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Posts posted by Hawaiian

  1. 14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


    sending a few drones that don't do a lot of damage, but disrupt israeli life, and their economy, plus, of course, instilling fear in the population, something the Palestinians know well, from the israeli occupiers.


    One wonders if netanyahu considered that the Iranians would not dare to attack israel directly, or if he hoped they would.

    IMO he wants the US directly involved against Iran.



    I would not call over a hundred drones "a few."  Next are missiles.  Evidently, the launches are timed as so  the air defensive systems in place supposedly will be overwhelmed.  As just reported, the U.S. is already shooting down UAVs over Iraq and elsewhere.

    The U.S. and other allies have publicly announced they will stand behind Israel, whatever that means.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Brickleberry said:


    This is just wrong on so many levels.



    misogynistic - only men may become priests, women are property and must give sex to their husbands.

    homophobic - gays are not allowed in the bible, it is a cardinal sin. They should be killed according to the bible

    barbaric - how many holy wars did various British kings start? Did you see what the Brits did in the Philippines, crucifixions, hangings, beheading etc.
    supremacist ideology - The god given right to colonize any lands the Brits wished to and convert them to Christianity, slavery


    In essence, the middle eastern world has not caught up with western civilization yet. I mean, it was only 94 years ago that women were given the right to vote in the UK, blacks given the right to vote in 1965 in the USA etc. Western liberalization is quite a new thing - gay sex etc was illegal until VERY recently in Scotland - 1980.   

    History shows that a recipe for disaster is mixing religion and politics.  Oops. Shouldn't have used the word "history."

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Cory1848 said:

    Well, from what I see online, people who identify as “Muslim” make up 6.5 percent of the UK population, and the number of those who hold fanatical beliefs would be much less, so to hyperventilate about “[Muslim] religious fanatics taking over” seems excessive. That said, the large numbers of UK Muslims who sympathize with Hamas and deny their attack on Israel is indeed alarming. This, however, speaks more to the growing influence of disinformation more generally, not only in the UK but around the world. There would be ways to counter that disinformation and educate people, which might require some patience but would be far preferable to the mass deportations that you advocate (I assume, in your veiled threat: why not just say what’s on your mind?), and all the human misery and violence such deportations would entail.

    Looks like you have allowed YOUR imagination to run wild. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  4. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I live in Bangkok in peace together with people from many religions, including Muslims. 

    Sometimes I also ride with my bike through an area in Bangkok with mosques and synagogues and Muslims and jews walking peacefully in the same streets. Apparently it is possible to live peaceful together. 

    Hmm.  I wonder if the Thai constitution has anything to do with this. 

  5. 21 minutes ago, Presnock said:

    Live in a Muslim Country in the fundamentalist areas - where the majority of the citizens live.  I did for a couple of years.  Had what I considered to be more than just acquaintances.  Was invited to their houses for meals and meetings with their families.  Some with teen-aged female children tried to convince me to adopt the girl and take them away from the country!  They indicated that male children at the age of 4 are taken regularly to the mosque for indoctrination and hatred of the non-believers, especially America and Europe.  Driving to work one day instead of using an official vehicle, at a red-light, I refused to stop as we had been warned of possible terrorist activities while the official van was right behind me.  Their local driver stopped at the light, a car pulled up in front of them, the driver of which stepped out with a pistol and fired at the van - the driver put his body/head under the dash, meanwhile a passenger got out of the car,  armed with an K-47 and shot each of my friends 5 times before climbing back into the car and they drove away.  On the opposite lane also stopped at the light was a pickup loaded with local police and they did not even bother to come over an check out the van and its occupants.  fortunately, the first American shot was hit with arm, leg, foot and grazed head - head wounds bleed profusely usually as his did so the shooter thought that he was dead as were the other two but he told the local driver to immediately go the the hospital.  These were not the first Westerners to be killed by Muslim radicals nor are they the last.  I spent an additional 6 months there after the shooting.  There was a quiet but huge smile about the killings of non-believers.  Those pouring into the US unrestricted almost, don't assimilate into US society/culture but try to change their local area to be like that which they left.  Women are slaves to them.  Some areas now have enough immigrants that they can even elect one of their own into our law-making bodies.  I have also been in Indonesia, the largest Muslim population - in the capital it used to be when I was there like any western city as far as dress and position of the women.  But horror stories also come out of some of the island where Muslim radicals control that area.  I am sure that there are"good" Muslims that have not been radicalized but I would never bet on that.  Sorry for the negative verbiage but every now an then about this time of year I recall the shootings of friends.

    No need to apologize for recalling what you have experienced.  Unfortunately, most of the world's Muslim population, when given the choice, follow the rules of Islam; rules that discriminate against women, the LGBTQ community and non-believers. Many times violating the rules involves extremely harsh punishment including the death penalty.

    • Agree 1
  6. 4 hours ago, zhounan said:

    China is pumping its army at incredible rhythm. It's already too late for the US to try to stop it's frankenstein, especially because US relocated the manufacturing there.

    China is sending mixed signals to the U.S. and others.  On one hand Xi is wooing American businesses and investors and on the other hand exist bans are on an alarming rise.

    How and when China will use its increasing military power is also an another alarming issue.  Doing nothing will only encourage more brazen acts in the South China Sea.

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  7. 10 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    If farm owners don’t hire illegals, illegals wouldn’t be picking berries. 

    You must have missed my reply to Presto.  There is no easy and simple solution to this problem that needs to be addressed by a sorry to say, dysfunctional Congress.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 35 minutes ago, Emdog said:

    Those who moan and groan that costs for schools etc are higher yet fail to note that the illegal immigrants take jobs native born don't want (when was the last time you picked berries?) and have taxes and social security taxes deducted from paychecks. Being illegals, they can't have a "real" SSN, so all their payments are gravy to treasury. No refunds on tax returns, either, I'd think.

    Contrary to the propaganda on Fox, US leads all major economies on growth after covid. THere are real world data, not just anecdotal fluff right wingers go for.

    Why are you defending these illegals?  Who invited them here to pick berries and break our laws?

    They broke the law coming here and broke another law by providing a fake SSN.


    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Presto said:

    Why do you call them Biden's newcomers? I would think it's the employers who happily employ and abuse cheaper labor and never get punished for it that's got be told something. By the way, without cheap illegal labor, consumers would be whining even more bout grocery prices, and stockholders would be unhappy with lower profits. The American way.

    This is JB's latest label for illegal immigrants.


    Speak for yourself.  I don't think using "cheap illegal labor" to keep prices down is the American way.  Personally, I think it is very wrong and employers caught knowingly hiring illegals should be dealt with very harshly.  Not just fines, but jail time.

    • Like 1
  10. 28 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

    Do you really want Trump murdered as I expect he would be the first target?


    33 minutes ago, Hawaiian said:

    Those participating in the January 6 event were a diverse group of Americans who were venting their frustration about everything that is wrong about the nation.  I believe most were there not to overturn the election, but to voice their concerns about Joe Biden's agenda.  Now that Biden has done what they feared he would do his reelection may well trigger anarchy.  And yes, Trump may very well be the catalyst.


    A similar perspective about the chances of civil war.


    • Haha 1
  11. 10 hours ago, candide said:

    Did they ask the right question? A better question would have been: why did a judge approve the search warrant?

    A much better question is, it wise to refuse a request from the attorney general, especially one like Merrick Garland?  This is the same Merrick Garland that went after parents for questioning what was going on in our educational system.  Incidentally, this was also one of complaints voiced in the emails sent to the Ombudsman.

  12. Bloomberg News has just published an article about dissension in the ranks of the FBI, which by their own admission is fairly widespread.  This is documented by emails from FBI employees to their own Office of the Ombudsman.

    Among the complaints are why "the FBI served a Search Warrant on a former president."  One email suggests this could have been done more discreetly and this action was most likely politically motivated.  It goes on to complain how this has generated threats and security concerns for agents and their families.

    The article goes on further on how Director Christopher has attempted to do damage control.


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