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Everything posted by GrungthepGringo

  1. Fair enough. Will be waiting with baited breath. A picture is worth a thousand words!
  2. Photos or we can't be certain.
  3. I was being optimistic. ✌🏼
  4. Perhaps the one being introduced as the alcoholic Thai brother is really her Thai husband.
  5. Your assuming the brother really is an alcoholic and that the narrative is not just a ruse to extract more money from the foreigner.
  6. But after hopeless bob's little display of manchildness they possibly swept the floor with his burger before returning it to him 20 long minutes later.
  7. In Thailand you also learn to swallow your ego. It goes a long way.
  8. The difference is I would have left with a smile and here he is wining like an old miinger.
  9. you need to learn something about human nature. there is a way to do things and then there is a way to do things.
  10. you live in a sad fantasy world. hopeless and hapless bob.
  11. You've got zero finesse. If I was even going to send the burger back then below is exactly what I would have said. No instructions on what to do and not providing them with a solution to the problem. Then no loss of face for them and no distaste. I'm pretty sure if you had said the following with a smile they would have taken care of it quickly for you and with a smile too. And then we wouldn't have to be reading all your hopeless whinging. ขอโทษครับขอรบกวนนิดนึงครับปกติผมชอบกินสุกกว่านี้นิดนึงครับ
  12. The alcoholic brother strikes again. It's hard to find a story about a foreigner being drained of his money by his Thai wife without there being a problematic, unfixable brother in the picture who is the source of all the financial woes. Out of all the possible narratives they could use to extract money from foreigners who would've ever thought the misfit brother would prove to be the most lucrative method.
  13. So any thoughts on GPT-4o or would you rather debate about YouTubers all day?
  14. Some bathing and personal hygiene might help to avoid those looks in the future. It took 20 minutes to drop your burger on the floor, pick it up, put it back in the plate, and then do whatever else they might have done to it that you don't want to know about. Let us all know tomorrow if you have the skids as a result. Anyway, exactly why I never send anything back. Bad idea and the outcome won't ever be any better, often only worse. Pay up, leave, move on. Finished. For as long as you have been in the hub of smiles, one would have thunked you would have learned a thing or two about them by now. They don't care about the what and the why, only the how. What and why aren't part of the equation. So, how are we going to get rid of this unwashed, troublesome, ungrateful foreigner, how long until he finally eats that burger and leaves, how is he going to pay; cash or credit. Finished.
  15. Indeed, hindsight is 20/20, but an ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure. Anyway, it is what it is now. Can only go forward and can't go back and change anything. It sounds like going forward though still nothing will change in regards to paying for things regularly for her family. Perhaps that's the sad part in it for you since it seems you were hoping it would. Well, best wishes to you.
  16. Thanks, but 2 month ago and 2 hours. The video above is focused just on GPT-4o and gets to the point faster.
  17. Sounds like the son/brother might have even scammed the parents for the money himself to pay off gambling debts, buy alcohol, drugs, etc, but none of this really even matters. The brother is just a sideshow which has gotten you very distracted. Possibly even part of their original plan. There is very often a deadbeat brother with endless problems injected into these situations who then becomes the main focus of why all the money is needed from the foreigner and/or where it is all going. Your question really was/is how do you stop paying money out to her family on a regular basis after doing it already for 20 years. But it sounds like there is no turning back now for you. Your wife still wants you to buy things for her family so it sounds like it will never end. You probably should have looked more closely at the situation 20 years ago when it all started and then it might have turned out a bit differently. But you didn't. So there you are, that is the dichotomy, and there is your answer.
  18. The world is your oyster, be whoever you want to be, quit your dead end job, hey look at me, I'm doing it, I've made it, I'm living the dream in a foreign land and I'm a multi millionaire, nobody tells me what to do anymore, hey isn't my rented beach villa just so cool? Oh, and, by the way, if you don't mind, please subscribe to my Patreon and also click the links below to support some of my affiliate sponsors and buy some of my merch. Yeah, thanks, it will really help me out bro. PEACE. ✌🏼
  19. Seems a bit cringy, concerning, and incredible all in one. A bit like HAL 9000 out of “2001: A Space Odyssey”. Here is a good summary of what it can do:
  20. The cruise happened Saturday. You missed it: https://siamcannabis.events/ https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/cannabis_news/siam-cannabis-cup-event-celebrating-cannabis-culture-in-bangkok-thailand
  21. The male foreigners who came here alone 20-30 years ago came at a time when Thailand was a very different place. Many were able to find their way, integrate, start a family, etc. So they are likely to go the distance here. Now Thailand has changed a lot. You then have young couples coming from overseas trying to make a go at it here like this young woman and her baby. Those types of people didn't come here back then trying to make it in Thailand, plus things were a lot different here before. And it's much more difficult to get into any type of business or profession in Thailand now as a foreigner because it's become "oversubscribed". It comes down to much more than the lower cost of a few items. If they are lucky they manage in Thailand for a couple of years, without burning through too much of any savings they have, and then accept that it is much harder to make it in Thailand than they had expected. Then they quietly move on.
  22. Your welcome. The "drop shipment" business model as a "hands off" online business has been around for about 15-20 years now. It started on Amazon. Now half or more of the online sellers in Thailand are doing it too. It's not stable or secure though. It's been overdone and, as soon as someone comes up with a good product idea that is selling well, someone else will copy them and do it bigger, stronger, faster, better, and cheaper. So it might go well for a short while and then it's done. The ones who last a bit longer at it actually design something, then manufacture overseas, then hire a company to handle all logistics; warehousing, shipment, and receiving payments. Then, when they stick it on Amazon, it takes a bit longer for others to replicate.
  23. snake bites fluke worms floods These lists can go on forever. But their biggest immediate challenges will be the first 3 I mentioned.
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