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Roo Island

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Everything posted by Roo Island

  1. Why? They're running mates! Turn off the divisive right wing media outlets. Please
  2. And 100% of the economic recovery t it also
  3. MAGA fans should watch this. Some good advice. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/30/business/video/jon-stewart-republicans-response-kamala-harris-digvid
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  4. Most, but not all. Those with ties to the schengen area are really suffering. Owners of second homes, relatives there, etc
  5. Been in the UK now for 6 months. I've yet to meet anyone who says it was a good idea. None.
  6. Cherry pick much? From your article. Increased federal spending helped the economy bounce back during the pandemic
  7. That's true around the world. Thanks covid and those in power denied the severity. Remember when it would magically disappear by Easter? 😝
  8. But sure nice to have a few!
  9. Mine is way over the amount back in November 2021. Way over.
  10. Bidenomics! Thanks! On balance, 401(k) participants have had a good run over the past year. Especially those who have amassed a balance of at least $1 million. The number of so-called 401(k) ‘millionaires’ rose to a new record high in the second quarter, according to a new data analysis released Wednesday by Fidelity Investments, which based its conclusions on 24 million 401(k) accounts across the 26,000 employer-sponsored plans that it administers. As of June 30, nearly half a million 401(k) accounts (497,000) had balances of $1 million or more, up 2.5% from the prior quarter. The average balance hit $1,595,200, up from $1,581,000 at the end of March, according to Fidelity’s data.
  11. I saw the video. Why would I read snopes? Bizarre
  12. I saw him say it on the video. In person. Incredibly embarrassing
  13. It was a video. He mentioned it personally. VS for sure, but what do you expect from the conman. He's clueless
  14. Trump’s behind in the polls. Spending a lot on legal fees. And perhaps, a huge penalty coming soon. Like fleas jumping off a dying dog.
  15. Post something that proves it wrong. Just because it's from the government doesn't mean it's wrong. Unless you fall for the fake news right wing media outlets
  16. Went to the beach the next day and it was strewn with the remains of lanterns. Along with reports of many fires. CAD in Chiang Mai is absolutely incredible.
  17. Worst thing ever. Leaving the EU
  18. In the tug-of-war between paychecks and prices, the typical American worker has come out on top. While higher costs for everything from milk to medicines have preoccupied U.S. consumers in the pandemic era, earnings have, on average, also risen enough so that the purchasing power of households has grown slightly. And blue-collar workers have been the biggest beneficiaries. An analysis published in July by economists at the Treasury Department found that the median workers can afford the same representative basket of goods and services as they did in 2019 — plus have an additional $1,400 a year. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/economy/typical-us-worker-earned-inflation-1400-year-data-shows-rcna168579
  19. He didn't back out. Just threatening to. As usual
  20. The Washington Examiner? Horrible media outlet. Sad you fall for the misinformation
  21. Post something that says X doesn't support misinformation. credible sources only
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