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Posts posted by crabdog

  1. Broadband will most likely NOT improve your gameplay because it's dependent on ping/latency, not bandwidth. Your best bet would be to find a game server closer to home to play on like Thailand or Singapore. I play an online game on Australian servers and I get a ping of about 140ms using TRUE adsl.

    If you are using TOT internet then your pings will be higher due to their woeful international routing. Switch to true or 3bb for better experience.

  2. I used to have this problem often with my DELL laptop and I discovered a fix - at least for my particular hardware.

    This would happen for me when I plugged the battery into the socket before I plugged it into the laptop. Now I always make sure to connect to the laptop before I plug it into the socket. This doesn't always work if the "plugged in not charging" is already showing. In that case I've found that simply leaving the battery unplugged for a couple of hours gets me back on track.

  3. I would also recommend the GTX 970 especially if you're gaming at anything higher than 1920x1080. There are some compelling choices from ATI in the same price range but at the moment I could not recommend them because I've had constant artifacting and ridiculous temps with my R9 280X.

    Also if you're buiding specifically for gaming I would suggest you pay a bit extra for a 120/144Hz monitor. I'm very happy with my Benq 2420Z but you might want to consider spending a bit more for something with GSync capability, particularly if you go with an Nvidia card.

  4. Several serious audiophiles I know have recommended a lookaround at headphone.com. Very good information there; comparisons and their top recommendations. You will see that AudioTechnica, Shure and Sennheiser come out on top. I personally prefer Sennheiser and have a one upper-scale for serious audio and one lower-mid for TV; two different parts of the house thus the two headphones. The Sennheiser Momentum series is within your price range and the ones I have are excellent in sound and fit.

    +1 Sennheiser

  5. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned 360Safe. It's fairly new on the scene but it has had many excellent reviews/ratings and it's also free. I've been using it for some time on two of my computers.

    If you prefer to stick with a paid service then BitDefender has been rated number one (on several sites) for the last couple of years. Kaspersky is still highly esteemed too. It might be easier for you just to resubscribe unless for some reason you really want to change.

  6. Used several Gigabyte and Asus mobos over the years and never had a problem with either. My current setup has an Asrock simply because at the time of buying it had more features than the others for the same price. It's been very solid so far too.

  7. Been using popcorn on 2 pcs for several months now. Wife absolutely loves it and i've watched heaps on there too. For Thai subtitles you usually only get them with very popular titles or older ones. Don't expect a week old movie release to have subs. I also have the android version installed and that works a treat too. Great for when you want to watch something whilst in bed.

  8. If you want to give Linux a try, why in the world would you want the most 'windows like' distro available? Take the advice that most anyone gives and use mint or lububtu. Far more support available of you encounter any problems

    This sounds like an argument from ignorance because Zorin and Mint look and feel very similar in the way things are laid out. In fact most mainstream Linux distros are "windows like" in appearance with the exception of Ubuntu's Unity.

    I've used Zorin and Mint on multiple machines in the past and in fact still have Zorin Lite on my HTPC. Always been happy using them both.

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