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  1. The hair of the dog. The only way to beat something is to confront it. Put on some ankle supports and run a marathon!
  2. In that case, if you report the fraudulent SMS to your cell service provider as I suggested already then maybe they can lookup the scammer's phone number and give it to you so that you can block it on your phone. But based on the scam SMS message you received you most likely won't be able to block the sender as I said, unless you report it to your provider and are able to obtain the phone number.
  3. Let all the drunks on this forum continue to blame it on cannabis. It seems to distract them and make them feel better about their alcoholism that is taking years off their life.
  4. You mean there are more like him besides all the ones with the initials GG?
  5. He's gonna need a sturdy gag to go with it too just in case he tries to switch over to dictation after suiting up in his new rainy season outfit.
  6. Now I've seen it all, GG, the undisputed king of incessantly plunging his tongue into the dog's b0ll0cks ad nauseam, has decided to mate with lizards for his latest act of debauchery. Alas, needle diick the bug fooker is now trying to up his game by going after reptiles instead of roaches. You can't even make this shiiit up!
  7. There are no low prices in the high-rent tourist areas. You'll be paying prices higher than in NY or Amsterdam per gram in areas like Silom. Best value is from online sellers. See the other post about weed under 350 a gram. Read last 2-3 most recent pages of the thread:
  8. Just to backup what I've been saying repeatedly in this thread about these SMS phishing text messages not even being sent out from a phone number that can be blocked, I just happened to receive this one. As you can see it shows it was sent by "OYMPO", which is just some made up nonsense word and there is no phone number associated with the message that can be blocked. So this came right from an SMS spam server. The domain name being shown in the text message as part of the fraudulent phishing link of thailandpostux.top was just registered today. So it is a throw away domain name that will likely get suspended very soon and then the scammers will just rinse and repeat by creating a new one tomorrow or the next day. Presumably the scammers behind this text are most likely either Chinese, Indian or Nigerian. Only thing you can do is lookup the registrar of the fraudulent domain name and then report it to them in hopes they suspend it. Then report the SMS message to your cell phone provider in hopes they can trace the SMS spam server that sent it and block it completely on a global level. Even using an app on your phone that can block text messages coming into your phone based on sender's name will be a waste of time because the scammer's will use a new nonsense word for their next barrage of bulk spam phishing SMS messages that they send out and this SMS sender name won't even reappear again.
  9. I totally agree. In the boards on this site where people are purely sharing information, intel and experiences then the likes, agree, thanks, and thumbs up icons are very useful for honing in on the best answers to questions. But here in the "Pub" board, where most of the posts are old drunks trolling and hating, it's a proverbial pisssing match of confused and sad icons, followed by a slew of one upmanship posts. As I said though, nobody pretends to like each other on this site so it's far more honest than the other platforms for social media where people are seeking fake admiration and acceptance from fictitious friends instead of interacting in the real world.
  10. Stoner hasn't even chimed in on this latest steaming pile of anecdotal conjecture posing as news. Maybe after he has a few more bong hits he'll drop his two buds in.
  11. sativa are taller plants and indica plants are shorter ones. that is the only scientific difference. but now almost all plants are hybrids of the two. too much strain mixing and blending over the last 10-15 years. probably there isn't any actual difference anymore.
  12. No street food left in my area. You mean all the sewer rats running around in the Sois? I wouldn't exactly call that Thai street food, but to each his own. They do eat field rats though in Thailand. Maybe even make the hot dogs out of them. Yummmmm!
  13. No, but you seem to be. I've met many people over the years who are completely tweaked and seem to have never even taken anything.
  14. Which app? As I mentioned, many senders send from a goofy name as the sender and not a number.
  15. Clueless, but a firmware update might fix the problem. Even more clueless and has a hardware problem. Thus, even a firmware update can't fix the problem.
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