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Posts posted by Hawaiian

  1. 3 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    This is a final warning, any more personal insults and you'll be blocked for good. 

    One more time, do you have any links for what you said about Israel saying this attack was outside the safe zone? You said there were other sources saying this. 

    I simply asked if you had any links and you refuse to give any. I've given you links proving what you said was inaccurate. Israel admitted this atrocity, through Netanyahu. 


    Wow, this is serious.  Threats and warnings are not necessary.  Just go ahead and block me.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    I guess that means you don't have any links. 

    No, I can't see his posts.

    Seems like you've got a problem. The link he posted happens to be one of my links.  Stop playing games and wasting my time.  Ignorance is bliss. This is not an insult, it is a fact.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

    Do you believe what Israel says? 

    Give a source as that's not what I'm reading. 

    And why are you defending atrocities? 



    Just because I furnished information that you were not aware of does not mean I am "defending atrocities."  Your logic makes no sense at all.  Already other sources are agreeing with Israel's claims.  You can believe whatever and whomever you wish. Ignorance is bliss.

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  4. On 5/24/2024 at 9:14 PM, retarius said:

    I wonder why when the UN investigated, much closer to the October 7th date, they could find not a single woman who claimed to be raped not any witnesses to any rape. I certainly believe the UN more than I believe Israelis or paid shill Sheryl Strindberg. 

    How do you interview a dead rape victim?  When survivors were found they may have been too traumatized or reluctant to speak for various reasons.  Same for witnesses.  Personally, I would never talk to anyone, I repeat, Anyone from the U.N.


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  5. 16 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday condemned Israel's deadly airstrike on a camp of displaced people in Rafah city, southern Gaza Strip. "I condemn Israel’s actions which killed scores of innocent civilians who were only seeking shelter from this deadly conflict" Guterres wrote on X.



    Israel says these civilians were OUTSIDE of the safe or humanitarian area.  Others sources also report that, too.

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  6. 7 hours ago, Njoku said:

    Actually most of the "Palestinians"  are blow ins from around the area coming to make there fortune during the time of British control, kinda parallels the Jews of Europe coming in during and after the war, prior to that the original inhabitants both Arab and Jew lived side by side I guess since Roman occupation days and seemingly in peace.


    Them Palestinians refugees from one of the Arab wars in Jordan tried to over throw the Jordanian king, Palestinians are  also linked with the Muslim Brotherhood who have tried to destabilise Egypt, hence Arab brothers wont let Arab brothers into the Sini, they fear an uprising, they say they have enough off these trouble makers already in the country, the ones in Lebanon are kept in camps again Arab brothers, sound familiar? they are only allowed to leave to go to work, gates shut at 6 pm, kidding, they cannot live/mix into the Lebanese community, I wonder why?  Because these people whom many feel sorry for are troublemakers, everywhere they go they cause trouble.


    One European country forget who now have criminal data to show these wonderful riotous Palestinians have an alarming high degree of ending up in jail, much much higher than the norm.


    Another thing people here seem to over look Hamas and Iran and Palestinians are calling this a holy war, in fact everything they do against Israel its a religious war, Bin laden anyone? Do you think they will stop once they have the from the river to the sea land? Islam was created by the sword...read up about it...


    Anyone really belive the major player as in France etc want this war to stop? No they dont, they say one thing publicly and send bullets and bombs on the next ship out of port, delusional people sucked in by press....why dont they focus on what's going on in the country besides us here, or in Africa a bit more....


    As you describe, Iran is the key player in all of this.  Without their sponsorship of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and other terrorist organizations the situation in the Middle East, and Africa for that matter, would be less chaotic.  Since the mullahs took over Iran has been stoking the fires of religious fanaticism fueling instability in this part of the world.  Nothing will change until the theocracy in Tehran is removed.  The big question is how to accomplish this without major military intervention.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    That's quite true that America which is seen as a beacon of democracy elected Trump even though majority of the population don't want him to be President. Kind of like Mynmar who choose their President by electoral college votes in the lower and upper houses full of the nation's military. . 

    Come November we will see what the majority of Americans want.

  8. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I was going to post about that. Seems israel has finally gone too far, but will it be enough?


    From the news on Al Jazeera even the White House is making noises about how awful it was.



    France's Macron: 'These operations must stop'

    ‘No longer justifiable’: Israel faces international condemnation for strike in Rafah

    Palestinian Authority, Egypt accuse Israel of deliberately targeting civilians at displaced people camp; EU’s Borrell ‘horrified’; Qatar says strike could hinder hostage talks


    It's all starting to fall apart for netanyahu



    A member of Egypt's security forces was killed in a shooting incident near the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip and an investigation is under way, Egypt's military spokesperson said in a statement on Monday.






    Israel claims the strike was outside of the designated safe or humanitarian area.

    It remains to be seen whether this is correct or not.  All civilians deaths are tragic.  However, Hamas hides within the civilian population knowing that civilian deaths garner sympathy.  Of course, the media plays it for what it's worth.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Tug said:

    Well sure he’s a threat to our democracy,it’s that simple.i think the acronym you are experiencing is Trump Delusion Syndrome the majority of us see him for what he is.Hillary like it or not was the better person for the job as the majority of Americans thought trump eked out the win via the electoral college and we paid the price 

    The simple fact is that many Americans disagree with your opinion.  If you don't believe me, just look at the recent polls. 

    As far as the electoral college goes, those are the rules whether you agree or not.

  10. 4 hours ago, placeholder said:

    I can see it's really difficult for some people to wrap their minds around the plain English of Hanugama's claim that Hamas was stealing most of the food aid. No evidence, just assertions.

    And even on commonsense grounds your claims fail. There are about 2 million people in Gaza. Why would Hamas be stealing most of the food to feed its fighters who were reckoned to number 30,000 before the war. Even with the strangulated quantity that Israel allows into Gaza, that doesn't literally add up. . I remember well the "it stands to reason" arguments like yours were made to justify invading Iraq.

    "It stands to reason", except I happened to be against the American invasion of Iraq.  The U.S. foolishly let Saddam's army escape after fleeing from Kuwait.

    You need to ask the Hamas leadership about the diversion of food and other supplies.  If Hamas is willing to use civilians as human shields why would they hesitate depriving them of food?  When you are critically short of food every bit counts.  Who's lacking common sense now?

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