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Everything posted by BusNo8

  1. I might add - Thailand has a new carbon tax coming online. Will the government pay into this for habitually allowing crop burning and habitat destruction? EV pay carbon tax? Source of power are carbon fueled energy plants. EV not paying petrol taxes 😉
  2. Deniers are not necessarily stating the world isn't warming, but rather mankind has much to do with it. The solutions are fake and driven by politics and new industry mafia looking to subsume current energy regime. All the greenies are total hypocrites which hardly helps the cause. The solutions are nothing of the sort. EV, wind and solar power all a joke. No one need do anything. The plummeting birthrates will reduce environmental issues by levels of magnitude It's just a jello wrestling match for money, control. Nothing to do with making our lives better. Wake up
  3. 35 years in our of Thailand. Never been hassled or shaken down. I do live in central Bangkok and do not holiday in scammy tourist areas like Samui, Phuket, etc I don't see anything wrong with cops pocketing money for traffic infractions. I see it as incentive program. If you break the law fair play. If it's just a shakedown maybe not.
  4. Anyone have a link to official site and DL application? Also, the official points sheet? Thanks. I'd read that you must be employed during the process. Is this correct? I'm now retired from ten years employment in Thailand
  5. You are correct and I followed up stating as much but hey ..two threads tens of pages long. This post just as needless.
  6. I'm new to really drilling down on this and not read to the contrary. The discussion about tax treaties just vague and fleeting that id run across.
  7. I found that great news above article on TE website and somewhat informed. I have savings to last a few years, but thinking about bailing out six months a year. Anyone else? If I'm USA and double taxed ... I can't afford it, it's not worth it and I'm not paying it. Can we get a poll in a week or so when the news goes viral?
  8. Apologies, I am just now focusing much more on this. I have three simple questions please - What are the terms of the tax? ...% rates, pension income? Pension direct to Bangkok Bank. How many are ... 1 Thinking of leaving 2 Thinking cut to 180 3 Suck it up I'm thinking of staying a few years and hoping things change. If not perhaps Japan with wife. Low key travel. I can't see giving a country tax money when I don't have PR and double taxed (on old age pension). PS/Edit Could I gift my wife and have it sent direct to her Thai account annually? Thanks anyone
  9. Right now I'd recommend Samui. As you have no time. It will cost over odds but you'll get what you want. Andaman is closing or many islands closed. Phuket beaches can be dangerous. Personally, I wouldn't recommend any beaches all the way south to surat Thani although their are a few beach exceptions. Go to Ban Sare near you in Chonburi and on to Navy beach. A nice day out for what it is.
  10. I think the trick is to not go full local and just keep it a hobby farm on outskirts of a city. Can possibly bring stuff market as well.
  11. Hat's off to both of them - and they are true content creators not just walking about with a camera on a stick in a panic over some minor drama. If I was his age (married which I would never be at his age) I could do something like this although it would be down south and much closer to the water. At my age and with urban wife and myself soft and enjoying cheap condo, AC and subway to fantastic malls in minutes it's day has come and gone. It would be fun and you could make it easy. Hobby farm.
  12. I'm not at all disagreeing with you or questioning your soundness as a teacher. You appear mindful, caring and apparently give af unlike 90% of *teachers* in this country. I'm now convinced that the foreign warm bodies are there merely to fill a void - a block of time. English programs have grown not for the students but the schools and government as both simply do not have enough teachers let alone quality teachers. There's also the aspect that upper administration only really cares about paycheck and addl *benefits*, perks. Most foreign teachers treat their school as second job. A place to kill time, get a visa and some pocket money. They are not invested in Thailand farther than that.
  13. I agree. Textbooks are a waste of money if you have a confident teacher that knows what the hell they are instructing students to learn. As you work in University I'll just relate this back to university. While I was in university the books were always supplemental reading to enrich the lectures. EFL textbooks are to keep the new, lazy and or incompetent teachers on track. Open book, present a b c then have students follow up during the exercises. Hopefully something is learned in that process Tutors at least better than the teachers. Usually Masters degrees smart enough not to teach. Unfortunately that's the best that Thailand has to offer. It's criminal what most EFL teachers get away with in Thai classrooms.
  14. They are all money machines. Only top level international schools offer any modicum of education. Just a clearinghouse for very average adults to waste students time and gain a paycheck in the process. Really smart students, wishing to do something with their lives use tutors.
  15. A dinosaur policy for students in high school. I can see it for prathom and possibly middle school. Instead of it being a social media device make it an educational device 😉😁
  16. I stopped punishing students after my second year teaching. Have you considered your lessons are dull and lack relevance to your students? Is it the room level? Anything above /8 prolly gonna have issues. Change schools. Of the 2500 students I'd taught I'd say it was a lovely experience aside from the administrations and lazy teachers
  17. How do you know if someone is vegan or vegetarian? They'll let you know 5 minutes after they walk in the room. Unless for religious or physician recommendation it's just more virtue signaling. Usually from homosexual men and crazy women with colored hair, lots of cats and no boyfriend.
  18. So, just like decades ago the the noobs have to find their way. The first massive mistake the Sukhumvit tiktokers made was anchoring themselves to Thailand. They came in clueless proclaiming their vast, superior knowledge of Thailand and I see it as huge embarrassment as they are now aimlessly floating about SEA and as far afield as south Asia. Anyone with half a brain knows they cannot stay indefinitely in a country on a tourist visa. There will be issues and the person will need to have additional plans whether that's back home in the basement, Philippines, Vietnam or wherever. That was clear to me 35 years ago I don't know why it wouldn't be clear as a bell today.
  19. Visas can be extended. It's commonly referred to as a 'visa extension' It's good to keep language precise, but this is a nitpick
  20. No, I didn't stay all year and that was fine with me. I know all the surrounding ASEAN countries well, travel to India, Japan. I should have gone to Africa. Life in SEA too easy. I love traveling, adventure, history and culture. TTers have zero interest. Even those that are not the Bangkok TTrs you're actually backpacking have very little to show in their vlogs of Thailand. It's all 711 food, a beach, blah blah I was very much proto global nomad. 35k pm won't qualify for visa, correct again. As we both know just bc 400 800k is extension requirement doesn't mean you need spend it although if you are not stationary life gets costly fast. The new breed arriving will just have to learn to navigate it. Education visas don't really allow for travel so the kids essentially stuck in Thailand forever. That seems to be okay with them sadly. Tiktokers love Thailand bc it's such a lazy travel. It was always just sort of RnR for me. Many even proclaim after a few weeks, on visa not even extension that they are now *living in Thailand*. Many have already learned and TT I'd seen a few months ago proclaiming they are living in Thailand yet are now randomly floating around countries in a very haphazard and seemingly wasteful way. my guess is they've already been given warnings via immigration I say wasteful because what they discuss and report on and show on camera I find very unimaginative, dull and random. Many bolted to Bali of all inane places was a go to. That place was lost 25 years ago. Vietnam another hotspot. This lot should be packing into Vietnam in and - yet they go for the soft living of Thailand. The real crime will come when they obtain B visas and enter a classroom EDITED
  21. I don't disagree but would add that prices in Thailand were long ready for a huge pop up. People are not especially productive but paying someone b400 for hard days labor is ridiculous. One way I avoid price rises is I only buy foreign food on sale and don't eat in restaurants either. Order a pizza every 6-8 weeks
  22. I don't know as I'm on O and had not need to worry about that for 15 years. From early 90s to 2010 things were easy but after 2006 (coup?) much more difficult. I had a strategy that seemed to work well although I'd spend only about six months a year here - but every year.
  23. Maybe not. It's one thing to look the other way toward some geezers in change singlets, running shorts and rubber flip flops. It may prove another allowing young men prone to trouble to do the same. Since the liberalization of visa and exemption I have noticed a number of news items recently related to assault battery and fighting. I'm sure the local police have made note of that as well
  24. TikTok is BS. They don't know what the hell they are doing. That's both the corporation and the posters. The vast majority of posts are invaluable unlike YouTube. Nothing of any real quality and that goes double for Thailand. Few are doing anything just prattling on about superficial bs all the info can be found on this forum. It's also stupid bc pretty, half naked women get likes and follows but real content is hard found. The algorithm is BS. You can see and feel how it's driven this way and that. Things disappear in a day only to be replaced (or not) by new trend. To call any foreign a content creator here is an absolute joke. One exception is a guy doing restaurant revenues. Sadly for him he's reviewing Thai food and farang don't eat Thai food so he's struggling for followers.
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