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Everything posted by maesariang

  1. Couch - proven false Eyeliner - proven false Why does the left keep up these personal and fake attacks?
  2. Trump is a young woman?
  3. Do they talk about Trump non stop away from computers?
  4. Well, many love him. Your opinion won't change votes.
  5. Too bad the woman isn't smart or interesting.
  6. He is a billionaire. He does not need a job.
  7. If Trump is so boring why do you talk about him all day and night?
  8. John McEnroe of politics vs Pam Shriver. Most forgot Pam 5 years later. People still remember John. Trump will be missed in 20 years. Nobody will care about stage managed Harris. DEI pick if there every was one. No votes in 2019. If Harris was male Biden does not pick Harris. The Democrats had 5 men that can speak better than Harris. I cannot support the Pam Shriver of politics.
  9. I don't. Only authentic one saying things most people agree with.
  10. I remember real politicians and real journalists not actors.
  11. 100%. She is being managed full time.
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