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Posts posted by Hawaiian

  1. 9 hours ago, Walker88 said:

    Yes. And also Wilson. Your point is what?


    The agency also had Aldrich Ames, Edward Lee Howard, Jim Nicholson, and others who broke the law. The Bureau had Robert Hansson and others. None equates to agency or bureau policy.


    Now a question or two for you....


    Why did a country club owner and wedding planner need TS, SCI, SAP, SITK, Codeword, HCS and RD documents at his country club? That recklessness and theft represents infinitely more national security threats than all the names noted above combined.


    Are you aware anyone willing to put down $200K can join donny's club and would have had access to all of those documents? Do you know what the MSS is, and that an MSS case officer joined donny's club? She didn't join for the food, that's for sure.


    Any idea what sort of damage control the entire intel community had to do to determine what might have been compromised by trump's theft? Do you know what the term "exfil" means?


    Do you know what happened when donny showed off to FM Lavrov and Amb Kislyak in the Oval Office by sharing intel Mossad had given the US under the promise that it not be shared? Do you have any clue what such cavalier and reckless behavior does to other liaison relationships and even to foreign clandestine sources (who pay attention to the news)?


    I doubt you care and nothing trump could do would take away one iota of the worship you have of him, but the clown cost the country a lot---and not only the $175,000,000 the OMB and CBO estimated was spent by the US Taxpayer so trump could golf.

    How many times do I have to tell you that I am not a Trump fan?

    I have never, ever defended Trump when he has obviously broken the law.  Defending someone and comparing their crimes with others are TWO DIFFERENT things.  Thank goodness the agency got rid of you.  You're worse than a broken record.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Walker88 said:

    Yes. And also Wilson. Your point is what?


    The agency also had Aldrich Ames, Edward Lee Howard, Jim Nicholson, and others who broke the law. The Bureau had Robert Hansson and others. None equates to agency or bureau policy.


    Now a question or two for you....


    Why did a country club owner and wedding planner need TS, SCI, SAP, SITK, Codeword, HCS and RD documents at his country club? That recklessness and theft represents infinitely more national security threats than all the names noted above combined.


    Are you aware anyone willing to put down $200K can join donny's club and would have had access to all of those documents? Do you know what the MSS is, and that an MSS case officer joined donny's club? She didn't join for the food, that's for sure.


    Any idea what sort of damage control the entire intel community had to do to determine what might have been compromised by trump's theft? Do you know what the term "exfil" means?


    Do you know what happened when donny showed off to FM Lavrov and Amb Kislyak in the Oval Office by sharing intel Mossad had given the US under the promise that it not be shared? Do you have any clue what such cavalier and reckless behavior does to other liaison relationships and even to foreign clandestine sources (who pay attention to the news)?


    I doubt you care and nothing trump could do would take away one iota of the worship you have of him, but the clown cost the country a lot---and not only the $175,000,000 the OMB and CBO estimated was spent by the US Taxpayer so trump could golf.

    Interesting how you dismiss the gravity of the crimes committed by

    Ames and others compared to what Trump has done.  Please explain or is this information only privy to CIA operatives?

    And why did the FBI allow a Chinese spy to join Trump's exclusive club?  Could it be so that they could spy on her?

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, G_Money said:

    You still haven’t answered the details of your termination.


    Rather evasive for a chap that loves nothing more than talking about himself and writing long essays of misinformation.


    And you had everyone thinking you were on the Fast Track to Director.


    Embarrassed?   No need to be.  Everyone has at least one skeleton in their closet.

    BYW, Do you really think members read your posts?


    I admit I read the first paragraph.  After that ZZZZZZZZ.


    But do continue.  You’re great entertainment.




    "You still haven't answered the details of your termination."


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  4. 1 hour ago, Walker88 said:

    Yes. And also Wilson. Your point is what?


    The agency also had Aldrich Ames, Edward Lee Howard, Jim Nicholson, and others who broke the law. The Bureau had Robert Hansson and others. None equates to agency or bureau policy.


    Now a question or two for you....


    Why did a country club owner and wedding planner need TS, SCI, SAP, SITK, Codeword, HCS and RD documents at his country club? That recklessness and theft represents infinitely more national security threats than all the names noted above combined.


    Are you aware anyone willing to put down $200K can join donny's club and would have had access to all of those documents? Do you know what the MSS is, and that an MSS case officer joined donny's club? She didn't join for the food, that's for sure.


    Any idea what sort of damage control the entire intel community had to do to determine what might have been compromised by trump's theft? Do you know what the term "exfil" means?


    Do you know what happened when donny showed off to FM Lavrov and Amb Kislyak in the Oval Office by sharing intel Mossad had given the US under the promise that it not be shared? Do you have any clue what such cavalier and reckless behavior does to other liaison relationships and even to foreign clandestine sources (who pay attention to the news)?


    I doubt you care and nothing trump could do would take away one iota of the worship you have of him, but the clown cost the country a lot---and not only the $175,000,000 the OMB and CBO estimated was spent by the US Taxpayer so trump could golf.

    Exfil?  Seems as they missed someone who continues to shine the spotlight on  his brilliant career.

  5. 3 hours ago, Walker88 said:

    Ah, I see you, too, have no clue what the agency does, probably gaining your 'knowledge' from Hollywood B-Fare.


    The agency is part of the Executive Branch. It gets tasked by the President to perform some tasks, while also regularly collecting and analyzing intelligence. If a President or Congressperson asks for some intel, the agency goes out looking for it. Some Presidents value what it produces, others (like trump) only want to be told what they already believe and want to hear.


    Covert action is ALWAYS at the request of the President. Generally, the agency is asked for options, and provides those to the Oval Office. The President then decides and issues a Finding, under which the agency will undertake the operation. There are no "rogue" operations. If a major covert action is undertaken, it is because the President has requested and approved it.


    The agency also tends to protect the President's public image. For example, the agency did not believe Saddam still had WMD, but Cheney was hellbent on an invasion. He got Tenet to go along, even though at the analytical level WMD was not believed to exist. The Neocons overruled. The disaster followed.


    The same thing happened in Afghanistan after 9-11. The agency argued the US should take out the al Qaeda bases, but not bother to try to bring the country into the 21st Century, arguing it would be a forever war. Bush didn't want to hear that and he set the stage for the wasted next two decades.


    The agency does not get everything right, but more often than not, it does. It also kind of encourages two polar opposite views...that it is nearly omnipotent and that it is quite incompetent. Both have value. The nature of intelligence work relegates the reality to somewhere between those two extremes.


    Mods: I appreciate this is off topic, but there is so much misinformation and misunderstanding that---since those folks have posted comments---I am addressing them.

    Ever heard of Frank Edward Terpil?

    • Sad 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Walker88 said:

    People who worked for the CIA as case officers are something trumpers will never be able to understand: Patriots. It's why we take exception to a self-serving POS who tries to overthrow 240 years of American democracy, because he's a whiny little child, and who steals classified documents that jeopardize both national security and the brave foreign clandestine assets who put their own lives and the lives of their families on the line when they cooperate with us in the field.


    You couldn't possibly understand. 



    What I don't understand is why you have to keep on boasting about your illustrious, dedicated service.  What you fail to mention are the monumental missteps made by the agency, let alone the traitors in the ranks.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Scouse123 said:



    Who gives a damn - except you, on your one-man crusade to bestow the virtues of Trumpism upon us.


    You really need to get out in the sunshine.


    Apart from a few fanatics like yourself, most on here give little regard to Trump, his lies, or his perverted sexual habits.


    Said before and say it again, out of 330 million people, this is your best candidate that you think should be the top representation of the USA on the world stage?


    You're running around and Googling to find quotes on Joe Biden, as though anybody here really cares much.


    I can picture you now sat at your little notebook, typing away and searching furiously to find something good about Trump.


    Sad, very sad.

    Sad, very sad that it bothers you so much.  Get a life.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Walker88 said:

    Dreamers. Legends in their own addled brains.


    trumpers have delusions of grandeur. They came to Thailand because they think Thai women might not know they are challenged in a manly way. For a couple thousand baht the women will even pretend they're satisfied. Get a real date? The women have higher standards.


    Remember trump's reaction when Marco Rubio made mention of his small hands in the R debate? Stormy cleared up that delusion.


    trump owns the Incel demographic. They all come up both short and empty....though not empty-handed, IYKWIM.


    Keep tickling their fragile egos and they'll download images of John Holmes and claim it's them. One fellow I tickled by suggesting obesity was so rattled, he took photos of his clothes drawer with waist size. Imagine that level of insecurity and gay-ness!

    Why are you so obsessed with sex.  Most men who constantly talk about the subject are usually poorly endowed or poor performers, or both.

    • Agree 1
  9. 5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You could have included that with the original photo. As the person in question is IMO not a Palestinian supporter it could have been a set up photo to cast doubt on the protestors. I have no doubt there are plenty of fake protestors causing trouble. That's what the forces of darkness do.

    You're right.  According to Fox News, out of 33 people arrested at George Washington University only 6 are students.  The other 27 protestors must be part of "the forces of darkness."

  10. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You could have included that with the original photo. As the person in question is IMO not a Palestinian supporter it could have been a set up photo to cast doubt on the protestors. I have no doubt there are plenty of fake protestors causing trouble. That's what the forces of darkness do.

    Whether the person in question may or may not be a Palestinian supporter should not determine if this person should be arrested and charged for criminal property damage. 

    It has been widely reported that not all of these protesters are bona fide students and some have appeared at different universities throughout the country.  Are these the dark forces you are referring to?

  11. 22 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    There is nothing to say that that photo is related to any Palestinian supporter. You could have found that from something completely unrelated.


    In fact it probably is nothing to do with the Gaza protests as he guy is not a Palestinian supporter. You made a basic error with that photo.

    Seems you are the one who made the error by commenting without knowing all the facts.  All of the major news outlets have reported and documented the damage done by these criminals.  Seems as if your source for news is faulty or downright incompetent.

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  12. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    All I get is the photo which is from Getty images. No context or a way to get information about it.

    You need to provide a link to the article it came from. That's what I said before you sent me searching for something that isn't there.

    Funny how you seem to find what you want to find. 


  13. 4 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Technically correct.


    One of the weird anomalies of  American law is the fact prostitution is illegal, pornography is not.


    Hookers get paid for having sex in private. Porn stars get paid for having sex in front of a camera. What's the difference?

    Not just weird, but totally illogical.  Then again, many laws make no sense at all except to the lawmakers.

  14. 3 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    You mean the Trump Administration vaccine that Biden said he would never take, but then took before he was inaugurated, and then later said never existed before he took office, that one? 


    The same one that (allegedly)  delayed their announcement to benefit Biden in the election? 

    Supposedly, there were 50 million doses available when Biden took office.  When the production caught up with demand, Biden took credit for that.  What a snake!

    Pfizer developed its vaccine without government funding, so ramping up production was necessary to recover its investment.

    Biden believes government intervention and funding is the only  way to go.  Typical liberal mentality.

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  15. 7 hours ago, Wake Up1 said:

    I do not know why Somebody posts likes and laughter  on my posts so much and I do not know who you are. But respectfully Somebody please leave me alone and focus on someone else please. 🙏 

    What do you expect when you comment on a post that was directed to somebody else?   Quite obvious you will attract attention.

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  16. 4 hours ago, Wake Up1 said:

    If you were forced to pick one person of the two I am sure that Trump would be the loser like he was in the last election. No one wants a Trump baby or child IMO. Trump is the best weapon the dictators of the world have ever imagined. Truly one of the five most dangerous people on the planet Earth. 

    Who are the other four on your list, and why are they on your list?

  17. 1 hour ago, Wake Up1 said:

    Only President in the history of the USA to not peacefully transfer power is Trump. I do not deny that others including Biden are not saints or perfect. But Trump has caused more damage to our elections, democracy, courts, and has taught his followers the lie that manners are weak, try to win by intimidation, and he is above the law. He is a complete user with no morals, ethics and is like a dangerous TV preacher or cult leader.  It is hard to imagine anyone would want their child to imitate and grow up to act like Trump. 

    None of my children and grandchildren come even close in behavior and attitude to either one of these despicable men.  Both display a lack of character and are conniving liars.

    • Confused 8
  18. 17 hours ago, Walker88 said:


    While your argument has some validity, trump is unlikely to win over independents by admitting he's:


    ---a pathological liar

    ---a serial philanderer

    ---a career business fraudster (his previous convictions for bank, insurance and charity fraud just add to his negative image)


    He will never lose his cult, as they have never been rational, nor do they care even if he was a pedo or cannibal. They would just worship him more for 'being who he is'. His cult lives vicariously through him. They have no clue what his policies are, other than to 'own the libs'. They see via him a chance to forget the banal and meaningless lives they have led, and 'get back' at all the people who have succeeded in life without excuse. trump's appeal is that he gives his cult an excuse for being what they are: losers.

    Are you implying that Trump's mega rich donors live boring and meaningless lives?  Your description fits many other candidates' supporters.

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