soon as the renewal process has started then the current passport is cancelled. However as I said, from my ow personal experience, the UK Immigration cannot refuse entry to a UK citizen.

    This is correct and if she has a valid travel document as in the Thai passport then in theory there should not be a problem. The issue is the airline she is flying with need to ensure she is able to enter the country of destination as they are subject to a large fine if they allow people to fly without the correct documentation/visa etc. If you explain the situation it should not be a problem, however make sure the flight is direct from Bangkok to UK because if she has a stop off somewhere she is likely to have problems in the stop off country and they may well send her back to Thailand. Best to check with the airline she is flying with as to there procedures.

  4. i' ve enrol with them after that i received an email from NCFE themself stated as follow:

    Thank you for contacting us about Stonebridge Associated Colleges.

    They have been accredited with NCFE’s Investing in Quality (IIQ) Licence which is designed to give formal recognition to an organisation’s bespoke programmes that fall outside the Qualification and Credit Framework (QCF). The licence is based on a number of Quality Statements which provide a quality assurance framework for the development, delivery and evaluation of their programmes. We’ve mapped the Quality Statements to a range of standards: ISO 9001, Investors in People, EFQM, The Common Inspection Framework, The Matrix Standard; and Recognising and Recording Progression and Achievement (RARPA).

    In summary, NCFE hasn’t accredited their course as a ‘qualification’ but through their IIQ Licence we do give formal recognition to their training/courses which result in the ‘award’ of a certificate of achievement.

    After receiving this email i contacted them for cancellation and refund but up till now they are still playing me. but no matter how smarter they think they are in ripping people's off, i ll surely get my money bk.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. Looks like this course won't be good enough for Krusapha then! Wishing you good luck with getting your refund.

  5. I've been teaching in Thailand for some time now and although i have a degree, Thai culture, Tefl etc I only have a teachers waiver each year because my degree is not in education. My family is here and life is here so i want to stay. I have been researching distance learning courses in the Uk as that is where i am from and i have come across Stonebrideg college. It seems legit? Has anyone had dealings with them? They offer a 140 hr course equivalant to 36 credits in Certificate in Education and Training QCF Level 4 it costs just under 1000 pounds. I am considering asking Krusapha if this will be accepted but i'm mindful that it depends who you ask and answers and opinions change! Does anyone know for sure if this will be accepted as an education qualification?. I don't want to waste my money if it isn't! I'm also mindful that rules change rapidly in Thailand so i don't want to spend too much money and time for something that may not be necessary in the future.

  6. A colleague's Non B visa is soon to expire and he is not sure if he will be keep in employment and therefore his visa extended by his employers with a work permit. If it doesn't get extended is he able to get a 60 day tourist visa in Chaeng wattana or does he need to leave the country and if this is the case is he able to get a tourist visa after a non b in a neighbouring country or does he have to return to his home country?

  7. So an over stay of less than 90 days does not get you banned?

    Not banned in case you "surrender to the authorities" but to be "crystal clear" they would have had to explain what happens if you're a couple days over and stopped on the way to the airport.

    Not unreasonably they probably don't want to go in print on that: if the 500 B fine per day applies (highly likely) they would not want to publicise that as an easy alternative to a regular visa. Hence left unsaid.

    The 500 baht a day overstay fine still applies up to 20k i believe , This week i was fined 14500 ( 29 days) i did not overstay as per the visa's/extension of stay stamps in my passport but the cancellation date of my workpermit and my new visa (obtained because i changed school and the rules are you have to get a new visa and workpermit!!)was out by 29 days therefore i was fined on this technicality. They are getting very strict so beware!!

  8. You can see much better looking women every day in Bangkok, Manila, Ho Chi Minh, Phnom Penh..... These beauty pageants are a yawnbah.gif.

    These are not real women??!!!! Read the title!! as others have indicated..... International QUEEN ........ TRANSGENDER PAGEANT....... !!

    Becareful walking aroung pattaya and certain areas of Bangkok at night looking for women??!! You may be in for a shock!! HaHa

  9. A colleague of mine will do a trip to Laos soon to convert his tourist visa to a non B. In view of the time involved to secure all the paperwork he won't be able to go until the evening of the 18th of November. He will then cross into Laos the morning of the 19th. My question is the stamp in his passport shows his tourist stay until the 18th November. If he enters Laos on the 19th will he incur 1 day overstay and incur a fee and problems? Or does the stamp mean he can stay in Thailand until the 18th and then he has to renew or leave the country?

  10. Hi, has anyone got any first hand knowledge on the requirement for UK nationals to now have the icpc certificate when applying for a NON B as a teacher? . I have had some reports that all new teachers from the UK need to have this certificate to be granted a Non B visa. Does this also apply to existing UK nationals working as teachers in Thailand. Looking at the website https://www.acro.police.uk/icpc/ it would appear it is reasonably easy to get but costs 60 pounds and may take a few days to arrive, so if i need it i want to apply for it well before my visa is due for renewal.

    Also we have a new teacher form the UK going to collect her work permit tomorrow and then get her visa extension. She has a police clearance certificate but i don't think it is this ICPC check certificate what are the chances of her being granted the extension?

  11. During my teaching career in Thailand i have noticed how many schools have a problem with pidgeons and the mess they make in assembly areas and playgrounds etc. I have always been interested in wildlife and would like to own a bird of prey. These birds can be trained and flown around schools in the evening to chase the pidgeons away. I would love to own a bird of prey and help my local schools in this way but :-

    1. I don't know if it's possible in Thailand.

    2. I would need to be trained in the art of looking after one of these birds and training them myself.

    If anybody knows if this is possible in Thailand and a 'club' or association that may be able to help me i would appreciate it. This is a serious post so i don't need the usual 'smart alec's" comparing the birds of prey to various 'ladies of the night' in Pattaya, thankyou

  12. Thanks everyone for all the input, i appreciate the feedback. As the person flying is new to Thailand they would like to do things as per instructions from the Thai embassy. I appreciate she could probably get away with coming in on an exempt with a one way but there is an outside chance she would have a problem. I have now investigated the paperwork for a non B visa and as we are a private school the paperwork was a lot easier than i imagined. I have now completed the paperwork and sent all to the person coming over so she can get a non B at the Thai embassy in the UK where she is coming from. Again thanks everyone for your constructive comments ( it makes a change on this forum ! lol)

  13. The 15th would give enough time to get the paperwork in order. .

    Yes, a tourist visa doesn't require a ticket out and no bank statement needed.

    Thanks Mario, i appreciate your time. It's the fact my school is closing for holidays today and the admin staff won't be back until the 11th. I think it would probably be easier to get a tourist visa in the UK and then come over. We can then get the paperwork done for a trip to Laos for a Non B later.

  14. The requirements for a visa exempt entry is that she must hold proof of leaving the country within 30 days of arrival. With a valid visa she doesn't need proof of onward travel.

    She has several option:

    - get a tourist visa

    - get paperwork from the school and apply for a non-B visa to start with

    - get a cheap ticket to a neighbouring country as proof of onward travel.

    I would try and get a non-B visa.

    As I'm not sure if i have enough time to get paperwork together for a non B. (She is looking to be here by the 15th May). Are you saying she could enter Thailand with a one-way ticket if she had a tourist visa? I presume she would also need to show a bank statement with a certain amount of money, any ideas how much?

    • Like 1
  15. Hi. I have a new teacher coming to my school from the UK. She is planning to enter using the 30 exemption and then my school will prepare all the paperwork for a trip to LAOS to get her NON B etc.

    If she buys a one way ticket, is she going to have problems entering the country because she is coming here to work but doesn't have the Non B yet. What are the chances of her being questioned? If she has an offer of employment letter is this OK, or would this cause more problems? She doesn't want to buy a return ticket as she doesn't yet know how long she will be working here. Thoughts please if anyone has been in this situation. Thankyou.

  16. An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

    You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

    Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

    Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

    Not often I agree with you, but this time 100%..............thumbsup.gif

    No, in my opionion you are both wrong. I presume you are both foreigners and therefore guests in the country of Thailand, therefore like it or not you should abide by the laws and cultures of the land. For sure there are many bad things that happen in this country but we have no say in this as we are guests. Do you see Thai girls baring their breasts during Songran? No ! Are Thai men running naked through the streets? No!.

  17. Thanks Suradit69 . I think i undertstand what i need to do, but it's Krusapha education office that are saying to my new school i need a new non B before i get my replacement teachers licence. I think the person who has told my new school is wrong. I will try and get my new school to send off the papers to change my teachers licence to the new school then i can deal with the changing of work permit as per the thread and other posts i have read.

  18. I'm in the process of moving schools within the same province. I have no problems with either school and the paperwork can be completed at the same time to cancel my exisiting workpermit and put the new one in place at the same time. My problem appears to be my 2 year teachers licence, this is my second waiver and only 3m old. When my new school enquired about getting a new one in the new schools name they were informed by Krushapa that i needed to go out of the country first to get a new non b? Is this right? My present non B extension doesn't expire until nov 2015. I can't see the logic in this (but this is Thailand! ). I even read somewhere that if i'm moving schools in the same province i only need to change the work permit and leave the extension of stay as it is, but i'm not sure that is right. i was going to go to immigration after i changed the work permit to check, but i can't do the work permit until i sort the amendment to the TL.

    Has anyone experienced this or know if it is right. I'm moving from a government school to a private school if that makes any difference. If i was just to ask my new school to process the paperwork for a replacement licence would krusapha actually know what stamp i should have in my passport? If they see i have a non o expiring in Nov would'nt this be ok?

    Thoughts please

  19. If you live in Thailand and get Thai wages you pay 400. If you are on holiday in Thailand and you earn 4/5 times what Thais earn is 2000 baht so much of a hardship?? Whenever i have fished here i

    've always caught 10-15 fish, the average size is around 28kg. These are huge fish and you'll get nothing like this in the UK where i am from. Enjoy it for what it is, good comfortable facilities with plenty of staff to bring you food and cold beer when you want it and a really good chance to catch a fish over 100lbs.

  20. Strickly speaking yes it is, but in reality ( if you are a teaching in schools) it takes some time to get organised. Often teachers come to Thailand on a tourist visa looking for teaching work. When they find work they then need all the paperwork from the school to obtain a Non B (involves waiting for a letter from the education area office), once they have this the schools needs to apply for a teachers licence/ 2 year permit ( involves waiting for the document from Krusapha), once they have this they need to prepare all the paperwork for the work permit. So in fact although it is illegal to work without a permit, teachers often do initially as it usually takes at least 2 months some times longer to get all paperwork completed. T.I.T.

    if it takes 2 months to do the paper work , then who ever is doing the paper work doesn't know what they are doing , besides you are talking about teachers, the OP never made any mention of teaching...

    Fact is even while on probation a WP is needed, teacher or not..the answer is that simple, no convoluted explanations or rationalization needed

    I know he didn't mention anything about teaching that is why i stated ( if you are teaching in schools) !!. Secondly if you had read my post carefully you will note it is not the schools who don't know what they are doing it is all the hoops they have to go through with various papers needed from various education offices. This is what takes the time.

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