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Everything posted by Carlotta

  1. Thank you. I agree. My impression: a useless hopeless guy not fitting into Thailand. Leaving already after 18 months? Then go. Good bye.
  2. Because he was an "outgoing person". He died in his hotel bed. Probably after a heart attack. If I should guess he wasn't alone. Maybe an overdose of blue pills. RIP
  3. You are not up to date: It was on TikTok, facebook aso....people are outraged and ask for punishment.
  4. But Bob, we are in Asia. And for this part of the world it is important. Give the people here more confidence. Embrace themπŸ€—
  5. Well, and how this little girl should be punished??? Ridiculous πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
  6. A bit pathetic. They stepped up already more than 100 in ranking. So there are improvements. πŸ™
  7. And probably your house is a no fly area?πŸ˜‚
  8. Seize his assets for compensation and jail him forever!πŸ™
  9. Normally you have a tank for water. We have 2 tanks by 20.000 litres. So if there's no water for some days it doesn't matter.
  10. Well, it seems to be time for Thaksin's daughter to step in. πŸ™
  11. No enemies? Count again😳
  12. It's a typical Portuguese name πŸ₯³
  13. He was DRUNK. You can even break your neck when falling down a chair. (Not only when drunk πŸ˜‚)
  14. Silly πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
  15. Hello George, I'm sorry I couldn't reply sooner. I was busy at the orphanage over Songkran. I have attached a few studies. Find out for yourself what applies to you. The data varies. But I didn't want to offer you very old studies, as others do, but more recent results. As you said, you have had good experiences with creatine. Then it does work. Whether as a placebo or a chemical-physiological effect is irrelevant, isn't it? Even if it doesn't work for you, that doesn't mean it's bad, as Big Star (with Big Ego) would insinuate. Nobody here has sovereignty of opinion over individual topics. Everyone can express themselves freely, even with nonsense. There are always new dietary supplements and every year there is a new hype, or another pig is chased through the village. Maybe Quercetin or Fisetin? Who knows? You can always ask me. 1. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/creatine 2. https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-021-00412-w 3. https://www.essex.ac.uk/blog/posts/2023/01/19/creatine-supplements-what-the-research-says-about-how-they-can-help-you-get-in-shape 4. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40279-023-01870-9 5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8949037/
  16. supplements are no medicines, just business as selling garbage bins or tooth brushes.
  17. This is not a command🀣 you can take it even with a sausage or pizza....
  18. Well, do you know that the annual global turnover in this supplement business is more than 250 Billion Euro/USD ? So, if you follow the newcomers in EU countries every year you will see many new supplements starting in one country and flowing to all others. In the first they start with medical promises - what is against law - and when its off he market because of these reasons the same game starts in another country. and so on. Popular are diet products or weight loss products (Carnithin eg). Now to one of the latest (next will come Fisetin or Quercetin I suppose) as Taurin: Yeah, some mice lived londer than others and went more agile than others. But they are mice. And it was "tested" with a handful of creatures. So, at present no evidence or proof. The human dosage you asked for is between half a gram and 6 grams. Nobody will prevent you to drink or swallow it. (cristalline powder is not expensive. Lazada) Try and spend
  19. Good job RTP. Go on like this. But your long coastlines and borders in the jungle will make it easy to let that stuff into Thailand. Probably you can't prevent consuming these drugs....πŸ™
  20. No farangs involved? Not even Russians?? πŸ˜‚
  21. The parents lost their son, maybe as a supporter (as an engineer with good salary) in future. 1.3 mill Baht is a joke. 13 mill Baht might be acceptable.πŸ™
  22. Actually it happens every day everywhere here. Not only on Songkran.
  23. What's wrong with you???😳 Compare Anutin with Hitler?? What a stupid reply without a scent of historical knowledge. Really pathetic. It's an offend to all victims and fatalities in 3rd Reich. How do you dare to write such illiterate nonsense?? πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ˜‘
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