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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. I think so. All told to her before as well with notes. Democrat rallies are 100% scripted. No wonder actors like them. Fake like them.
  2. Actually I posted the facts with graphs and links proving you wrong.
  3. Sadly true. They have no data to support Harris.
  4. Us Inflation https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi
  5. Enjoy being wrong https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/labor-force-participation-rate
  6. Why lie and ignore covid. Unemployment was 3.6% before covid. Workforce participation was higher. Stop embarrassing yourself.
  7. Looking forward to Trump ripping Harris apart. She is hopeless. Giggle giggle
  8. Kamala giggles like a child.
  9. 3.5 years Kamala has done nothing. Went to the border after 18 months
  10. 2% inflation, 3 .5% unemployment. More Trump is great. I care about outcomes not words. The left cares about words.
  11. Biden is the stroke guy. Harris was terrible until 3 months ago. Your side never admits it now.
  12. Vance 40yo. Walz looks old, talks old.
  13. Tim Scott is likeable but Vance is smarter. DeSantis is better than Nikki. Florida has the best GDP.
  14. Trump big lead in economy, 2 pts overall https://www.cnbc.com/2024/08/08/trump-holds-2-point-lead-over-harris-with-a-big-advantage-on-economy-cnbc-survey-shows.html
  15. I am just correcting lies mostly. Never seen so many anywhere else.
  16. I like his humour. Right too. All Washington sludge.
  17. He lives in Pattaya.
  18. Harris leads Trump by 2 in that poll https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/ipsos-2024-us-national-election-survey-august-2024
  19. Trump leads Harris by 15 https://emersoncollegepolling.com/montana-2024-poll-trump-55-harris-40/
  20. Kamala no interviews in 19 days.
  21. Left before - we like Biden, Harris is weak Left now - Harris is great. Who is Biden?
  22. He agreed to 3 debates. Will the coward show up?
  23. Same strategy as debate 1. Harris is a nervous wreck and can't debate. The giggles cover for nerves. Trump just uses the same strategy.
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