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Everything posted by maesariang

  1. Debate polls? Nope. Proper polls take 2 to 7 days.
  2. Polls normally take 2 to 7 days He found 2 hour polls
  3. They ran polls in 1 hour?
  4. Bs https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/biggest-loser-trump-harris-debate
  5. An alien watching that debate would think humans are idiots.
  6. Trump was poor as well. I said already it was bad. 4 each. But we know Trump policies. We don't know Harris. Known vs unknown.
  7. You mean the bribes from mic and big pharma
  8. Even black women who said she won still don't know her policies.
  9. Still no substance from Harris. She is all fluff.
  10. Harris needs ABC to help her. She is too weak otherwise.
  11. Harris was awful and it was ABC biased. The mods love her. A debate on Fox lets see. Harris is too scared though.
  12. Nobody won. America lost. Awful debate.
  13. Undecided voters choose Trump https://www.reuters.com/world/us/some-undecided-voters-not-convinced-by-harris-after-debate-with-trump-2024-09-11/ Harris too vague
  14. Harris was awful. No substance and creepy faces.
  15. And to think the media will spin a story saying the debate was good. It was a train wreck. Harris is so empty and Trump just rants. China and Russia would be laughing.
  16. Under a coconut tree?
  17. She is 100% waffle. She should start a waffle business.
  18. It was awful. Best line was Trump telling Harris we go wake up Biden and go to WH and sign off on some orders.
  19. Harris was perving on Trump with creepy looks. https://www.foxnews.com/media/harris-mocked-exaggerated-facial-expressions-trump-spoke-debate-comes-across-fake-weak
  20. Hillary derr. Every lefty claimed she won the debates
  21. You lefties said that in 2016.
  22. I switched off every 10 mins. Harris waffle unbearable and Trump ranted. Can we have Vivek vs Shapiro?
  23. She was poor, very poor as was Trump. Harris had a dumb smirk on her face and just waffled nonsense. Trump ranted too much. Both 4s.
  24. Awful debate. Both performing poorly.
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