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Happy happy

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Everything posted by Happy happy

  1. I am currently looking to rent a different place to live in Thailand under a 1-year lease., Some Landlords (or their agents) are asking me for a deposit of 2 months and one month rent in advance. I thought I read somewhere that in some cases they can only ask for 1 month deposit. Would someone kindly clarify the correct position for me? Thanks in advance.
  2. Yes, another one...but what is wrong with some of these people? It's just going to make it worse for we other foreigners living here in Thailand.
  3. Does anyone know his current Visa status? What Visa would he be given on arrival?
  4. So in Bangkok the water throwing starts on 12 April but concludes on 16 April...right?
  5. Use the 800k in bank to qualify for the 1 year so called retirement visa extension. This amount is kept in a separate account in a Bangkok Bank branch in BKK. Currently I live in BKK but may decide to move to Pattaya. If I do move can I leave the money in the Bangkok bank but get a Bangkok Bank branch in Pattaya to i) update my bank book and ii) give me the annual letter for immigration? However if I do move and decide to withdraw the 800k from the Bangkok branch and put it in a bank in Pattaya will that affect the rule about leaving 400k in the account all the time? Thanks for any input.
  6. Can you imagine if in Thailand every day a load of boat people arrive on Thailand shores. They are accommodated in hotels and get paid money to do nothing and later get free education, health care, and housing. But it would never happen in Thailand only in places who give preference to losers over their our citizens! PS For boat people read= illegal immigrants etc.
  7. Yes and others are also being told the same by the RD i.e. no need to file anything. Though there are some persons on these forums who for some inexplicable reason(I will not ask why) are determined to try to suggest we all need to file tax returns here in Thailand even though for many of us that is not the case and never was the case.
  8. Yes the Thai authorities and no one else( including any unofficial guide) are the only ones who can clarify.
  9. A pride of lions are walking down a path in the jungle when one lion licks the butt-hole of the lion in front of him. The lion in front says. "Hey....what's the deal with licking my butt-hole?" And the second lion says: "I just ate a lawyer and I'm trying to get the taste out of my mouth."
  10. So quick question: If my bank statement shows that the income I have brought into Thailand is less than 60,000 baht in 2024 I do not have to file a tax return right? (remember have the 800k on deposit that can be used)
  11. Question: if someone is on a retirement visa and who is considered a tax resident how much income can that person bring in annually to Thailand before being liable to Thai tax?
  12. Yes hope u are correct. Though if your application is refused you will be out of time. And if they start to consider your app after 21 days does that mean its already out of time??
  13. No knowledge if anyone penalized or not. You make a good point. Though the immigration dept might say the obligation is on the passport holder to get his or her 90 day report lodged on time and if not done online it could or should be done in person. Unless there is a 90 day confirmation rather then a pending report no report is made. The fact of failures by their online processing system would not be relevant to them. TiT.
  14. Can anyone recommend an offshore bank account for someone living long time in Thailand? A bank account same like a current account to receive and send monies. And if possible get a Visa or MC card, credit or debit. But not an account requiring a large sum to be deposited. Thanks in advance.
  15. A few years ago I got a charge for around 900 US dollars on my Thai visa bank credit card. My card still in my possession yet someone had gotten my cc number and used that in the USA. I got a new cc. But it took several phone calls and many emails to my bank before they removed the charge. The whole process took around 3 months , Aggravating that the bank took so long to sort it and worse they allowed someone to use my card number to get such a large amount without reference to me first. Also the bank never told me the outcome nor did they apologize.
  16. The bank should be able to what was the charge was for and when it arose etc. The bank head office can tell you now the details of it and it is unacceptable to wait until 24th. Speak to a supervisor. If you get no answer or no satisfactory answer cancel the card and get a reference number.
  17. No you are mistaken. More scaremongering! The RD have told many retirees if their income is brought into Thailand and they are covered by a double taxation agreement they are not expected to file returns or pay taxes. I omitted double taxation agreement in my earlier post but most retirees here are covered by that. If however you choose to pay taxes and/or bring income into Thailand that is not covered by a double taxation agreement the position is maybe different. ps no need to argue with me: wait for the new regs to see if it is stated that retirees and/or those under double taxation are now expected to file returns etc.
  18. A number of recent postings here are mentioning retirees having to pay taxes: those in Thailand more than 180 days annually who have retirement visas. The current Revenue Dept practice is that retirees here in Thailand for more than 180 days are NOT currently obliged to pay Thai taxes. And are not required to file tax returns. This practice ought to apply even after the new regulations. And there is nothing that has been announced so far to change this practice. Persons suggesting otherwise are therefore clueless and are scaremongering and causing anxiety to many people.
  19. If for eg a long term resident (say with a retired visa) here in Thailand goes to another country for a while and then returns to the same address in Thailand, is it correct a report needs to be made to immigration: https://tm30.immigration.go.th/tm30api/loginExternal.jsp?value=EXT&id=657c36df0c9d6ceacf0463e0ccad3b0b
  20. Many thanks for this posting which is excellent, and you put to shame the tax firm you are dealing with. I agree we need wait and see. That said it makes me upset and angry that for decades those of us on retirement visas have been led to believe and told we do not need to pay tax here or file returns; but just because the government et al need more money to waste they will now try to renege on their previous practice and try to unfairly extract money from us.
  21. I was recently going through some old papers and came across what appears to be a revenue type card with 10 digits on it but all written in Thai. I vaguely remembered previously- more than 10 years ago -I claimed at revenue department a refund on tax deduction from a fixed deposit. Would the card be used for that?
  22. But you have not addressed the issue of persons living here long time with retirement visas?
  23. -Well, its correct. Nothing in the proposed new regulations say anything about changing the current practice towards retirees living here long time in Thailand. Hence the date of the article is irrelevant.
  24. By Barry Kenyon September 23, 2023 The fear that retirees and other non-working expats are about to be taxed on their overseas pension income has created a field-day for internet warriors, click baiters and nervous long-term visa holders. But calmer reality suggests it may be premature to start packing your bags in utter disgust. The Thai revenue department has recently stipulated that, from the next calendar year, “earned income from overseas” will be liable for personal income tax for those (Thais or foreigners) spending up to 180 days a year in the country. https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/moral-panic-takes-over-the-expats-and-thai-taxation-furor-441317
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