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Everything posted by Aust24R

  1. Funny you should say that NDN, that's exactly what I said to her
  2. Lovely story, well done Hummin
  3. STF that's what I have learnt, you're right
  4. NDN I don't know the figures sorry. I did buy land for her in her name some years ago with a view to build, but that was sold recently to help her repayments. She doesn't have her own home.
  5. Gday. Seeking advice from those more knowledgeable than I. I know I'm required to help pay wife's debts incurred during marriage, I even help her pay off her Education debt incurred before we were married. I'm ok doing that. But pressure to pay off her mother's historically incurred debts. God help me. Not only haven't I done it and continue to say I won't do, as a matter of principal I won't work years to save money only to use it to pay off someone else's debts. I know family is at the core of Thai society and I've told my wife I will always support you but I'm not responsible for your Mum's debts and it'd be akin to throwing my money away I'm grateful for the chance to listen and learn from others here. Regards
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