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Posts posted by parallelman

  1. 2 hours ago, cnx101 said:

    Really stupid comments on here, could happen to anyone if their drunk can’t get in their home climb over gate or balcony, done it myself many times in the past, don’t drink much now so don’t need to do it.

    Yes, a six inch deep wound  is enough to pierce organs. Whatever his condition when climbing that injury has got to hurt a lot. Hope he survives.

  2. 3 hours ago, Guderian said:

    Somebody should translate the story about the goose that laid the golden eggs into Thai and send it to the muppets who came up with this bureaucratic mess.

    There is a Thai proverb which amounts to the same thing  โลภมากสวภหวย it has a couple of meanings sometimes pictured as a canine that has a bone in its mouth but sees a magnified reflection (perhaps in a river) and tries to grab it thus losing the real bone in the process.😀

  3. 3 hours ago, Guderian said:

    Somebody should translate the story about the goose that laid the golden eggs into Thai and send it to the muppets who came up with this bureaucratic mess.

    There is a Thai proverb which amounts to the same thing  โลภมากสวภหวย it has a couple of meanings sometimes pictured as a canine has a bone in its mouth but sees a magnified reflection (perhaps in a river) and tries to grab it thus losing the real bone in the process.😀

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  4. 14 hours ago, Excogitator said:

    A nice and decent thai lady from a good background is not accustomed to get physically assaulted, with no warning and for no good reason, by lowlife thrash like that swiss pos. Not surprised she has some kind of reaction after, also given all the stir this all caused.

    On the other hand if she is a doctor (of medicine) then she should know what to do or at least who talk to. I admit that there should some reaction to the incident but to claim PTSD is a bit over the top. Don't like to think how she would something really disturbing.

  5. 44 minutes ago, pelagicpete said:

    I think time is of the essence. It plays a very important part in the core of my existence. On many occasions I have deeply considered the effect on my life if it were possible to alter time, either way, negatively or positively.

    And I think I am not alone. People all around the world are troubled by the obtruding value of time itself, as it so frequently appears when one least expects it to. This seems to be a most regular occurrence that can be observed at or near 1100 pm on most days in the Western World.

    The Cry goes up "TIME PLEASE" in hundreds of thousands of public houses and ones life instantly changes. A tinge of sadness creeps in, along with a steady reduction of fluid intake, and an immediate dispersal of like minded human beings to God knows where.

    Time is not an unknown factor to many of us.

    Yes, it does seem very difficult to accept that 'time' may not actually exist especially when there are numerous hypotheses and ideas about 'time travel'.  I mean, although the Special and General Theories of Relativity tells us that 'time' is not a constant they don't actually deny its existence. However, there are researchers who say that the change that happens from one point to another is just that, a change from one situation/condition to the next. We give this a name, Interval, and we also add another property, a count. which we call time. So we have 'time interval'. An Artificial Emergent property.The idea of 60 seconds has its roots from thousands of years ago first written by the ancient Sumerians but since calendar agriculture was well established before then the root may go back much further. At daily level it suits us well. It gives us an order of things happening but when you go outside this 'daily box' either on the quantum level of the cosmological  high velocity level, 'time' loses that neat definition we have for daily life.

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  6. 20 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    If speed of ligth is infinite, but it is not! Just a matter of Time 

    No, that is Galilean thinking. In SR the the limit is 3x108 m/s and where both the time and space axis meet.

    However we are going off topic a bit. What meant originally is that while many things could affect the Earth's rotation and thus our clocks, it won't matter to other planets. So in that sense Earth's rotation does not govern 'time'. Indeed the rotation of the Earth was much faster in the past that it is now.

  7. Apart from Bollywood where Indian love and dance routine are the usual,the industry moved away from the so called 'heartthrob' actors, crime and mystery theatre types to action movies etc. where focus changed to the action rather than the actors. Having said that in ancient times entertainment was all about action and killing gladiators so I guess we have come full circle except then it was real and now it isn't.😀 

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