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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. Now we understand why there are no engines ordered for their next bunch of Chinese subs apparently on order, they are well ahead of the game and could foresee that electric was the way forward... ????
  2. Might just come to pass as most hardened crims don't appreciate kiddy fiddlers in any form.
  3. Along with snake, grass-hoppers and assorted other bugs, chicken feet, etc. the culinary delights of Thailand.
  4. It's ok, just run petrol or diesel powered generators at home to make up for any short fall, problem solved.
  5. Your response of course will certainly enhance your standing as someone worth answering. Have you considered asking a couple of builders?
  6. But bear in mind, some people are a rse holes, and couldn't care less about anyone other than themselves and probably the very first to expect someone else to get them out of trouble if it every arises.
  7. It seems not ????
  8. If you want to do it properly, engineer it properly - at the moment your running around in circles without any chance of ending up with a successful outcome. For starters, you say toilet/s don't close off properly, you are bursting pipes etc - fix these issues first before worrying about changing the supply method. Pumping from a tank directly into you system is the best way to go, it just requires to be done correctly with a no leaking toilets, / taps with the pump discharge pressure controlled to suit the pipework etc. What model Hitachi pump do you have?
  9. And spent his early life in youtubing making fun of and belittling Thais....
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