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Posts posted by parallelman

  1. 4 hours ago, eisfeld said:

    The reason why it is a matter of belief is the fact that there is zero verifiable evidence. Some peoples belief is a bit too strong though and so they think that such evidence exists but is being hidden from us by "them" in power.

    Hmm, I don't think it is quite like that. Only a very small % of those reports I investigated were interesting and that most people knew very little about what was more than a short distance above their head. The planet Venus was one the most reported objects back then along with lenticular-like cloud formations. (As a side note, it does surprise me how many people automatically think that people who investigate such reports are 'believers' themselves. Yes there are some but even here there is an ulterior motive... like getting media attention...while most are knowledgeable about Astronomy and related topics. It is also a way to get to know about human nature and meet some interesting people...well it used to be.)

  2. 5 hours ago, Conno said:

    Interesting. Not a single comment asking if they are already here? I've studied the subject of Ufology for over 30 years and without a shadow of a doubt Earth has in the past and still is being visited by many different forms of advanced non human intelligence. Granted I can't prove this claim with a physical ship or entity but the disclosure of the biggest conspiracy in human history is getting closer with each passing year. The evidence is multi faceted and with a high strangeness factor way beyond physical nuts and bolts craft with physical pilots from a distant solar system or even a different galaxy entirely. How about the possibility of interdimensional visitors, using tech that appears as magic to us and so far from our frame of reference maybe it's not even possible for us to fathom it out. Something akin to a human trying to explain an iPhone to a Dolphin for example. Both are 'allegedly' intelligent creatures but a virtually impossible task in practical terms. I should add that I've heard all the banal leg pulling comments before and I'm surely going to hear them all over again after posting this. There has been a few above already, haven't heard the one about Klingons being spotted around Uranus yet, but give it time the thread is still new.


    Personally speaking the fact that the hundreds of thousands of UFO or now known as UAP reports are dismissed out of hand by the vast majority tells me more about human belief systems and perceptions than if the evidence actually points to a non-human interaction with Earth or not. There's a bit of a paradox involved with the UFO/UAP phenomena. If you want your mind blown you need to look deeply into the overwhelming volumes of reports and sightings, after which it then becomes clear something very strange is going on. Yet to look into these reports you have to have a deep interested in the first place, otherwise all of your information and therefore your perceptions will be from the conspiracy theory main stream narratives and we all know how that works in human society. Money power and control.


    Personally speaking I don't believe the fact that non human intelligences have and are interacting with Earth has anything to do with the shock this would have on society that we are not alone. I think after getting over the initial OMG moment it would all become pretty mundane stuff. No, the reason it has been and continues to be the biggest secret in human history is the tech.


    Think about it. Free energy would turn the capitalist's everything has a price system on it's head in a virtual instant, the parasite class Elite want to remain the Elite and they will do everything in their power to keep it so. Can't have the ants running around free, they must be kept on the control treadmill or where will we all end up.


    Conclusion. Non human visitors, no big deal, their tech is the problem.  




    I too was involved with UFO investigations a long time ago and specifically did a report on VI reports (including those I investigated personally.) They were the most interesting cases because they involved physical analysis. Some got classified by the military and analysis could not be done after that. But it was clear that some defied normal explanation.

    However, I think the general point here is that we are really discussing Aliens being discovered and the general public becomes aware that we are not alone in the universe. That point has not yet been reached so that for the present it remains a matter of 'belief'.

    • Confused 2
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  3. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Well, at some point we might find some proof of alien life. No doubt the universe is chock full of intelligent civilization. Just not here on earth. Considering the vastness of the universe, I consider it sheer hubris, that so many insist we are the only intelligent species in the entire universe. It would not surprise me if there were countless highly evolved populations on distant planets.

    How can anyone comprehend the vastness of this universe, and say it is likely we are the only form of intelligent life within it? No. We are alone is infinitely more terrifying. If earthlings are the best this universe has, that would be terrifying. We are an exceedingly unimpressive civilization. There are likely millions of advanced civilizations out there. It would be a most astonishing waste of space, to think otherwise! It is a near impossibility, to a truly open mind.

    We are a speck of galactic dust. There are thousands of galaxies within our local supercluster, spanning 100 million light years, just in this relatively small part of the universe. Our supercluster is but one part of a larger cluster, called Laniakea, consisting of 100,000 large galaxies, spanning 400 million light years. Each galaxy has how many solar systems? How many planets and stars? And many somehow use their intellects to presume it is nothing but empty space. Why? Because it cannot be proven? That is a weak argument. We are the chosen ones? That is sheer hubris, and a statistical near impossibility.

    Just look around. Are we really that amazing? I should say no. Not impressive. We have not even figured out nuclear fusion yet, and world peace is a distant dream. We are just now figuring out less invasive surgery. No cures for cancer, tinnitus, and so many other diseases. Advanced? Barely. And only by very modest standards. We have no idea how truly advanced telecommunication or teleportation works, and we have barely figured out the relationship between the health of our soil, and the way we treat it. We foul our environment to no end, we use a primitive oil product to power our vehicles, and we treat our great oceans like dumping grounds, and we abuse animals and people to no end. We are arrogant yes. Truly advanced? No. And if an alien group could contact us, why would they want to get in touch with us? For an advanced alien civilization, it would be like taking a dip into the universal sewer. Not only are we not alone, it is likely we are one of the least evolved civilizations even within our own galaxy, much less the vastness of the universe! Think about our history. Khan, Attila the Hun, Queen Mary I, Ivan the Terrible, Vlad the Impaler, Qin Shi Huang, Wu Zetian, Leopold II, Lenin, Mussolini, Amin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, Pinochet, Kim Jung II, Hideki Tojo, Tsar Vladimir Putin, Than Shwe, King Abdullah, Trump, Bieber, Kardashian. Come on. Really?


    Why contact us?

    Why would an advanced alien race have any interest in lowly earthlings? What could we possibly teach them? Perhaps:
    1. How to destroy your home (and only) planet, and how to behave as if we had multiple alternative planets to re-locate to, just in case!
    2. How to hate each other.
    3. How to create war.
    4. How to generate electricity with spent uranium, that lasts tens of thousands of years.
    5. How to create social media platforms which encourage self destruction, hatred, self loathing among the youth, envy and move culture backwards.
    6. How to create reality TV, which tears at the very fabric of civilization, and appeals only to our lower nature.

    What else have I missed?

    Well, I do hope that there isn't someone reading your post that suffers from depression (joke). I like to think that we human beings are capable of surviving and proving ourselves worthy of note.

    There are some considerations to take into account...not all galaxies are the same. For example, there is a debate going on at present about Elliptical galaxies. On one side it is thought that Eg's are more stable, contain more stars and metals than Spiral galaxies like our own. Star production is slower in Eg's. However, more star production could mean a higher chance of Supernova bombarding any planets with radiation preventing life (as we known it) from forming. Galaxies with very AGN are more likely to douse the galaxy with high energy radiation again preventing life from starting. Like Solar Systems, do galaxies have a 'habitable zone'? We don't know. The current theory suggests that it won't really matter anyway and that DE will eventually pull the universe apart and some say there is evidence that our super cluster of galaxies are moving apart. Of course, one can then argue that there might be clusters of universes (not to mention other dimensions, Ha!)

  4. 23 hours ago, Sambora said:


    What was done to solve the problem in your case? Did MEA come and check the connections?

    Was the same at the place I rent except it was after some new wiring outside. In my case the tell tale sign was at windy times and at night when I noticed the line became a perch. Again similarly. it was a loose connection.

  5. There are many scientists working on data from JWST all in different "teams' depending on their knowledge and skill. Dr. Nicha along with Michele Trenti and Nicolo Delmasso were investigation high red-shift galaxy clustering and their paper was published last year. Earlier she was in another team, Takahiro Mori<deleted>a and a couple of others, investigating UV luminosity parameters. And still earlier in 2023 Dr. Nicha worked with  Michele Trenti again and a couple of others, investigating, and I quote the paper title 'A massive interacting galaxy 525 million years after the Big Bang' unquote. So the scientists move around a bit. They get acknowledged by their native country, and why not indeed, as for example in the UK various medals (named after yesteryear pioneers) are issued for work and discoveries. So perhaps Dr. Nicha will get some Thai prize. I hope she continues to help expand our knowledge of the universe and perhaps one day Thais who follow in her footsteps may be awarded a medal named after her.

  6. 16 minutes ago, uttradit said:

    Most scientists no longer believe in the big bang.

    Don't think that is the case...well that is if you are commenting on Cosmology. Certainly NASA still holds that view because it is based on Einstein's work and the present Stand Model of Quantum Theory. What is hotly debated however, is how the universe will end. But of course you knew that anyway and just threw a negative in there for fun, eh?

    • Sad 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Pouatchee said:

    geeezus... this guy has hot balls all around his head. committing acts of a sexual nature in his office? where anyone could walk in at any time? either something is fishy here, or this guy is a reaaalll psychopath

    I was thinking the same thing. On the 'fishy' part...another teacher heard some girls talking? l'd Like to know what that teacher heard and how the the parents got to know of it (via the girls or a teacher). Hope they keep us updated on this one.

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  8. Hope the young lady recovers soon. When I came to Thailand I got stung on the knee and shin/calf areas. I suffered some swelling but a couple of locals applied some local plant preparation.  I was okay the next day. I was told such preparation were only good for mild stings. After that I wore 'tights' and a 'T' sheet when sea bathing, which wasn't very often as I am not really a 'beach person'.

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  9. I don't anything about these two guys but it doesn't seem like they have promoted something insulting to Thais, they don't appear to have physically hurt or killed someone while driving/riding on Thai roads (non nod wink wink)...and if they are on overstay etc. then let immigration sort it out. I would have thought this type situation would be more appropriate in the 'younger set's' magazine(s).

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