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Dodgy Member

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Everything posted by Dodgy Member

  1. And after the announcement 10,000 Chinese military booked flights to Thailand. Yes, the Boden admin should be lined up, whipped and pissed on. Some of those filthy h o Mo's would love it.
  2. There's stupid and beyond stupid. Most are cut from the same cloth and others are bespoke.
  3. This is typical of marijuana threads. They start out with a news headline and quickly degenerate into the pro or con bickering. Nobody on this thread has a voice in Thai Parliament anyways, yet here we are on page 6. Has anyone been swayed from their previously held views? Most of my friends at home use marijuana and are upstanding citizens and what we would consider 'pillars of their community". Every crack, heroin, fentanyl, cocaine and meth addict I've known also smokes marijuana on a daily basis. Is it reasonable to bludgeon the good for the sins of the bad ones? I think not. Just as most of us can enjoy a drink or ten without bothering anyone, so too can most people smoke or ingest edibles without bothering those around them. This is where the marks should be set, not at the periphery.
  4. This town is crawling with degenerates, so where are the bible thumpers? I've spent an evening in the bars and can't believe the things that I've seen and heard. Where are the evangelical Christians?
  5. Who would loan this money, knowing that it would never be repaid? They'll print it into existence like is done in Europe and other parts of the world. These clowns should be whipped and urinated on, then shot so they don't collect another satang of largesse.
  6. Is laughing, laughing at foreigners who will be paying for his plans via farang taxes. Looks like the big man just gave you guys a golden shower.
  7. No to guns and cleavage, yes to corn holing and men felating each other in movies? How... European.
  8. Don't besmirch the board name you've adopted. Reach down, clutch the place where your testicles used to be and try to remember what it was like to be a non vegan man. If your father was still alive he would slap your sissy face until you woke up and smelled the coffee.
  9. Hey, Captain Woke You have no idea what was going on or what the history was. Those indigenous people (fixed that bad spelling for you) might beat the snot out of your woke gluteus maximus and taken everything of value on your unconscious carcass. They do it to us as readily as they do it to anyone else. Those of us from countries with large indigenous populations well understand why our incarceration rates are so high, even after the woke brigade holds us to a much lower standard than the rest of the populace. Before you chime in on me, understand that I'm a Metis and know of what I speak. The worst harms have been inflicted by our own leaders. Your low expectations and treating us as perpetual victims isn't helping. Thank you for the good intentions but piss off and let us sort this out ourselves.
  10. He lives on Pratumnak Hill, so you might be within the range his cleaner is willing to travel to.
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