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Roo Island

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Everything posted by Roo Island

  1. For your education. https://www.fool.com/investing/how-to-invest/index-funds/dividends/
  2. One of the biggest problems in the US. Domestic terrorists. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/12/us/politics/domestic-terror-white-supremacists.html Top law enforcement officials say the biggest domestic terror threat comes from white supremacists.
  3. Watch this video. Please. Shows how Trumpers like in a bubble filled with misinformation. Skip to 6:55. You'll see how Faux News contributes, which is the same with all the other far right media outlets. Misinformation and alternate facts. TDS at it's worst. Jimmy Kimmel on YouTube. Marjorie Taylor Greene Begs Christian Women to Stop Sexualizing Themselves & We Prank Trumpers!
  4. Right back at ya. Trumpers all have TDS. Guaranteed.
  5. Wasting money? The US doesn't spend money to protect him. As said above, just a dog whistle for his cult members.
  6. Trump made his money through fraud. It's common in the real estate industry. Talk about a swamp. P.s. Trump inherited his money. His father tried to bail him out with the casino, but got caught. Self made billionaire? Right. He's a conman.
  7. Wife's mother just got covid here. Our neighbor is terribly sick, 3 jabs, got it at a party. Another friend in Bangkok has it. Really going around right now
  8. From that article. Doesn't look good for the king of debt. The New York attorney general’s office opposed the offer, saying they want the full amount posted. They said in court papers Trump is not barred from obtaining a bond from an insurer. But one of Trump’s lawyers said bonds require cash and that’s the issue. While this decision gives Trump another potential avenue to raise cash, he still needs to find a lender willing to extend to him a substantial amount of money, even if backed by one or more of his properties. ........... But if he decides to secure a loan, his lawyers told the judge, he would need to raise more than $550 million. Bond underwriters charge about 120% of the judgment and often require cash and other easy-to-sell assets like stocks or bonds as collateral.
  9. I guarantee that the premium a NY bank would charge would be huge. Considering all the previous fraud. And his current level of debt. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/10/28/politics/donald-trump-loans-debt-new-york-times/index.html Donald Trump’s secret sauce for not paying his debts “I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me. I’ve made a fortune by using debt, and if things don’t work out I renegotiate the debt. I mean, that’s a smart thing, not a stupid thing.” Pressed by O’Donnell on how he renegotiated his debts, Trump responded: “You go back and you say, hey guess what, the economy crashed. I’m going to give you back half.”
  10. Really? Might want to try a better source for your news. You won't read about it on Fox, etc. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-organization-faces-sentencing-tax-fraud-scheme-rcna65013 Trump Organization fined $1.6 million for long-running tax fraud scheme Former President Donald Trump's company was sentenced by a New York judge after a jury convicted two subsidiaries last month on 17 counts of tax fraud.
  11. You've got no clue what index funds. Give it up. Please. Biden doesn't want the average person to pay more in taxes. Just the rich. Like Trump who hardly pays any. Leaving us to make up the difference. Can't believe anyone is ok with that
  12. There is no filter between Trump's brain and his mouth. Thus, the mountain of problems he's facing. But gotta admit, he's a great conman. Look how many of his supporters are either in jail or been arrested. Well over 1,000. Not very smart people.
  13. Trolling? I'm guessing you aren't aware that these stats come out AFTER the president’s term. Not before. Ugh. Void of facts. Talk about Trolling
  14. The FBI doesn't have a political bias. Unless you are a Trump supporter. Trump should learn to work with others. Not fight them.
  15. Depends on the economic climate, but at times, a lot of cash sitting around. Guess you're not a financial advisor?
  16. Stop spewing misinformation. Trump is dead last in presidential approval ratings. https://news.gallup.com/poll/116677/presidential-approval-ratings-gallup-historical-statistics-trends.aspx
  17. Everything Trump does is for money. What's your point?
  18. Worst president. Fact. Dead last. https://news.gallup.com/poll/116677/presidential-approval-ratings-gallup-historical-statistics-trends.aspx
  19. I never said that. Generalizations and assumptions. Alog with misinformation that's all ya got.
  20. Absolutely not. You've really drank the kool-aid
  21. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-once-declared-victory-speech-180514474.html Trump Once Declared In A Victory Speech, 'We Won With The Poorly Educated. I Love The Poorly Educated' — Are They On His Side In 2024? Similarly, Kat (@VTweddingPhoto) voiced, "This is an embarrassment. For the GOP and for us as Americans. The world is once again laughing."
  22. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-once-declared-victory-speech-180514474.html Similarly, Kat (@VTweddingPhoto) voiced, "This is an embarrassment. For the GOP and for us as Americans. The world is once again laughing."
  23. Fair call! But still a very distinguished career. Better than any of us here. 5555
  24. Absolutely not what we think. You keep making foolish assumptions.
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