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  1. I've got to admit that I'd never heard of such a competition before. Is it my bad, or not enough media coverage of such events? It doesn't matter.. For anyone to win a Gold Medal at a world-level event deserves some respect and praise. No matter what the event. Well done Ariyaporn!!
  2. Happens all over the world. Here's a story from the UK a few days ago - https://www.readingchronicle.co.uk/news/24583008.pictures-cars-damaged-lorry-hits-central-reading-railway-bridge/ And here's 15 minutes of craziness -
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 175 seconds  
  4. The story isn't about speeding or anything like that, it's about the behaviour of taxi drivers to their potential customers.
  5. I didn’t notice the announcement of a properly funded and supported Independent Commission Against Corruption. Did I miss it? Here’s a link to a similar organisation elsewhere that was set up due to rampant corruption in the past. It hasn’t stopped 100% of it but it is properly supported to have zero tolerance. https://www.icac.org.hk/en/home/index.html Even someone who offered a driving examiner a cake to try to influence a driving test got convicted. Of course, it may not be required in Thailand.
  6. The Hong Kong Government got fed up with the behaviour of HK taxi drivers, so here’s what they did about it: a penalty points-based system that could lead to fines, bans and imprisonment. https://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/section/4/220433/Taxi-drivers-face-3-month-suspension-for-poor-service-as-offense-points-mechanism-takes-effect Reckon it’d work here in Thailand? Or not even get off the ground…
  7. Seems that both Harris & Trump lied during the debate - https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cgjv3gdxv7go. If this article is true of course...
  8. I had taken a look but found it a bit impenetrable. But, based on your reply I took another look and found a different web site. This is the bit I looked at - https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/amdt1-7-5-8/ALDE_00013809/. The latest item on the link states "Speech may not be banned on the ground that it expresses ideas that offend". So, the Carlson guy didn't break any law, and Alex Jones must have lost for some other reason as he clearly wasn't outside of the 1st Amendment umbrella. So, my own question answered by Google.
  9. Sad to see such an amazing looking building going up in smoke like that. Glad there were no injuries to the occupants or the emergency services folks.
  10. As 'impulse' implied I am ignorant of many things, like we all are of course as we are (supposed to be) human. I am not that familiar with (or am ignorant of) how the Constitution and its amendments are applied in civil or criminal law. I understand that it is the 1st Amendment that protects the freedom of speech. But it seems not a complete protection of the freedom of speech, as Alex Jones may be aware after he was on the wrong end of defamation lawsuit for his Sandy Hook theories. So my question is, as the guy interviewed by Tucker Carlson is obviously wrong, and he'll clearly been upsetting people with his comments, how come he isn't sued or subject to criminal investigation? My guess is he can't be held criminally liable due to the 1st Amendment, but he clearly could be found liable in a civil case? Is that right?
  11. You going for its array of activities suitable for families?
  12. And everyone has the ability to stop watching or listening to Carlson and any channel that gives him air time. Stop giving him the oxygen of attention and in the end he'll fade back into the sewer he came from.
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