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Everything posted by Brn2Trvl

  1. Never had 'high blood pressure'. The most successful actions I have found to stay lean, feel energetic and sleep soundly for 8 hours is regular daily exercise: walking every day toward a couple of miles, stretching, some light yoga and just the basic Vitamin supplements; A,D,E,C,Zinc,B12. A plus if you can make protein drinks; yogurt, frozen berries or best fresh, protein powder, cut fruit, any other powder supplements that indicate to you. No drugs or prescription meds. No smoking. No alcohol. No fried foods. Grass fed beef. Organic shopping as much as realistic. Regular sexual activity. Also awareness of dehydration in the Thai Sun and take daily electrolyte drink from three store bought ingredients that all the electrolyte products are made from; Salt, Potassium Chloride and Magnesium Glycinate. It's a fallacy that HBP is due to too much salt. There has never been a verifiable research on it that shows salt is harmful. In fact there are studies that show the longest living groups of humans consume much more salt daily than the average American. Good luck.
  2. Same as throwing up: not going to put my hand over my mouth while trying to find a ‘proper’ receptacle. Don’t stand in front of me as I will be expelling. He couldn’t make it to the toilet and did the best he could so the rest of the journey he wouldn’t be disgustingly smelly to the passengers. It’s a funny situation, certainly not a legal one.
  3. He justifies their own disgusting human being existence, it makes it OK for them to be the way they are, the way they think, the way they want their leader to be.
  4. “So relaxed, playing on her phone like it's no big deal." style grace intelligence this woman has got it all how the heck else did you ride your luggage? on the freeway?? it’s perfect.
  5. Sounds like you should invest in a lawyer for advice rather than rely on know-it-all opinions you'll get here.
  6. Such an incomplete process exists in the rule of force that is followed to subdue a suspected individual. Here again a prime example of Police taught that a human life is worth less than an inanimate object and given the authority to issue that verdict onsite after a 2nd or 3rd step of non-compliance to show a license, or become my prisoner is not obeyed and then simply kill as punishment, when there are a 1000 other steps from initial contact that should be employed . Apparently a Policing person's day is too valuable to protect and serve as coffee and donuts are waiting.
  7. Finally: an influencer REPUBLICAN WAKES UP. 🤣
  8. Read what the article says: "Mrs. Tichila Buranathit, a 55-year-old street vendor", "If I receive the 10,000 baht, I’ll use it to buy ingredients". You should look for an earlier word or symbol that you do not understand and then clear that up in a good dictionary by using it in a few sentences until you are comfortable with it, then look up the origin of the word. Then go back and re-read the article. But as you will most likely not understand what I've written let me explain to you; she is a street vendor who buys sugar as an ingredient for what she sells on the street. Have a nice day.
  9. so the scale of idiocy here is if it’s a dog that mauls someone to death and if it hadn’t been trained, the only punishment for the owner and or the animal is to get the dog trained so hopefully, maybe, at great ofd s against it, it won’t maul and kill someone else: Kill and be free…the animal scale. Now the human scale; a man kills another human is not allowed to go and get retrained with guaranteed freedom as the dog is, but can and will most likely be put in confinement for years and years and years, and or most likely be put to death as his punishment. Kill and you will be killed: that’s the human scale. Is the dog ultimately smarter than the man? Is man actually more ignorant than a dumb animal? The dog survives the man doesn’t. Please kill the <deleted> dogs.
  10. lol, gotta’ love this legal system. Hang em’ high boys, I’ll be home for dinner!
  11. There is no natural state of mindfulness or meditation. It takes time and through that time one confronts things, and when one does confront something that is disturbing it is something extreme compared to the smalker, less significant confrontations in one’s mind. At this point, it would seem very logical and common sense that one would continue to confront that problem until they saw it as it really is and the significance of it goes away and therefore meditation or mindfulness as it’s more popularly called within the last few years should be continued until a good point is reached and they are winning. But I would think also that it is more likely an excuse or justification, that the individuals who apparently go psychotic or get deranged is as an excuse for their behavior in transgressing in one way or another that is not acceptable to the social norm. Or they are just giving up on meditation and mindfulness and that is their excuse.
  12. There is no retribution or amends one can do to rectify this tragedy; to himself, his people, his race or nation. He should be expelled from his living body in a similar fashion as he committed against the defenseless being whose life he took.
  13. Christinsanity strikes again.
  14. Smart move on the Thai governments part. All kinds of revenue from this. WAY smarter than the BS USA or BRIT establishments ( those tighty a__ holes).
  15. When you graduate fron Crayolas next year you can enter your design.
  16. Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war.
  17. Obviously not best to enter when the red flags are posted but.. people freak out and fight against the current trying to swim back to shore when the solution is to swim cross current, parallel with the shore until the riptide is not pulling out to Sea THEN swim to shore. If someone knows this technique, they will do it when needed. A simple graphic sign showing this technique could save lives.
  18. I think they mention Nationalities to embarrass as should be fine, and as well they are matter of factly stating,”Here goes another ill tempered, uneducated, beer soaked <deleted> again, <deleted>in’ things up for the rest of the expats”. Ya’ think?
  19. Being from the 20th on the list of most litigious states, guess you should know.
  20. Allowing non Visa tourists worked, sales went up. Now it’s time to cut the free Visa entry back accordingly.
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