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Posts posted by crabdog

  1. My TOT Fiber 2U service is actually pretty good. It's great for email, browsing and streaming services like youtube and hulu work well. It is however terrible for gaming because of the poor international routing. What I find strange though is that the routing seems to change periodically. I have a small number of servers on my Steam favorites list (currently 9 servers) in the UK, US and Australia. Today the servers' ping times from lowest to highest are in this order: Aus, UK, US. Yesterday it was US, UK, Aus. Seems to change at random, sometimes staying the same for weeks and sometimes changing on a daily basis.

    When I had TRUE adsl the order stayed pretty much the same and on my work's wifi the order is totally consistent. Has anyone else experienced this?

  2. I would suggest running a live Linux OS from USB or dvd to determine whether the problem is hardware or software based. If the wifi works properly in Linux then you know something has gone wrong with the windows installation. If it turns out to be a windows/settings problem you could then try updating the drivers or if all else fails format and reinstall windows.

    You can find many versions of linux here: distrowatch.com

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  3. As I posted above this was the result during off peak to Singapore:

    Download Speed: 39037 kbps (4879.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Upload Speed: 1963 kbps (245.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Latency: 229 ms

    And now during peak...

    Download Speed: 734 kbps (91.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 524 kbps (65.5 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Latency: 312 ms

    Just absurd.

  4. Hmm just got this from the True Internet speed test to Singapore:

    Download Speed: 39037 kbps (4879.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Upload Speed: 1963 kbps (245.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Latency: 229 ms

    Not sure what's going on there, I don't even get that high on the Thai server. However if I do exactly the same test between 6pm-11pm it's usually somewhere about 200 KB/sec (download!) with a latency of 340 ms or so. I'm on the 15/2 subscription.

  5. Is the TOT hi speed 13 Mbps for 690 bt any good?

    As others have stated; condition of the wire, interconnections, electronic noise, distance from the central office and effects of wind/rain will all have an impact on speed and stability.

    I was lucky to get 7 mbps, needing to reset the modem/router 3 times a day to reinitialize sync. My connection probably wasn't the norm.

    Finally switched to TOT Fiber 2 U (FTTx fiber optic) and now have a stable 15/1 connection with up to 6/1 International Internet.

    I'm on the Fiber 2U as well. Do you get vastly inferior speedtest results daily between 6pm-11pm?

    I know this is extremely common (or "the norm") in Thailand but I was hoping to get around that by signing up for fttx in place of my previous adsl service. Things still work pretty well during peak hours - I'm actually watching Hulu now with no problems. The thing is though, I'd rather be playing online games but unfortunately all my regular server ping over 300ms during peak hours :(

  6. I've seen that site several times myself since yesterday. One site I was being redirected from was the Hotspot Shield (vpn) download page. I can't remember what else but they were just ordinary sites.

  7. Very interesting and timely thread. I've been using the True ADSL package for 3 years now in our house in Bangkok. However, I am now getting in to trading and need a fast reliable internet connection to the US. I will be using this mainly from 2pm to midnight (ish), Thai time. For me, bandwidth is not the key factor - but latency and reliability are... (of course decent bandwidth for other non-trading related activities is always a plus).

    I was getting terrible ping, packet loss and speed results on True for so long (pingtest.net results to SIngapore were coming in at D* / E / F classification, with the best ping times always in excess of 200ms, and jitter varying from 20 to 200+. The results to a US server were considerably worse (if possible). The True technician came out several times but his tests to a Thai based server I guess reported no issues.

    I have decided to get a fiber line run to the house - TRUE and 3BB's options are not available where I am, but TOT have a "hub" at the entrance to the housing development so they can install Fiber 2U. I'd appreciate some advice here as I am not so clued up on all this, my limited knowledge for varied net searches:

    1. TOT have a package for 1,290 per month for 20 Mbs on Fiber 2U which seems fine for me. Do you think the Fiber 2U package will produce less latency than my True ADSL was getting?

    2. TOT comes with a FORTH GPO-4900WS router - is this going to be sufficient, or should I buy my own router, and which would you recommend? TOT will charge me just over THB 3k I think - to be honest, if the router made a difference I would be willing to stretch that to about THB 5k.

    3. Some posters here refer to the max international bandwidth that I will get is 10 Mbs due to throttling - is there any way around this if I change the router, or is the only "fix" to sign up for a business type plan (which is beyond my budgets / needs).

    Any input / wise words of advice would be much appreciated :-)

    I've been using TOT Fiber 2u for a couple of months now which replaced my previous TRUE adsl service. So far it has been pretty good and there hasn't been any downtime. Web browsing, torrents and downloads are usually faster than what I was getting with TRUE but latency and ping are worse on the TOT fiber (most likely due to poor international routing).

    There is, however a daily slowdown from around 7pm-11pm which doesn't seem to affect torrent speeds but increases latency and pings drastically. Since my main use for internet is online gaming I kind of wish that I had stayed with TRUE. If I wasn't a gamer though I would recommend Fiber 2u as a pretty decent service.

  8. I get pretty good results using WTFast gaming VPN but there are some caveats that go along with it.

    I have the TOT fttx (fiber to the network) connection which has so far been reliable but has worse international routing than TRUE, which results in higher pings for me.

    For my game servers in Australia I ping 300-400 which is reallly woeful considering the geography. With WTFast my ping can get as low as 140ms. I haven't had the same success with European/UK servers. Normal pings are 230-260 and with WTFast they're about the same.

    Now for the caveat: Every day around 7pm (roughly the same time but can vary up to an hour or so) TOT appears to implement some kind of ping limiting where my pings to all international servers increase by roughly 100ms (currently 360 to Australia, 330 to Europe and about the same to US). This limiting stays in place for several hours, usually going back to normal around 11pm. The biggest problem is that WTFast has no effect during these periods. It seems that the limiting applies to any international servers regardless of routing/hops. It's obviously part of the setup they have in place and contrary to popular belief it is NOT due to increased customers congesting the lines during peak hours. This is obvious because the results are always exactly the same ie: the pings don't vary during those peak hours, they're very consistent. Also the change is instantaneous, as if someone at TOT has just flicked the "<deleted> you farangs" switch. Likewise at the end of the period the pings drop immediately to their normal state. Strangely though, torrents and downloads remain full speed during the limiting phase which is another sign that congestion is not the issue. I never experienced this issue whilst I had TRUE adsl but there were occasional slowdowns. On my works' wifi (TRUE) I get fantastic pings to Australia and Europe without the need of any VPN - 220ms to EU and 130 to Aus.

    So yeah, WTFast should work for you. You can try it free for the first month and after that if you decide to register it's about 300 baht/month. If you give it a try I'd be very interested to hear about your results with it. Good luck.

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  9. I have tested many many distros lately and there are lots of options available that will do the job just fine. I'm assuming you have a fairly recent and capable computer so resource usage will not be an issue.

    I used Manjaro for quite a long time and it always served me very well. It's quick and responsive and is a rolling distribution so you just need to keep it updated and you will always have the latest version. The only reason I switched from it is because I got bored with the aesthetics of XFCE.

    I'm currently running Linux Mint 16 Cinnamon on my laptop and so far it's working very nicely. Not a lot to say about it really...it just works.

    I also have a HTPC which is currently running Makulu Linux (KDE). I'm really enjoying that one although it hasn't seen much use outside of playing videos but I really like the theme that comes with it out of the box.

    Obviously there are heaps more you could try. I used to test on Virtualbox but found that it wasn't always consistent with a real installation (particularly if you have an Optimus laptop) so nowadays I do most of my testing running distros live from a USB flashdrive.

  10. Same problems here. I have a 68 Drenai warrior and 40 Human priest on Nagrand Oceanic and they're unplayable except between 2am-9am. Strangely enough I created a character on the US server Echo Isles and was sitting at about 400-600 with no problems or lag and that's during peak usage time (7pm bkk).

  11. The adsl signal may be there, but are you logged on to TRUE?

    There will be a page in the router setup where you can enter your id and password and then "connect".

    yes, thanks astral, I believe it was the VCI 100 that was giving me problems..have now been running very smoothly with no problems for 24 hours :o

  12. Sorry if this has been covered already but I can't seem to find info anywhere in the forum.

    Yesterday I bought a Surecom Broadband Router EP-4704SX from the commart. I have a TrueADSL connection and am currently using a Copperjet USB modem for games and web browsing. I want to ditch the modem and use my new router so I can share my adsl with my girlfriends com but I can't seem to configure the router properly.

    In the router settings page it shows that the ADSL is connected and working (Showtime) but I can't access the net through it at all. I've searched around for how to setup config for True broadband but haven't found anything.

    EDIT: sorry for the inconvenience..i have since tried again and now am connected to the net - woot :o

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