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Posts posted by bungalowbill

  1. Long ago, I learned that I told inappropriate jokes about Blacks, lesbians, Jews, goat herders, and so forth. Because those jokes offended them, I stopped telling them, even to Whites, straight women, Gentiles, etc.

    Most straight folks have figured out that they have not figured out gay humor. They don't even tell gay jokes with their best friends. I closed the gay jokes thread here with agreement from endure (co-moderator) and after several requests from our gay members, because the straight people's jokes kept offending us (and causing deleted posts). Let me make it clear and bold and brave and macho:


    PeaceBLondie, what are you talking about? What insults?? I did not tell any gay jokes, mearly asking about opinions on it, and voicing mine. Why always so quick to jump on the defensive. I was not aware that there was a gay joke forum, nor was I aware that it caused any problems. But judging from the response I am getting just TALKING about humor and gays, I can see now that a lot of people would freak out if they heard any gay jokes. If I did have a close friend that was gay, I would not hold back on the gay jokes, just like I do not hold back on any other jokes with my friends. Cause thats what it is, a joke, and as a friend I would know the limits of what is appropriate.

    But jokes to make straight people uncomfortable are alright? Sure, ok, I see what you are about now. You are only confirming what I had previously thought, when I was hoping for some different perspective on the topics I mentioned.

    Hey Zeke,

    If you read the top of PB's post, he said he refrains from telling jokes about Blacks, Jews, etc...

    You say if you had a gay friend you would tell him a gay joke....That would be between you and your gay friend....in private..no problem

    However, publicly in front of gays you are not close friends with I doubt you would tell gay jokes. The same way I would also hope you would not start telling black jokes or Jew jokes, or fat jokes...this type of common courtesy seems like a no brainer to me, unless you are out to purposely offend people, which by your posts I think not.

    Are you offended by overtly "gay" people?...There are plenty of people who don't hide the fact that they are gay. If your girfriend's gay friends are rude to you, you should try talking to them, and ask what's up with that? maybe they are perceiving to get a smilar vibe from you??? There are also lots of overtly "straight" people. I think everyone can live together peacefully without intentionally trying to hurt each other.

  2. Do you know how to tell if your friend is gay?

    His dick tastes like sh*t.

    That's a very old one Scott..I heard that back in the military...only it was "how do you know if your roomate is gay"

    Anyway, I actually find this topic and these posts very boring, and also I thought these types of jokes were a thing of the past

    I wonder if this was a black forum would members say "hey let's tell some black jokes"

    just a thought..I could be being oversensitive

    If you look at the membership status of the OP, I think that gives a big hint as to the motivations behind this thread...

    OK I see the OP has been banned. Good.

    I think it's fine for a group to tell jokes about themselves....amongst themselves. This forum is not private.

    Gay jokes have been used for so long in a derogatory way and many gays had to put up with the jokes for fear of being fired from their jobs or harrassed if they objected and revealed themselves as being gay, and even arrested and put in jail if they were in the military.

  3. Do you know how to tell if your friend is gay?

    His dick tastes like sh*t.

    That's a very old one Scott..I heard that back in the military...only it was "how do you know if your roomate is gay"

    Anyway, I actually find this topic and these posts very boring, and also I thought these types of jokes were a thing of the past

    I wonder if this was a black forum would members say "hey let's tell some black jokes"

    just a thought..I could be being oversensitive

  4. 1. Low stress

    2. Great Hub to travel from

    3. My financial refugee status(see Blinky Bill)

    This topic reminds me of the SteelyDan lyrics: "Any world that I'm welcome to is better than the one I come from"

  5. Good question. I left my motorbike at the airport for several days before prior to the new terminal being built. Now, the motorbike parking is on the opposite side of the airport. I think it's still OK to park overnight, in fact it seems more secure now than before because the motorbike lot is close to a security guard post.

  6. I was at a bar/restaurant last night in Chiang Mai...They will be closed 14,15 16 Dec and then next weekend 22 and 23 Dec. They showed me the government letter ordering the closings...so I would guess it applies to all CM Bars.

  7. 400 Baht is about 8 pounds (for foreigners). As a native of UK I have to pay 25 pounds Woburn Wildlife Park, 17-95 pounds Tower of London and 20 pounds Madame Tussauds.....that's as a native! I agree that foeigners should pay the same and they do. However, if the UK brought in a law saying I can go to places that involve my heritage for say five pounds a time, but all foreigners have to pay full price I wouldn't complain. I reckon a one off 8 quid to a decent national park isn't so bad.....just be selective where you go.

    You make a good point, however it's not the same if you live here and have to pay more than locals. Your not a tourist you live here the same as they do. For example if you live near the park or a waterfall and you like to go a few times a month for a picnic or whatever it can get expensive.

  8. A friend of mine wants to teach part-time in Chiang Mai. His qualifications are the following:

    Native Speaker (US)


    AA(this is a two year degree from the states) He does not have a BA.

    7 months teaching experience at a language school in Vietnam

    Q. Will he get hired in Chiang Mai?

    Q. Can anyone recommend any schools?

    Q. Should he apply with a 30 day entrance stamp or go somewhere and get a tourist Visa?



  9. Geriatric....Did you ever wonder why the OP asked a public forum if he should give a mere 500 baht after he was paying a 22 year old 30,000 baht a month?

    If the kid came to my house bleeding or sick, I would take him to the hospital. But you have to cut it off or the requests to "send" money will never stop...unless of course you have money to burn...which I guess a lot of farangs in Thailand do, so you are correct..... they have every right to give it away.

  10. There are farangs that live here on less than the 30K a month you were giving your xboyfriend. I'm sure he and his family back in the village have put it to good use.

    I would say don't send him the 500 baht. He's probably testing you out...if you give him the money now, he will never stop asking you for more in the future

    Your new boyfriend sounds great...good luck

  11. Thursday at 1am around Chiang Mai gate a Thai friend of mine was knocked off his motorbike by a gang of 15-16 year olds with weapons. He was hit over the head and slashed..they took his cell phone and the little bit of money he had.

    His motorbike needed some repairs and his head and the side of his face are still hurting..lots of blood from the head wound but he'll be fine.

    He was just getting off work and going home. I'm not sure the exact location but it was near Chiang Mai Gate.

  12. The company card says Shipping Center 455, It's a small office at 80/11 Tapae rd soi/1. If you know the night bazaar area it's on the soi right next to a go-go bar I don't remember the name of .... ..Directly across the street from the new D2 hotel

    Phone number is 085-9777-599, or 053-819043...MR Ginn runs it and he speaks pretty good English

  13. Thanks Realthaideal,

    wasn't that a great show!

    Good info. I opted for a shipping company. I had 12 kilos which fit into one big box. Total cost was 2,655 baht. A very good deal which takes 2-3 months. I'm not in a hurry,. No customs forms were required, I just had to write "personal items shipping home."

    This was the best deal for me since I don't care when it gets there.

    Here are some more prices:

    Post office:

    950baht per kilo to the US (not sure how long it takes)

    Shipping company:

    By boat to the US 5 Kg minimum 1,330 baht(arrives in 2-3 months)

    By boat to the US 10 Kg 2,170 baht(arrives 2-3 months)

    If your in a hurry UPS will ship 5 Kg to the US for 3,738 baht(arrives in 4 days)

  14. I heard the Coffee Boy is open again after being closed for a while. A freind of mine coming to visit has stayed there a few years ago and liked it. Anyone know if the rooms are still nice? How about the bar? Is there a show going on? Any info is appreciated.

  15. True, I was a regular customer in that local 7-11 before I became hopelessly, slovenly debauched to drinking 200 ml per day of that high-class strong beverage, which is the only alcoholic drink that doesn't taste like warm piss or witch hazel.

    Right on, PB!

    I never thought I would run into anyone else who also had extensive experience in tasting warm piss and witch hazel but..

    here you are.. :D

    I seem to have no shortage of warm piss (we are a family after all) but can you tell me where to find witch hazel in CM?

    As to advertising alcohol in Thailand, is the OP kidding me? When I give directions to our village off Hangdong Rd, I tell friends to watch for the tallest sign for kilometers which is the "Johnnie Walker" sign... :o

    No I'm not kidding you..that huge 100 pipers was down for about a year along with most of the other ones around town(I drive by it everyday)....I don't get out to Hang Dong much so maybe it was different out in the boonies..anyway In my opinion they should keep them down....put something nicer up that would benefit the community, escpecially for the impressionable kids...I know a lot of you like to joke about alcholol...I drink too...but I know for a fact there are lots of people out there who can't handle it and end up dead at an early age....I think most of us in Chiang Mai know at least one person who drank themselves do death..it ain't pretty..sorry to be so gloomy but that add ticked me off when I saw it back up again

  16. Am I mistaken or was there a new law that alcohol could not be advertised? I noticed the ads for booze are back up again...specifically the very huge one on the building on Changklan rd. for 100 pipers. I hope the law on the time of day alcholol can be purchased will also be forgotten.

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