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Everything posted by TheFatOne

  1. That's actually an extremely good idea. I'm gonna have a look on Lazada. Thanks
  2. Any recommendations for dealing with an angry soi dog ? Just got my jeans ripped apart by one near a remote temple in the Hua Hin area. My leg is fine (just a couple of bruises) but that's really just luck. So how do you deal with this usually ?
  3. No I'm not. For example, it's gonna take the Chinese a very very long time to break-even on their B&R initiative. In the long run no doubt infrastructures make a profit but you gotta be patient.
  4. Educating oneself doesn't mean reading opinion pieces in US newspaper :D :D
  5. I'm not sure how much money one can make with infrastructure honestly. Do you really think ? Maybe I dunno.
  6. What doesn't change is resentful american propaganda :D EU-China exchanges account for 1/3 of world's GDP, regardless of which deal has been signed or not. My point was it's not because a country invests in another country that it will turn it into a colony.
  7. BS. Europe is full of american tech. Doesn't mean that Europe is owned by the US. Actually quiet the opposite. Europe is going its own way more and more. Recently sign a trade deal with China against US will.
  8. It's a misallocation of time and money imo. Yet another way of procrastinating and looking the other way while the country goes to sh.....
  9. Let me remind you, gentlemen that you are paying for your wives 365 days / year. That's pretty sad too ! Especially when it ends up with a divorce and half your wealth flying out the window :D :D
  10. Get ready for austerity and uprisings everywhere in the West. I've been pointing out the delusional nature of the green transition. I've always been told that I was a nazi :D Vaclav Smil is also someone you should look into if the topic interests you. Anyways. I agree with your vid. Always did.
  11. That's gonna solve Thailand's problems... Vanity and stupidity.
  12. A strong dollar makes it harder for developing countries to pay back their debts. I don't think is fair to make the rest of the world pay for past US monetary mistakes. Trump and Biden have both created dollars like crazy. The devaluation of the dollar will happen regardless of who's the next president. So I'm calling BS on your anti-Trump fearmongering.
  13. Best way to unlock your fitness potential in BKK would probably be to wear a gas mask. When I see people running around in parks (like Lumpini) I'm wondering if they have a death wish...
  14. As I said, get educated on China and its political system. Throwing around words like authoritarianism or dictatorship is dumb.
  15. Pretty useless video if the target audience are expats... A few extremely useful apps not mentioned: - Google Maps - Microsoft Translator (better than Google Translate imo) - Google Lens to translate anything via pics (a menu for example) - Traveloka has often deals that are more interesting than Agoda (but much smaller db) - 12Go to book trains and buses - Rome2Rio for transportation options
  16. Yeah. It's kind of the other way around now :D
  17. Nonsense... Same crap I've heard about the US owning South America or Europe owning Africa. Please, cut me some slack with your delusional theories. Thx
  18. Regardless of how serious it is, it still plain dumb. You can't complain about not having enough tourists and then slam a tax on them. This is just schizophrenic. Like two days ago, I was reading an article about british tourists and expats turning their back on Thailand because of cost and bureaucracy. And now this ? Is this supposed to bring back western tourists ? So yeah, give me a break :D
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