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Roo Island

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Everything posted by Roo Island

  1. Cut and paste got screwed up. I tried to fix it but couldn't. Sorry
  2. These dogs are banned in several countries, for good reasons.
  3. You just have charts but don't understand the data behind them
  4. You are responsible for 90% of them
  5. There's a lot behind the charts that you hide behind. Devil's in the details
  6. Funniest post I've read all day! You posting facts!
  7. Her stance on issues are well known and well documented. If you take the time to read them. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/21/us/politics/kamala-harris-abortion-immigration-economy-israel.html
  8. What enemies are you talking about?
  9. Right back at ya. You never have facts.
  10. What a deflection!
  11. Ignore the serial troll if you can...
  12. Whom are you referring to?
  13. On Wednesday, The Times reported that a Queens podiatrist who rented office space from Fred Trump, the president's father, might have given the president his diagnosis as a courtesy to his father.
  14. Yes it was. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-arlington-cemetery-blame-gold-star-families-1235092314/ “I don’t know what the rules and regulations are. I don’t know who did it,” Trump said. “It could have been them — it could have been the parents.”
  15. Agreed. But at least you admit Trump was also a coward. But at least Biden does not call wounded or fallen vets losers and suckers. Horrible person
  16. You really gravitate to this dodgy website. Says a lot about you
  17. A returned banned troll.
  18. It's only being reported by dodgy media outlets. Times of India? Jeez. A big nothing burger
  19. Thousands of Americans dead as a result of Trump's covid incompetence. Crickets from the right
  20. And how did Trump avoid service? Right...coward
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