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  1. Why would they? How much person values a life is directly linked with how much money they make.
  2. For the driver children were hidden behind truck doing u-turn. From his point of view they appeared in the middle of the road out of nowhere. The guy had only this distance to react. And he almost managed to stop before the crosswalk. Stopping in the middle. I don't see a reason why so much hate against the guy. Acceptable reaction.
  3. Heat is easy to spot. She will bleed for a week and refuse any advances from other guys. After a week, she will become very receptive.
  4. Yeah, lady put in my passport 30 days on arrival, I looked at it funny while getting passport back, she smiled said you probably coming with multivisa, she did correction and it was all a 20 seconds deal. Just check what they put in your passport. 😃
  5. I'm buying running shoes from official pages of Adidas and Nike (.co.th). Running Ultraboost usually go for 6000 Baht. But If you don't care about color and just a model/size, then you can get them in regular sales for ~3000 Baht. Just last month I got Ultraboost running shoes, they had last pair in last color in exactly my size with something like -60% sale. Instead of 6000 Baht I paid 2700 Baht. 🤑
  6. 20 Baht tip per check bin, I don't care how many musicians or beer carriers were involved.
  7. It's a standard AIS SIM card that you can top up with money, but all the money disappears very quickly without making calls or sending SMS. I don't think it's the internet (mobile data) since the icon is inactive. Is there any way to find out what the money is being spent on?
  8. You can press Print Screen button instead of taking photo of your computer. 😄
  9. Yet again it proves - don't trust people with tattoos.
  10. Bro, if some random American guy flew in claiming to be my father and was supplying me and half the village with boxes of Chang and barbecues for the next few weeks, I'd be hugging him with a tear in my eye for a photoshoot too. ☺️
  11. Does it happen in OZ at your watch too?
  12. The point is not to pay for stuff like electricity or gas, that you would pay anyway. The point is you to pay for things, that you would not pay otherwise and that you are limited to, like pre-processed sausages, instant soups, soft drinks, floor cleaning products ... basically stuff you would live without and you would not buy if not given. Just to give extra spin of economy to go around products, that you would not do otherwise. Gas and electricity are not there.
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