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Everything posted by Aust24R

  1. Can I ask please if anyone can recommend an agency in HH who can assist in facilitating a bank account opening / Retirement O visa? Thank you
  2. A bit of a postscript. Discovered wife had taken on freelance work to pay off mother's debt. Her anger towards me hadn't subsided, nor had calls of divorce from 6000 kms away when I'm working. I'm doing my best to cope, some days easier than others. I'm especially taking your advice @BritManToo and @Kinnock to walk and not do anything when i arrive back in 8 weeks time. I've gained from everyone's advice here that remind me what I need to do thank you. I won't be spoken to like dirt anymore as had been her defence. Will try and enjoy my retirement
  3. It seems living in SR might be a pretty quiet, comparatively conservative life then, all things considered.
  4. Hi BMT, how was the quality of providers, and are everyday women amenable to talking with farangs? Thank you mate
  5. Would value your thoughts. Thanks
  6. Thank you mate, I'm very grateful for your words
  7. Thank you mate, you are right. I will need to do just that
  8. Thank you for the support mate
  9. 25 Dolf, and it was never enough
  10. I know this wisdom must come from your own experience SF, thank you sharing this. I've taken your advice on board. Rgds
  11. SF thank you, I know you speak the truth mate
  12. She sold the land I bought to help service the debt repayments. I doubt with her situation she has tangible assets Artisi. Only the obvious ones like the biggest red truck in the village and the latest iPhone again i imagine. The debt I feel has been instrumental in this whole saga, the pivot upon which my wife left several months ago to work. Leaving her husband working in China for 9 months to honor an employment contract. The debts now, whilst pivotal are a bit of a moot point in the bigger picture. But certainly a catalyst.
  13. Got it, will do T&G thank you
  14. Your words are reassuring and supportive BMT, really, thank you
  15. I know what you mean Felton, the debt however was just the beginning of the turmoil
  16. Hummin I'm grateful for that, I've taken your words on board with thanks.
  17. I have many here to thank here on the thread for helping me. I'm really grateful. I hope I can return such goodwill and advice in the future
  18. Thank you BMT, your thoughts help me
  19. No eyeman, just the generous monthly support but that had stopped
  20. Yes @TroubleandGrumpy she said she has a huge load on her shoulders and her mother I think has tasked her with paying off the 1M. I have held firm on a no. She said she is the pillar of the family and has intense loyalty to her mother. I doubt she wants to leave the country, she certainly doesn't want to return to China to be with her husband until the contract ends in 4 months, and I feel this would be the only way to stop her going out and sleeping with other men. I like @BritManToo 's idea of not agreeing to any divorce. Yet. I mean, both the debt and infidelity stuff have arisen suddenly 4 months away from retirement. Sigh. @Kinnockhas been a solid support for me, thank you to the words and advice from everything. I'm just trying to navigate this as best I can. Money is offshore. Mother has sold land I bought to pay off debts. After arriving here yesterday, I told her the only way to stop her going out with the intention of meeting other men is for her to get on a flight with me back to China for 4 months as my wife. Or for me to immediately resign from this job. Her response tonight 'you can't stop me'. What I have stopped immediately is all financial support. Thank you, I gain from your words, really, rgds
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