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  1. Wow! This is incredibly frightening, and it's crucial that this issue is exposed! I hope that countless people watch this and realize the grave threat to our democracy!
  2. My mom recently purchased a $1550 laptop and was persuaded to add Norton and Office to the purchase. The first thing I did was uninstall Norton, only to find out she had paid for it... I advised her to consult me before buying another computer.
  3. I used to think that people respected me because I was a good person. But later, I realized that people respected me because they themselves were good people.
  4. I have been following Thai music for a decade, and Lamyai is the finest performer I have ever witnessed, though I have only attended a dozen of her concerts. She is truly exceptional.
  5. I watched entire trial. Hated the DA. So annoying, rude, and condescending. He made me ask myself if people actually vote not guilty out of spite to a lawyer’s behavior.
  6. This is the first of three decapitations in this movie (one offscreen) but it all works. It's expressionism, and you know this because the worst villain keeps cheetahs as pets. RIP Cormac McCarthy. Maybe this movie will finally get the attention it deserves.
  7. You look at the temptation, and instead of getting all anxious and compulsive about it, you just relax and turn your attention somewhere else. No temptation, no thought, no emotion, lasts longer than 90 seconds in our brain. from the time that biochemical neural impulse is created until it is reabsorbed and ends. Even nicotine cravings and the hot-flashes of menopause pass quickly.
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