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Posts posted by Hawaiian

  1. 6 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Actually the Qatar is the latest:


    Israel Discusses Qatari Proposal to End Gaza War

    Israel is considering a new Qatari proposal aimed at ending the war and withdrawing the Israeli army from the Gaza Strip in exchange for releasing all Israeli detainees and exiling Hamas leaders from the enclave.

    Hamas did not immediately comment, but informed sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that the movement would reject the proposal if it were true.


    Thank you.   I didn't see anything in the article about an Israeli acceptance, rejection or counter proposal.

  2. 34 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    As far as I know the Israeli offer of a ceasefire is predicated on unconditional surrender and release of the hostages. They aren't negotiating in good faith if that's true.

    The latest attempt at a ceasefire was a plan proposed by Egypt.  So far neither side has accepted or made a counter proposal.


    • Thanks 1
  3. 12 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    As a British taxpayer I paid towards those - for the expat Thai armchair generals cheering on from their bar stools moaning about Thai tax I will receive donations.

    The whole world will pay in one way or another, whether it be in shortages of critical supplies or higher prices for those goods that are available. And if the Red Sea shipping lanes remains shut down for a prolonged period of time it will most likely lead to job losses and corresponding problems.  


    • Like 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, retarius said:

    Exactly my point, some ships have been damaged....but I have only read of one dead. If there were many ship hands dead, you would have read about it as it would have been hyped up to the max by the US/UK war PR machine. This is a disproportionate response by the US/UK and is killing people. Look the US bombed Libya, hundreds dead and now it is a disaster, oil cut off just a few days back as a refinery was occupied. Iraq bombed to a cinder, and still a basket case. Afghanistan 20 years of killing to get the Taliban back? I wouldn't be so freaked out by this, but it doesn't work....the US haven't won a war since WW2 when they used nukes. All this is is bullying to protect evil Israel. End of story. If you warmongers get excited about all theses folk being killed, then there is something seriously wrong with your morals and decency. 

    Yes, the U.S. does not have an unblemished record.  I agree that Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya were disasters, mostly because the politicians did let the admirals and generals fight the wars. Getting into details would entail going off subject.  However, the Korean Conflict wasn't a complete loss.  Again, explaining why is for another forum.

  5. 5 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Given that the Houthis persisted in their civil war despite massive bombardments from the Saudis (and massive support for those bombardments from the USA), how can anyone seriously believe that these attacks will deter the Houthis? 

    Seems like this argument came from an opinion piece written by Marc Champion on Bloomberg's Nightly Briefing.  You're not the only one that subscribes to this.

    • Agree 1
  6. 23 minutes ago, retarius said:

    I'd reroute shipping and avoid the area. The Houthis found a nice and easy way to do very little harm to people, so minimal bloodshed to put pressure on murderous Israel. I applaud them.

    There's no excuse for bombing. When the only toll in your tool box is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. The problem with the totally immoral West is that they use any excuse for a good bombing.

    I'd like to see these smaller nations and insurgents with better defensive weapons able to shoot down Western bombers. 

    And I realise that this is not a popular view, but I hold people who support western military actions over the past 50 or 60 years, too be contemptible people who have warped morals. 

    Shoot down Western bombers?  Every heard of the various guided missile systems that are in the toolbox?  This is the 21st century!

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