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Posts posted by bungalowbill

  1. Best and cheapest are usually mutually exclusive.

    Best is to fly to BKK and then fly Bangkok Air to PP. Not cheap.

    Cheapest involves too many buses and trains for me.

    A cheap and slow way is to take the overnight 2nd class sleeper train to BKK. Then take the train from BKK to Aranyaprathet, there are two trains per day going to AP. Stay overnight for a rest in Aranyprathet. Then take a tuk tuk to the border into Poipet. There's a free bus from inside the Cambodian border to the bus station. From there take a car taxi with A/C which cost about 10-15 US dollars shared to Battambang. Stay overnight in Battambang if you choose. Then take a bus to Phnom Penh the next day.

    Note:The Tuk Tuks from Aranyaprathet to the Poipet border like to stop at a small building on the way to the border in the middle of now where. A couple of guys will tell you that you need to fill out forms there(they want your money) tell the tuk tuk not to stop. You will know that it's not the border crossing because there's no one else there.

  2. I don't usually use this forum to vent but I can't help myself today. I'm sitting in Buddy internet because I needed some documents printed. You are sitting near the clocks, baseball cap and long ponytail. I'm and on the opposite side of the room and you are banging the keys so load I find it difficult to concentrate. Why do you have to bang so loud? Chill out...it's just an e-mail, give the rest of us some peace and quiet. Have a nice day........

  3. I'm a native English speaker from the USA with a CELTA, Associates Degree and one year experience teaching adults in Vietnam.

    If any English teachers in Phitsanulok, Khon Kaen or Udon Thani have any suggestions on job prospects in these towns, I would appreciate hearing from you. Suggestions from teachers in other locations are also welcome.

    I will be looking for a job after December 1st.


  4. made it to pai.. took me 3.5 hours including stops (about 3) to put on extra clothes.. i rugged up but was still unprepared for how cold it was thru the mountains on the bike.

    staying at the countryside, nice and relaxed and sunny and just what i need.. thanks so much all =))

    I really like the fact that the Countryside is in a peaceful spot and still close enough to walk into town. Enjoy

  5. thats heaps for all the tips people.. it's a very impulsive decision.

    the countryside looks nice.. should i make a booking or just rock up??

    I always call a day or two ahead, probably a good idea now that high season is approaching.

  6. yeah i'm talking about from CM.. thanks for the tips.

    any good advice on routes or just follow google maps?

    107 toward Mae Rim and Mae Taeng, then the 1095 to Pai, You can't miss the signs, it's a very popular destination.

  7. It takes about about 3 1/2 hours. It's a very nice scenic ride. Take a jacket and maybe even some riding gloves. It's pretty cold going through the mountains this time of year. There are places to stop for coffee on the way.

    For a place to stay, I like the countryside. They have a web site.

    If you like good Italian Pizza and Lasagne try Amido's.

    The Buffalo Exchange is a great place to drink outside around a fire and listen to the Thai band playing mellow rock classics and not real loud so you can still talk to people

    For a nice soak in a mineral bath try the exotic spa, it's nice in the early evening, never crowded

  8. Has anyone visited PB lately since his last stroke? He is not well enough to talk on the phone or type. His sister would like periodic updates on his condition to be posted on his Facebook page to keep his family informed. I'm in The US, so can't go see him. Thanks.

  9. Out of interest, did TV actually show it happen? If not, what is the source? I only ask because we've seen the usual media make a huge fuss over the 'blood splashing' in Bangkok which turned out to be not much more than a black magic / voodoo type rite.

    I saw it today on the Chiang Mai news. it looked like the monk was trying to splash some blood on a statue and the militray police tried to stop him so he splashed a lot of blood on them and they backed off and he continued his mission of splashing the blood all around..

  10. The topic of double charging has been done many times on this forum, it happens, accept it or not - up to you. You pays your money, you make's your choice but let's not let this thread degenerate into a Thailand bashing contest because then it will have to be closed.


    Moderating Team

    Thai Visa

    The reason they do it is to keep out the farang riff raff, I don't blame them. There's a thousand and one other places to drink in CM, like Crow Boy says if you don't like it go somewhere else. :)

    Yes, if you don't like it go somewhere else. I think that the Ops intention was to identify the places that charge more for foreigners, then people can decide for themselves to go there or not. But as usual the ranting starts and then you have to read through all the BS to find the places in question. LOL :D

  11. 'sleepyjohn' "i take it your american..."

    If your going to call out someone's nationality at least

    have the balls to explain why...

    more than a 'bit' weak dude.

    My guess is that he's trying to correlate the fact that you used an apostrophe in the word discos and you being American. I don't know why he thinks only Americans make grammatical mistakes, everyone does. Maybe he has a chip on his shoulder concerning Americans. Who knows? Who cares? It's best to ignore people when they start attacking your nationality on the forum, face to face would be a different matter.

  12. "The best pizza" for some people can be the worst pizza for others. I would never go to Pizza hut or Pizza company in Thailand or in the west because I like freshly made pizza with fresh ingredients...... not stuff that comes frozen in bulk. Some people love that stuff! Anyway good luck, I hope you find what your looking for...if your more specific you might get some more recommendations, but from your post I guess that you just want to get full at the cheapest price.

  13. I've never been to KL before and will be going there soon to apply for a tourist visa. I usually go to Vientiane but don't want to take the chance of getting denied or a red stamp or both.

    I need information about transportation from the airport into KL and a budget or moderately priced hotel recommendation not too far from the Thai consulate.

    Can I apply directly in the Thai Consulate or do I need an agent? How long does it take?

    Any other info about getting a tourist Visa in KL is appreciated


  14. I am doing the second level conversation there, and like you, find the location ideal. They are also very flexible in regards to days and times that you want to study, and always very friendly. And at the prices they charge, one really cant go wrong.

    How many students are there per class?

  15. I'm in Nevada right now. The downside to this job is that I had to buy special shoes for it, a certain make with a certain tread, none really fit me, so the ones I have have given me huge blisters, which are infected now. Kind of hard to work like that.

    Bummer, sounds like you are working for a corporation in a chain restaurant, they make you buy those shoes! Been there done that! Try buying some of those cushion inserts..they might ease the pain... and hang in there you should get used it...your feet will get better after a while, they need time to adjust.

  16. Well, I think it must be the magic of Thaivisa, but after whining on here I actually got a call from a restaurant I applied to THREE MONTHS AGO! This is after applying to about thirty places. Finally get a call and I'm working now for the last few days! Will see of course how it works out, I've not been in a position to accept a lowly restaurant job in a while, been making bank in the energy industry the last several years, so now I stooping back down to busboy for minimum wage and my feet are covered in blisters, but that's fine I'm grateful, and I'm going to put in my month and run away.

    This changes everything, will get my Silom apartment, will not have to worry about clandestine alcohol smuggling, I'll even be tipping bar tenders, and all will be well. But I will take to heart these tips, might consider getting a bottle at DJ, think I will for sure make habit of downing a few cheap 711 caned beers before going in just to kick start the thing. Stop in DJ, I'll buy YOU a drink. Okay, just some good news there, thanks for the advice.

    Congrats on getting a job. Bussing tables isn't as bad as washing dishes. Can I ask what state you live in?

  17. In Hanoi (at least) Vietnamese citizens are not allowed into foreigners hotel rooms. But conversely, a non Vietnamese gay couple can get a double bed in a hotel without comment. There is a recent update on Vietnam (north & south) at this page:


    As far as i know this law applies only to woman coming back to your room unless your married.


    It applies to Viet/non Viet couples irrelevant of the nature of their relationship as well as their genders

    I lived in Vietnam from 2002 to 2003 and also have been back many times since. There was never a problem staying at any hotels with a Vietnamese male...the Vietnamese don't seem to have a problem with it, and One bed is the norm. This includes Hanoi, also never had a problem in HCMC, Phan Tiet, Vung Tau, Nahtrang, Hoi An, Danang, Hue, Sapa, and one of my favorite places Dalat. We usually checked in together and were always treated with respect.

  18. I would gladly visit Chiang Rai if I could get a clean, comfortable hotel with a swimming pool for a good rate like I can in Pattaya. I enjoy it there and I can swim and hang around the hotel if there is nothing else to do.

    One problem with Thailand is room rates are too expensive for many backpackers and they find much better deals in other countries. They just keep going up even though there are fewer customers.

    Hi UG, Can you name a few countries where backpackers can go that is cheaper than Thailand?..Thanks

  19. As I mentioned in another thread, it is personal behaviour that helps spread STDs, not a physical place. To view one sauna as safer than another is displacing your own responsibility onto a place, a rather dangerous approach.

    Agree 100%, but my original comment ref the local nick name for a gay sauna in Chiang Mai (PB deleted it so I won't repeat it) should be put in context of the situation in CM. Unlike BKK where there is a proliferation of saunas, here it's almost the only game in town. I can think of at least seven Thais I know who are HIV positive who were (and some still are) regular customers and several claim to have been infected there (Two also still work in bars in CM and one has sadly since died).

    Before anyone starts screaming that this can't be true, how does Paagai know this etc, etc, I should say that I'm not going to go into anymore detail about the individuals concerned, or how I know their HIV status, so don;t ask! However, scientific studies have been carried out (google them if you want to know) which back this up showing alarming rates of HIV infection among gay men in Chiang Mai (also in BKK of course) and in particular sauna customers.

    The above is well known in the CM gay community, it's not just me saying it, though I'm sure some are in denial about the realities. Ijustwannateach is right in that what goes on there is no different from any other form of gay sexual encounter in terms of risk. But, it's the main option for sauna visitors in CM, it's thus rather easy to tag it with a particular stereotype.

    Ignorance is bliss; if you don't know someone's status you can easily convince yourself the risk is small. Whereas, if you know there is a high probability the guy you're playing with is positive it certainly focuses the mind :) Let me ask a question: how many here would actually have casual sex (even if it's "safe") with someone they knew to be HIV positive?

    "here it's almost the only game in town. I can think of at least seven Thais I know who are HIV positive who were (and some still are) regular customers and several claim to have been infected there (Two also still work in bars in CM and one has sadly since died)."

    Hi Paggai

    It seems like you have some very interesting, if not valuable information about HIV infections. Do you also know how these guys contracted HIV in the sauna? Most of the research done over the years has reported that unprotected anal sex is very risky. Were your friends engaging in this? If so it's not suprising that they would contract HIV anywhere they have unprotected anal sex.

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