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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. He staged a coup attempt. He tried to disenfranchise 78 million voters and install himself as an authoritarian dictator. I don't understand not understanding.
  2. More like the most toxic corrupt grifter in world history.
  3. A bit naive. Many will do multiple drugs. I agree pot is on the lower end of danger.
  4. Of course they were. Of course it will increase.
  5. Sure thing dude. Stand back and stand by indeed.
  6. Right. Not welfare. But to be clear the system relies on many people never getting any or all of their money back! They are not IRA accounts. Like if you die before claiming, move abroad and can't use Medicare, etc. etc. etc. Heck if they wanted to be really fair which they don't they would let demographic groups with lower life expectancies claim earlier..
  7. You're obviously asking way too much of the Let's Go B brigade.
  8. One felony conviction is all it takes. The problem for Garland is not the lack of potential felony indictments against Mr. Trump but rather whether he has the cajones to set an awesomely consequential new precedent -- to pursue charges against an ex president.
  9. I totally agree that people getting unusually large SS checks don't need relief but for weird political reasons I don't see means testing ever being applied to this program. The reason is this SS is not a welfare program. The level of benefit us directly tied to a person's pay in. As inevitably the income cap for SS payroll taxes get higher and higher, to limit what higher income people get in benefits except for a maximum check level would be political poison.
  10. As with anything some people will abuse it. Kids will be using it in Thailand. In moderation no biggie but done regularly really not good at all. https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/teens.html I am happy about the de facto legalization. Overall it's very positive news in many ways. Also it's great for Thailand's international branding image. But still there will be downsides.
  11. The coup attempt failed (this time) but there were still many crimes in the failed attempt including the chief conspirator. We don't let off bank robbers if their robbery fails.
  12. Support for indictment is already strong and it will get stronger by the end of the hearings. JAN. 6 POLL US Supports Trump Criminal Charges by 17-Points (mediaite.com)
  13. They do. Normal for midterms but yes this will likely be extra bad. So what's your point? I get that you hate Biden. You can vote him out if he runs again which he probably won't. That isn't enough?
  14. He does stumble sometimes. He's not as sharp as he was 20 years ago. The voters knew all that when the was elected with an overwhelming popular vote margin and a very healthy electoral one as well. I don't remember any of this kind of nasty whining when we had Reagan who had Alzheimers for about his last two years in office.
  15. If he runs again, he and his opponent's health will be legitimate issues. At this point, he's the president.
  16. Decently informed people knew (and Trump did too) that this was going to happen many months before the election. What Is the Red Mirage? Meaning Behind Trump's False Sense of Victory (newsweek.com)
  17. In this case, taking a fall without being injured.

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