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Everything posted by parallelman

  1. Point taken, but my comment was really a double point, which I admit I did not make clear. The 'coming out' was a choice too. The only problem I see, suppose 'Neeranam' doesn't actually like his brother's companion, as a person. 'Neeranam' will then have to make a choice, voice his opinion or not?
  2. Why apprehensive? Your bother has made a choice that perhaps you wouldn't have but how many other choices has he made in life that perhaps you wouldn't have. No need to change anything between you and your bother just carry on as usual. If you overreact one way or the other the relationship will change, which I assume you don't want. At times during the year you might meet and if your brother had a girlfriend she would get an invite too (I assume) so do the same in this case.
  3. Wife leaves hubby getting in boyfriend's truck. Hubby gives chase. Gun in hand hubby intends harm. Wife gets out of truck to plead but hubby thinks twice. Returns to his truck to collect package and says '...you left your dirty undies behind...' then leaves.
  4. Wonder if NongKhai will still host those 'mysterious fireballs'?
  5. Oh no! Does that mean 'Bob' will compete for the highest number of OP's.
  6. People should have the right to choose their religion But that right does not include practising the chosen religion at venues not designed for the chosen religion. Hope she doesn't get a job as Bus Driver...'sorry passengers I got to do my prayers now'.
  7. Hmm, perhaps the wrong question. New question 'Does Israel need to use its nuclear weapons. I think not.
  8. As far as Earth's history is concerned we haven't long come out of cave dwelling where aggression was needed to survive. Maybe in a another 100.000 years we will not be so aggressive
  9. 'As the employee’s attention was momentarily diverted...' Convenient?
  10. Do that anywhere in the world shows a lack of respect not to mention the health hazard.
  11. Another useless topic OP. Another 'waste of space'.
  12. Yeah, the British tourist are not going to like the Americans trying to take over their patch😀
  13. Has the Thai local deleted the naughty photo/video from their hardware? Hmm, I wonder?
  14. Ha, beat me to it. It has just got very dark outside and I'm expecting just that.
  15. Surely there is enough in the news for American expats to discuss here without some OP stirring things up with a one sided blast.
  16. 'Show-offs' Yeah I envious...I have never learned how to surf the waves let alone perform while surfing...champion status yes/no?
  17. Well, he does say '....more degrees than a thermometer...' High IQ, high ESP and more.
  18. Yes, a six inch deep wound is enough to pierce organs. Whatever his condition when climbing that injury has got to hurt a lot. Hope he survives.
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