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  1. Cameron Highlands is one medium length street with a dozen restaurants all serving the same thali meal. Good internet, tho.
  2. Relatedly, I just left an upscale Yoga Retreat in Goa (Purple Valley) and the staff and managers had been there for years. If you're a yoga person and get that gig, you only leave to go to another such place, where again, openings rarely occur. The Indian staff were also lifers. Every two weeks, it's a different group and top teacher. Your life is yoga and waiting for Friday: Vegan Mexican Night at the buffet. Purple Valley also has a branch in Tenerife and in the Goa off-season, they migrate there. Mostly brits, a few South Americans. You need multiple languages. Similarly, an eco-resort has a different set of strict requirements and the same low turnover. A lot of smart and dedicated people want to live in the jungle and are happy to take low wages. I stayed in one in S. Laos. A few whities there were working there just for meals. There'd be a line out the door to replace them if they leave.
  3. Muslim-ness is a sliding scale so a fair few are datable. Plus plenty of non-M. I found Bangkok Tinder a dead end for educated women. In KL, I got a few nibbles. Housing is about 20% more, but higher quality. You can't toss a rock without hitting a Thai food option. Def crazy-hot. It's classier, nicer Thailand with no sanuk. So ultimately a pass for me.
  4. Only leftward women would ever have sex with me. And let's face it, you too. Go chase the Amish and see how far you get.
  5. I read here once of a brit restaurant owner who kept getting his HP sauce stolen off of the table by low lifes. Death penalty? Sure. I hearted the guy above who noted the wastrels who fill half a plate with it. What are the pro's and cons of retiring in Thailand? I'm trying to save AI a little work.
  6. I have to get better at spotting AI dross and not responding to it. Problem: A lot of English posters here sound like AI in real life.
  7. If he had 5 year relationships and 4 of those years were good, maybe they weren't all that failed as relationships. OP, you still sound a little depressed, and if you are a relationship kinda guy, do some real work (therapy, Co-Dependency work etc.) and get yourself some love. My new motto post-marriage: I'm on this earth for a good time. Not a long time.
  8. Prob worth a look at the Wiki and Reddit for Co-dependency. Short version: You hide out from fixing your own problems by endlessly fixing their's. I've been in caretaking relationships my whole life. Now I'm alone. It's a downer, but I live for myself, I love myself. I feel your heavy sadness in your post. I am free of it today. I won't do it again. And neither should you. Short version: It's not "inevitable". It's you.
  9. Post breakup, no longer caretaking, just living for myself -I'm living it right now.
  10. I thought all the women in Pattaya came from those places. How do they remain "untainted" when it's only a six hour drive away? To come here and right off the bat move to the sticks with no personal connections or language skills must be a rare occurrence. Anyone here done it? My private language teacher is beautiful in that cute Thai way and comes from Khorat. And we def chat a lot besides doing language-learning. But I def get that ultra-goodgirl, long courtship, blah in bed vibe. So give me a decadent fat whitie any day of the week, thanks.
  11. Can't fault Pattaya if you want a cheap place with lots of western amenities, close to a beach. If I were a beach person, I'd be there -as places like Ko Chang or even Phuket would be too small town for me. If you're not a beach person, it's either Bangkok or Chiang Mai. Moving to a place like Khorat without a GF in tow seems like a guarantee of alcoholism Did CM for two years and found it to also be a little too small town for me. Living on soi 11 with an air purifier working full time is the happiest I've been to date. Plenty of meetups, tremendous food options, the BTS and metro are a godsend to get anywhere I'd want to go pretty fast.
  12. As a former audiophile sucker, you'd have to be a bat to notice the so-called sound vibrations. Helpful hint: put mouse pads under the speakers to minimize vibrations. If you absolutely feel the need. You can also get little cones to elevate the speakers so that air can pass beneath them to make the bass sound "tighter". This too is imaginary. I did a blind test of sterling silver speaker wires and lamp cord from the hardware store. The lamp cord won by a mile.
  13. Moved to Bangkok, have been meeting older white women at meetups. It's my preferred flavor. If they're big in the can, I can live with that. Been back to my condo twice in two weeks with two reasonable candidates. No PIV, just fooling around. One I might see again, one was leaving town. Fear of herpes is huge with them, and given the whoremongering proclivities I see here, very understandable. So to her, I'm NOT a loser. To everyone here on this board, I def am. I can live with that too.
  14. During my CIA interview, you had to apply; they weren't inviting anyone. I got a callback based on a lot of knowledge I had about the Caribbean. Not to give conservatives here a coronary, but clearly a black or hispanic candidate would have been a better fit.
  15. Also, for a solo person, it's pretty hard not to fall into a few conversations a day here.

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