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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. I eat vegan about twice a week. A lot of food I like just turns out to be very vegan: Middle Eastern, Burmese, SomTam. I'm good for about 2 servings of red meat a week, usually a burger or a something and rice dish. More than that feels gross. People who complain about vegans usually have the palate of a child. It's very rare that I am in a 4* or above restaurant and the heavy meat option even makes into my top 3 choices. About the only expensive meat thing I ever eat is a $20+ fake waygu beef burger. Had a good one at Gaucho Steakhouse in BKK last week. Followed up with vegan eggplant lasagna at Vegetaranie. The Soyboy Denouncer above cites Chiang Mai as a vegan paradise. True enough, due to my wife, I have been to every single vegan place. We had Japanese fermentation food last week, very light and biome-ish. Vegan food is a relatively new, cheffy kind of cuisine and we like eating new food. Meat and two veg is like a boredom death sentence. Basically, Californian Asian-fusion is the food I could eat for the rest of my life.
  2. My wife, my wife. Again. Send me $50. I'll send you some dirty granny pants.
  3. Nick, have you ever met a person who admitted to wanting sex with an infant? The closest I can imagine if it were an evil doll-baby like in the Chucky movies.
  4. Can we at least agree on hand sanitizing between good deed genital touching and oportunistic genital touching?
  5. OK, I'll bite. Has anyone ever heard of someone wanting to have sex with an infant? Me? No.
  6. Again, this baffling over-investment into judging the unknowable motives and actions of others. I don't know if the couples I see are happy or not; or money-motivated or suitably altruistic to my taste. Pretending I do is just waste of time. Whatever they're doing is fine by me, partic if it has some entertainment value. I like this place because we see the full spectrum of Thai/Western relationships, from transactional monger to late age happy dad. I take their stories at face value and I am grateful to those that share them. There is no place else on earth where you lhear about happy Asian/Western relationships. Meanwhile, Sparktrader is hot to judge, but shy to share about his own relationship. So really the most useless and parasitical kind of poster. His recent leg-humping about my own happy relationship is par for his usual course. He's probably a selfish lover too.
  7. Maybe I laugh at you again in your next leg-clinging iteration.
  8. My life is pretty great, enhanced by making fun of low education types who say stuff like pseudo-intellectual. Just a total low class retard. Love it. Great to thump you on your dimwit nose whenever the urge strikes. And really, I just mostly make fun of you here -and your new lover, "the cleaner". Otherwise, I'm a pretty high information poster here. Unlike you: Hua Hin . Nice Gyms. I love Hua Hin. Nice gyms.
  9. Only retard bogans say pseudo intellectual. But you know that.
  10. More he-man, wet-dream fantasy. I lived in Greenwich Village, Manhattan for decades. I met maybe a couple of dozen far-left types. You fear something that doesn't really exist. Just like you know your Thai girlfriend isn't really that into you. Your whole existence is just a disinformed tangle of misapprehensions.
  11. Fair enough. I love Australians here in Chiang Mai. My question to you (Sparky won't answer): Have you ever been Mel-low?
  12. This is your rote go-to whenever anyone even mildly questions you. Worry about that.
  13. I want to envision a world where I endlessly cling to what some old lady said what about this that or the other thing in Australia. But since Olivia Newton John faded, my American interest in your dying drought of a country has waned. While you still have your fetid nose pressed against the glass of American-anything.
  14. This is mad logic: "I was in a union. Therefore, every waking moment and action I ever undertake again must be completely filtered through that lens. And I better tip. A lot. Because I was in a union". You have no argument, you're not even mad at people who were in a union. You just want attention,
  15. You keep getting angst-ridden about what some some old women think on a daytime show completely around the world from you. What motivates you? What old crone way back when sat on your dumb face and hurt you?
  16. Yeah, Manhattan, London, Paris. Never go there. Wichita -you were made for it. 'Hope you love Jesus.
  17. This retard faux-outrage makes literally no sense. Why woudn't a former union worker want unionization and better wages for Thai people? On average, they would. Urging random, abstract, completely hypothetical and made up people to set Thai inequality right by leaving "large tips"? How likely is an expat to come into contact with truly exploited workers like shrimp farmers or cane cutters? What is it that you're actually mad about here? A retiree enjoying a cheaper than at home Pad Thai?
  18. He never had it so good living here, but he wants to be mad over nothing. So call that about one in five here, basically amping themselves into a dimwit frenzy over trans and other BS. Just to amuse the likes of me. I keep asking them and they keep running comically away: Do you even wear the funny red hat? Do you send him your beer money? Or is this, crying and leg-humping here, your sole contribution to your idiot-cause? Caveat: I gave the Democratic Party of NC $3,300 this year. Retards, have you even tossed in dollar-one?
  19. I don't get his bed bug-crazy crusade against Zimmer frames. he mentions them in every third post. He seems to be outraged that disabled people are attempting to walk. Why?
  20. What motivates you to this demented narcissism? Calling out liberals? This is a dying internet backwater with about 40 regular posters, mostly oldies with Thai wives or LT girlfriends. Let your clarion call be heard! Next up: The OP demands attention and is ready to settle all scores -on a baht bus.
  21. I remember the concept of builder's tea from my England years, but I think it was that they just put two teabags in the same cup. Most American have been drinking severely under-brewed tea their whole lives.
  22. The young won't bail us out. They are constrained by high housing prices and debt. They won't be motivated to vote for current high cost/no short-term benefit policies. They will kick the can down the road, like we did. If we hadn't, they wouldn't have to.
  23. Please up the insult game or I'm going back to Breitbart to taunt funnier mouth-breathers. American Spectator is another goodie to have paleo-conservitives blindly swinging punches into thin air.
  24. True. I used to read the reddit sugar lifestyle sub. Sugarbabies were always very unhappy about "experience daddies", men who'd take them out to a nice restaurant; instead of just drilling them fast and dirty at a $22 motel and then giving them the difference in cash. Tho one actually said that she liked getting KFC coupons too. 100 baht is prob a week of school lunches.
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