Easily arranged from inside, would think he has plenty of capable helpers on the outside along with sufficient inside support to facilitate what ever is required.
Money wouldn't be a problem to ensure things were sorted.
Don't worry people, the fix is the fix and already in play.
The only long term cure for a change in Thailand is a people's uprising/coup and that seems to be a long long way off.
Maybe, but more likely arranged by the parents, as is not unknown in the land of smiles, scams, prostituting your daughter all for a few extra Baht each week.
Did they knowingly have sex with underage girls or were they told or lead to believe they were older?
Very difficult to tell the difference in age for many Thai girls/ women, I've seem older women that look like teenagers with a couple of kids in toe.
35.8% is hardly an outstanding result considering the questions asked have not been listed nor are the overall voting results known.
Typical Thai smoke and mirrors controlled by the major string pulling monkeys.
Of course the parents were completely in the dark regarding their 13 year old daughter applying for such a lucrative job and being smuggled into Malaysia, of course they were - BS - they should be also charged for allowing and encouraging this to happen.
A yearly audit is meaningless, I know a high ranking police guy in charge of a police station, he has random weekly checks as many police guys regularly put their guns into the pawn shops on a temporary basis.