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  1. Umi Sushi was a deal for the money. It's close to the Market Village Mall, which is a nice area to stay in (tho on the non-beach side of the road). Hua Hin is sort of where S. Thailand starts, so you can't go wrong ordering a yellow curry.
  2. When I lived in Trump Trash Appalachia, they had volunteers stationed outside of Walmart Ladies Rooms to prevent Tran's from entering. Like that would even happen in trailer park-land. If you're gay or whatever, you're gone at 18, never to return to Nutbush City Limits. I said to one of them: "Man, and I thought jury duty was bad".
  3. I love how he wouldn't touch the Bible -since he knew he would burst into flames. Relatedly, his wife was wearing a protective soup plate on her head. Because everyone knows what happens when you throw water on a witch.
  4. Can I, at age 72, dare to dip down that low? OTOH, I had a lunch date with 36 year old Montressori teacher today from England. We'll go out again, so you never now.
  5. When I did a week on Tinder, I was surprised at the quality of Thai women on there north of 50. And to me, some who's 56 is on the young side.
  6. Ooooh. Another cancel culture sissy. Why don't you run - I mean prance- like the sissy you are to the mods and beg them to ban me?
  7. Given this is an anonymous forum, it's amusing to point out that you have said 100 times here that you would never date white under any circumstances. And yet here you are acting like it's a humble brag. Do you actually believe in anything at all, or are you just a grievance-bot?
  8. He's going to blow himself up with BPD-Man like they all do. He tomorrow's Giuliani. Already, Ramaswamy is eyeing the exits to dodge DODGE. This first year is going to be comic-epic.
  9. My money is split between dividends and muni bonds. My tax rate is 12%. I'll pay nothing in Thailand. Should be taxed much less than an Amazon delivery person who is actually doing something?
  10. Uh, I date white? I don't have to pay like you. Like, I can still even pull white? That's where we differ.
  11. Can't say for sure. But def some 40's aged women, who as my advisors assured me, "have seen plenty of your reticent kind". At a certain point, I can see it. No worse than what I saw on Tinder. If I were going to go down that road, and I might yet, that would be my place. Specifically the Hillary on Soi 11. Still un-tourist-hardened on the most touristed street in town. Lovely women, a real advertisement for Buddhism. Update: I Lined that Trump hag and to congratulate her on the inauguration. And laugh in her stupid redneck face some more. I mean, obviously. Apparently, she's getting the side eye at her church too. Just great.
  12. Is this like I know you are, but what am I? from my childhood? Just pathetic. Truly, deep, deep retardation. Do they have to staple your bus pass to your jumper?
  13. This is probably where I am headed. As to being the first foreigner, that was probably much more likely when you got here 20 years ago. I heard it's best to be #3. Let the first two wear her down.
  14. I'm here for laughs. You're the only retard here who thinks anyone here ever really gets their asses kicked in this dead wood backwater. Just such a deeply nutty, inbred conceit. So easy to rile. Carp, net, jump.
  15. Ok, then, assure us. What other than half-baked paranoia do you have to back up this very big claim? I mean, you are a retired government employee, right? Give us the deep state dirt.

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