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Posts posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. 1 minute ago, atpeace said:

    I thought Obama's election didn't overly concern most conservatives I knew.   They definitely didn't vote for him the second go around but I didn't sense hatred.  Bill brought  much more loathing to the forefront.  


    What I felt started this whole extreme divisiveness was the election of Trump.  Democrats and many independents like myself were butt hurt and determined to let everybody know how despicable Trump is on almost every level.  I got over it in a couple months, after losing a good friend over the election, and now just put into the basket of things that will never be understood.  

    Clinton (both), Obama, Bush (both), Biden were/are consummate experienced lying politicians with personality. Trump is an arrogant abrasive billionaire businessman with a personality that most people do not like, but who did as a POTUS (or tried to do), what he said he was going to do when campaigning (unlike all the others). The system//swamp/MSM saw him as an outsider and they attacked him relentlessly - and/or they allowed and helped the attacks to take affect (RINOs etc.)  Those personal attacks caused many people to dislike him and even drove many into TDS mode.  Trump is not a politician and has no idea how to lie with fake sincerity - in fact he is the opposite - a brutally honest person who says it like it is - warts and all. That approach does not endear yourself to many people, and in fact makes many people either dislike or hate you. 


    If you want to see/learn the truth about Trump you don't listen to The View.  Likewise you don't listen to Jessie Walters etc.  Listen to Bill Maher - he calls it like he sees it - and being a liberal at heart, that is not an easy thing to do.  When you are a conservative, you like success and understand what it takes - that is why many righties like me will actually like Obama and Clinton personally, and yet we hate their politics. Lefties are driven by their peers to both personally and politically hate conservatives - they lose their rational thinking when they do that - it is hard to think clearly and rationally about someone that you have been driven to hate does or says something.  

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  2. 7 hours ago, atpeace said:

    OK - feel better now.  Really not interested at calling the other team names and being childish.  Leave that to your ilk. 


    As for calling Trump names, fair game to as far as I'm concerned.  It seems half of what comes out of his mouth are petty insults and most of the other rubbish is nonsense.  I'll give him some credit though - he does possess a good sense of humor and some of his political believes seem sound.  The woke culture the last 4 years almost had me thinking I would voter for the creep but realized I was being a fool yet again.



    Give Trump a chance - he can only last 4 years (despite the Dem fearmongering).

    Maybe what is needed to brideg the divide is Trump and the GOP in charge - Biden certainly has not tried.

    Remember his 'hate speech' against MAGA supporters - when he said he was going to heal the country?

    That was total BS and his speech was reality - lefties always sew discontent and anger in their supporters - and it works.


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  3. 1 hour ago, Cabradelmar said:

    Thais facilitate creation of nominee company... foreigners get visas, buy land/homes, run businesses... Company gets exposed as illegitimate, foreigners get deported, and Thais keep the  land/property/businesses (seized assets) for themselves. It's a brilliant model... Thais get paid on both ends... Thai citizens and officials collect setup fees, and the seized assets revert back to Thailand - who can sell them a second time. But they (authorities) can't not seem to stop what they claim they don't like 🤔 because they actually like it 🤑🤑🤑 


    Very good summation of the Thai system of Governance - what is good for a Thai is good for Thailand. 

    Maybe things are changing - I heard a 'Thai apologist' vlogger the other day complain that there has been several instances of Thais kicking foreigners in the head and other violent acts of assault, and nothing happens. But when a foreigner punches a Thai, he is usually arrested immediately, held in jail and then charged and (maybe jail) and then deported (after paying a fine). 

    Even the apologists are starting to see the underbelly truth about Thailand and its corruption and xenophobia.

    IMO it is all related - Tourism failing and the Thai economy going bust - while most others in SEAsia are growing strongly after Covid.

    More cheap Charlies form poorer countries, and more war escapees, with less 'quality' visitors, are not going to fix things here.

    I agree with the BOT Governor when he said the problems in Thailand were systemic and entrenched. 

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  4. 5 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

    Leaving aside your somewhat all encompassing and frantic allegations of "fixing", since the crime was committed in metropolitan New York, surely then the trial should take place in metropolitan New


    I'll take that one. All I have to do is to ask some questions.

    Do you realise that the allegations occurred while Trump was POTUS.

    Do you not see that this is about Trump being POTUS (again)?

    Do you really think Trump does his own tax returns?

    Do you really think this is normal? To criminally charge someone with book keeping errors and force them to attend every day or be jailed?

    Do you really think - I will answer that one for you - NO. 

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  5. 10 hours ago, atpeace said:

    He is correct about the witch hunt and you are correct that he is a criminal.  Many righteous fools on this thread would do similar things to cover up an affair if they had the means to do so. We all make big mistakes but Trump does seem not to care about consequences.  He just found out he isn't bullet proof.


    Amazed the idiot was ever elected but this conviction and the amount of money spent on the case weren't warranted.    He should have simply paid the hush money from his personal account ( most of it was) and labeled the transactions with Stormy as non-disclosure payments and his payments to Cohen labeled as reimbursement payments.  He foolishly didn't and prosecutors have taken a misdemeanor and through a legal maze created a felony.


    As for all the other past cases and future legal transgressions, this latest conviction diminishes their relevance IMO.  Hope he isn't our next President but also hope an election is the reason.




    In the past the GOP always played it much 'fairer' and when in power they did their job - manage the country for all the US people. That aint gonna happen anymore after what has happened to Trump and his Supporters - partisan weaponisation of the Justice and Parliamentary system. If you do not think that the reason they called the 'pitch invasion' by unarmed people an 'Insurrection', then you are extremely politically naïve. They have done that and charged all those unarmed walk-ins and jailed many innocent people, for one reason only - to stop Trump being POTUS again if/when they can get him convicted of starting the so called 'Insurrection'.  These minor charges of book keeping errors and omissions will not stop him running, but if he had been convicted of starting the 'Insurrection' then he would not be allowed to run for POTUS. Yes the Dems are that bad - they will destroy the lives of right wing US people who were just stupid/silly, in order to stop Trump.


  6. 3 hours ago, JCauto said:

    What could possibly go wrong when the Thai commission, build and operate a nuclear power plant? Let's think for a second....

    1. To showcase national pride, they hire local graduates from the Physics Dept. to design a new Thai-style nuclear power plant that will be "unique and the first of its kind in the entire world".
    2. They treat it like every other infrastructure project and it turns into an aircraft carrier-sized nightmare of epic proportions as mismatched and sub-standard parts are procured on separate contracts and critical systems are cut out by the lowest bidders. A Frankenstein's Monster is the resulting design.
    3. They actually build the thing and turn it on.
    4. The idiot third cousin twice-removed of the local bigwig gets assigned to the safety officer position and proceeds to use all the budget to fund his string of girls and fancy cars while no safety measures are actually put in place. He gets promoted to run the place after an inquiry while the only technical person involved in the entire project has it pinned on him and gets sent to prison. 
    5. The contaminated materials get carelessly disposed and local charlatans latch onto it and start packaging the waste as skin whitener so widespread radiation contamination occurs throughout the country.
    6. They have a party for the New Year and wreck the place in a drunken free-for-all while forgetting to turn the coolant stream back on after they leave so it melts down.


    Judging by how they dealt with all that Cobalt materiuals - your list is not far fetched at all.

    If they just emply oiverseas expertrts then all is good - even the Chinese - but if/when Thais take over running it, not a good thing IMO.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    The convicted felon will likely be calling on his cult members to rise up and commit violence on his behalf, just as he did on 6 January 2021.


    Being his goober has already landed around 480 of his cult in prison, with more to follow.


    One wonders if any of his non-incarcerated cult recognizes that reality, and will now say, "after you, oh messiah".


    It takes very little imagination to think that right now there are folks trying to find the names and addresses of the 12 jurors in order to make that info public and encourage violence by the convicted felon's supporters.


    There is even a Forum member who posted a puffed up warning, saying his side has the guns, and those who oppose the felon should be afraid. Violence or its threat is what they think gives them power, when they are just becoming increasingly impotent.

    BLM, Antifa, Clinton losing riots, Hamas demos in schools, etc etc ??  It is the Left that is violent.  So delusional with TDS cannot see reality.

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