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Mike Lister

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Everything posted by Mike Lister

  1. Here's Thailand tax calculator, a salary of 2 mill per year attracts tax at 16% https://www.uobam.co.th/en/tax-calculation A person over aged 65 years would see an even lower rate because they are allowed a further 190k deduction.
  2. 30% is the tax rate for the tax band 2 mill. to 5 mill., it is not the effective tax rate which also takes into consideration allowances and deductions. The effective tax rate on that mind is, from memory, circa 22%. Also, anyone who intends to transfer between 2 and 5 million baht per year will have to pay tax but they are gong to be the exception. The vast majority of expat retirees in Thailand live on fixed income, far far below that level, as I think you know!
  3. I forgot to add, your new will should be written in English, assuming that's your native language, you don't have to get it translated since the Probate Court will request that, when the time comes. If you don't sign a will written in your native language it can be challenged in the Courts.
  4. In which case I don't think you've read the entire thread because it has made a number of things very clear that should set many peoples minds at rest. For example, the effective tax rate in Thailand is now known to be very low. The levels of allowances and deductions are also very clear. For most people who transfer 65k baht per month, there will be almost no tax to pay. For US citizens living off SSc payments, there will be no tax to pay.
  5. You don't have to go to Thailand to do this, you can do it anywhere. You can amend your existing Thai will by writing a codicil but it's easier to just write a complete new will and have it witnessed. Be CERTAIN that your new will begins by cancelling the old will and making it clear that the new will replaces all other wills regarding your Thai estate. "I revoke all prior wills and testaments pertaining to my estate in Thailand".
  6. I don't have an argument to make, other than nobody goes to jail and houses don't get burned down regarding none payment of VAT which bizarrely you seem to think happens. As far as helping the people is concerned, riddle me this: VAT is the biggest single source of tax income, followed by Customs and corporate tax, less than 4% of the population pays tax, only 11% file a tax return.......and you want government to give collected VAT back to help the people. My question is, if they did that, who is going to pay for health care, hospitals, schools, universities, social security, roads and infrastructure, and......you get the idea?
  7. More nonsense! VAT is a pass through tax, customers pay it and the seller passes it on to the RD after deducting VA related expenses. There's nothing even remotely mafia like about that, if you don't pass the VAT on to government then sure you could go to prison because it's not the sellers to keep and you deserve to go to jail!
  8. What nonsense! A Western expat population of circa 150k kept a population of 70 million afloat during covid, I really dont think so!! You overestimate the expat worth by a substantial margin.
  9. I can't comment on this with certainty, poster @stat touts himself as expert in this area, perhaps he can comment?
  10. A base, that's too funny by far. If every foreign who resides in Thailand, upped sticks and took the contents of their bank accounts back to where ever they came from, the GBP hit would be about 3%. On the plus side, Immigration Dept could be downsized considerably because there'd be no more 90 day reporting or long term visa renewals, this of course would put many visa agents out of work which is also not a bad thing.
  11. It helps build conspiracy theories that all governments are covertly united, with the global elites, to pimp the poor.
  12. Business people and commuters in Thailand don't want to be walking to their place of business and have to negotiate drunks and hookers, that is why zoning laws were introduced into Bangkok and the hours restricted. The bars may have been closing at 2am but the pop ups were littering the sidewalk for several hours after, now there's going to be both? This wont end well and wont last. For example, I believe the UOB head office was persuaded to move to lower Suckie, next the The Landmark, do you really think they will want to stay.
  13. Gifts from husband to wife are not taxable as I understand, I think there's an upper limit of 20 million per year so be sure to stay under that. :))
  14. I'm a Brit, if I went back there to stay I would get my State pension uprated but that would push me into the 20% tax band plus my US income would become taxable. If I stay here, I don't get uprated plus my US income is not taxable under the treaty. I don't like Marstons Pedigree that much! :))
  15. Unless you import more than around 65K Baht a month, you are most unlikely to have any tax to pay. I predict there will be a turn around in opinion and attitude once the coin drops that the effective tax rates in Thailand are much much lower than back home.
  16. I think he's wrong, the current tax year is out of scope. The new rules start with transactions in 2024 and the tax return during first quarter 2025
  17. CRS data is high level consolidated data, there is nothing at the micro level.
  18. If less than 180 days, you are not tax resident and not required to file.
  19. 100% agreed. The risk however is unintended damage, the shell might just clip a few friendlies on its way to the intended target.
  20. Let's hope they are not too minor! Seriously though, nearly 200 lengthy posts on this subject from one poster alone and not a positive or constructive word of advice or useful informational link in any of them. They are all worst case and many are doomsday scenario's. It's as though people want to perpetuate the myths about all the very worst of Thailand and I just don't understand why they would behave that way. In a worst case scenario, if nobody knows, remain neutral and wait for more information.
  21. I think everyone is jumping the gun on this issue and needs to sit back and wait a little while. It's classic Thai government style to announce the measure before the details have been worked out, before too long they will be and then we;ll know..
  22. Yes, the large downtown hospital is actually called Maharaj which is located near to Suan Dok Gate on the moat, for many years it was known as Suan Dok as a result. Both Maharaj and Sriphat are on the CMU campus and yes again, Sriphat is the private wing. Sriphat relies on Maharaj for many of its diagnostic facilities. The rooms at Sriphat are much more modern and appealing than at Maharaj but the English speaking reception and customer handling part of Sriphat is what most foreigners will find appealing. It is not clear to me whether Sriphat has its own operating theatres etc but since it has its own ICU CCU, presumably it does. My options must therefore be, Sriphat or Maharaj with the latter presumably being somewhat cheaper because of room cost etc. Nakorn Ping is the government District hospital which is located some way out of the town to the North, this is not an option for me.
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