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Posts posted by Prubangboy

  1. When my brother was a rock and roll bouncer, a skin head leapt on his back and was choking him. I leapt on the skin head's back and then we all fell down a flight of stairs. 


    It was the Public Image show where Johnny Rotten wouldn't come out from behind a screen. So more fighting at the show.

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  2. What's the longest you want to stay in a place on vacation? Do you still have multi-destination vacations? How long is your typical getaway or full blown trip?


    For me, 3 days is good, for say, Chiang Rai or a Bangkok BTS stop. My wife likes 5 days, so 4 is the compromise.  After 4 days, she wants to go home.


    I can enjoy a pinging and ponging trip of 2 single night places followed by a 3-dayer. For her, no way.


    The only way she'd do two days is on a long haul layover. As I get older, the layover is increasingly worth the money. We're doing Quatar on the way to Morocco. I'll do a China layover one of these days now that they have the 4 day visa on arrival.


    Somewhere that's hard to get to means I stay a lot longer.


    I'm going to a trad village in Sulawesi that takes 4 days to get to from Jakarta. So I'll book a ho-hum 5 nights there since it's such a schlep. At 71, those kind of travel days are numbered, so I am def front loading them.

  3. 7 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    Perhaps where you eat, or what you eat. I don't disagree with you that there is some good street food.

    But for the most part the quality has declined.  




    Fair point; I practically never have "real" Thai food, in a Thai area, at Thai prices. If you say it's gross, I believe you.


    Do people pick a lane and stick to it? A lot of people will eat in a food court, but not on the street. I prefer restaurants.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, steven100 said:


    you really need to get a hobby ...

    A lot of anti-street food sentiment seems out of date. I've been coming her for 35 years; the pad thai of today is def less oily. Everything is fresher. Local tastes have evolved.


    Last night, I had a pad thai and a papaya salad -from the place I mentioned.


    Health-wise, the papaya salad makes that meal healthier than any cheap eats I might get back in the states. A papaya salad must be minus-zero calories. I only very rarely don't order it.


    In Ubon I found my first Som tum only restaurant. They also had unripe mango and cucumber. A som tum specialist is my favorite kind of Thai food foodie snobbery.


    There's a woman in the Old City of Chiang Mai down a quiet alley who bangs out a few outside of her house (near carrot coffee bar). Is it really any better, or am I just inhaling the last of the ol' Lonely Planet vibe?

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  5. A piece of TrumpTrash was boasting about beating me up here yesterday. TrumpTrash regularly threaten people here. It's funny that I can't post certain links here, but this is allowed. 


    In 2 years,  5 such pieces of Trash have faux-threatened me over me making fun of them, including a much beloved autist here who did so twice. I laugh at these impotent, loser, hotheads.


    Pre-age 18, I had dozens of fights. I was bullied badly. I got creamed about two thirds of the time.


    One semi-funny story: I saw my mother's boyfriend slap her in the face. I picked up a bottle of Chivas Regal, and gave him a few head whack with it till he staggered out of the house.


    He was semi-mafia, so I had to go hide out at the YMCA for about half a year. 


    • Haha 1
  6. 13 hours ago, Middle Aged Grouch said:

    If you to to Hua Hin, .you will definately be ripped off



    I killed a smoke season month and liked the cheap Thai food there. Yellow curry was on most menu's which is rarely seen in Chiang Mai.


    Southern Style Sour Curry is also one you don't see much south of Bangkok. I had it every other day on a month stay in Koh Tao recently. It's a simple dish, but sour is a very hard flavor to get right.


    What is the most disappointing curry? I very reluctantly have to say Mussaman. I love the name, I love the idea of peanuts, but it's usually too sweet and overloaded with very blah potato chunks. 


    Why is Green Curry the only one that occasionally comes with roti slices? You'd think that Massaman would too. Maybe it's the potato's.


    Jungle Curry seldom lives up to its exotic-sounding name. Wiki says it's supposed to be coconut-free and a bit bitter, but Jungle Curry is the most variable in terms of what you can expect to get put in front of you.



  7. 18 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

    and if that is paid off what exactly is the issue? 

    Lying on legal documents is bad.


    Bad things get punished, not always, but sometimes.


    Even if you do a bad thing and nothing bad happens, bad things are still bad.


    Like if I go into the bank and give the bank teller a stick-up note and then I DON'T actually rob the bank, I still did a bad thing.


    Like I said, bad things are bad.


    Your -and his- basic defense is: well, not that bad. How's that been working out for Ol' Stinky?

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  8. 56 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:






    How many Bank managers or people went to jail because they did not do their due diligence?    





    None, am I right? Obama and his justice department did not crucify them to appear moderate.


    They therefore got off for political reasons. But it's not a 100% Get Out of Jail Free card. Sometimes you do a bad thing and get whacked.


    You pretend to worry about Microsoft getting whacked for doing a bad thing. The only way not to get whacked for doing bad things -is not to do bad things. 


    I mean, duh.

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  9. 25 minutes ago, seajae said:

    all this does is show the dems against the republicans, they both hate each other and stick to their own agendas and rhetoric, neither side is prepared to admit defeat or tell the truth. Before covid hit the US was in a good position going by all the figures showing high employment, low cost of living, food, petrol etc, illegal immigration being controlled and world wars declining, trump was running his mouth but there were good things happening that were verified by many countries around the world apart from democrat voters but then covid hit and everything went to sh*t everywhere in the world. Then there was biden, dems were happy to be rid of trump but things did not improve, illegal immigratin sky rocketed, woke policies were instituted, cost of living started increasing, wars increased, parents started losing their rights over their own children and were even hounded by the fbi but dems were happy, as a non US citizen it was apparent that even though trump had a big mouth he did do some good things, biden on the other hand didnt do much at all except appease dem voters but then I am not a rusted on voter for either party, to me it appears that there is no neutral people in the US and this can be seen with the court problems facing trump, they are politically motivated(this is based on neutral reporting and facts) and the judges are using their personal preferences for either party to reach decisions while ignoring/blocking facts & the actual law, the old justice is blind has become a thing of the past and it is now justice goes to the party running the case. The US has become a total joke with regards to politics, it is now a matter of either dems and republicans getting their own political views   pushed and to hell with the "people" if they dont agree, doesnt matter who wins it will always remain a sh*t fight due to the combatant voters & their parties that refuse to accept the truth and that everyone has a right to their own opinion & vote for their preferred party without being denegrated by the opposition. 

    Mouth Breather alert:


    No paragraphs ALLOWED (ever)!

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  10. That's why I like Nimman. The competition is brutal. A lot of the $5 green tea places are going to be donut shops in six months. We're apparently still a ways off from durian ice cream saturation.  


    A place like Sushi Umai or Ging Grai that can turn over a table six-ten times in a day is a winner among noble triers. Either you get hot on Jap/Chinese instagram here, or you're gone.


    Bon Jovi was asked how to get signed by a record label. He said, get a 100 legit paid admissions on a Saturday night (no guest list). The record companies (even today) are out looking with bloodhounds for the tiny number of acts who can hit that target.


    And so are Nimman residents who moved here for the restaurants, not for girls and not for temples. We go out to at least one new restaurant a week. And we keep falling further behind.


    Thai food Refuseniks:


    Can you chart your exit from Thai food? Did you eat it at home? Was it a slow fall off or all at once?

  11. 1 minute ago, uttradit said:

    Khao Soi


    yeah, if you want interesting-looking noodles and the sides beautifully prepped and nicely presented, it costs more.


    I had a 100 baht durian soft serve ice cream cone. It costs more than the regular kind of ice cream. And it's full of air.

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