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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. You said you booked a ticket well in advance
  2. Stalkers are jealous of you Bob. It is a compliment.
  3. If no key she cant get in
  4. What if he forgets the card holder?
  5. I had some good advice but forget now
  6. 7/11 then sit on beach
  7. His voice is gone. Pity them.
  8. Got 4 nights spare. Starting in CM. Can do either loop. I know Rai, Chiang Dao and Pai a bit. I don't know the other places. The other option is just do stuff near CM like sticky waterfall and that short Samoeng Loop. What would you recommend?
  9. Gets told to play music instead of politics
  10. Polluted in all main cities. Rubbish everywhere. Lots of food bugs, poor hygiene. The average Thai couldn't locate NZ on a map. Don't tell me education is good.
  11. Racism Dangerous roads Polluted Corruption Education is inward looking
  12. You are right. These guys bitching will soon find out other countries arent that good, otherwise they would never have left.
  13. Kids learn best age 5 to 10. After that learning slows. This kid you speak of is 7. You got 3 years to move, otherwise best stay in Thailand.
  14. You ask other posters about sex a lot I have noticed
  15. Do you sleep with women?
  16. He talks nonsense that guy.
  17. The lady is very careless then. When she gets on the bus the bag is behind her. She should know better.
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