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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2025/03/04/guard-apologizes-for-british-tourist-punch-security-training-planned/ the tourist was heavily intoxicated, and when he attempted to prevent the man from entering the establishment, the British man kicked him in the groin.. Sarawut admitted he lost his temper and could not control his emotions.
  2. More stupidity. if she was a smuggler with the intent to sell she wouldn’t just have a quarter of one gram would she. She is a successful model and singer and cocaine is common in that industry. Stop trying to smear the woman with your garbage. Some unsuccessful people hate those who are successful
  3. Have you got any links to her supporting Hamas? No, because she never has.
  4. Might have dropped her phone or some jewelry and tried to retrieve it?
  5. Stupid comment as usual. she had a quarter of one gram.
  6. Best to cut these Americans off completely. The population voted for the buffoon so they deserve him. They are always getting us in wars over false pretenses. it will fun watching Trump and American fail like they did in his first term.
  7. It was a hit and run but you seem to be on the side of the foreigner, because he is a foreigner?
  8. Press release? it was a Facebook post.
  9. Maybe they pick up on your anti farang vibes or maybe it is the way you present yourself. Do you have a bad head?
  10. Chinese and TAT predicting tourists numbers and baht spent. The haters will love this thread.
  11. Trump has shared this video. Bad taste considering the reality on the ground?
  12. Was there any criticism of the foreigners? If so can you show it to me. Foreigners are so sensitive these days, more than half the comments on the fb page were positive, a few questioned whether or not the monks were behaving appropriately. None were criticizing the foreigners. There was no moaning.
  13. I have forgotten more than you will ever know.
  14. Ever since the internet was invented village idiots have become the forum idiots.
  15. You are not dealing with someone with a high IQ, just someone with a high post count and a high desire to to get “likes”
  16. https://www.matichon.co.th/region/news_5066398 These targets were connected to a case where Koh Samui Municipality authorized a civil engineer to file a complaint with Bo Phut Police Station against a company that allegedly encroached on land on Chaweng Noi Hill to construct buildings for the “Seabreeze” project. The violations include breaches of the Building Control Act and potentially nominee business operations (using Thai nationals as proxy shareholders). https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2025/02/26/germans-property-project-on-koh-samui-leads-to-law-firm-raided/ เมื่อวันที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ 68 ตำรวจภูธรภาค 8 ได้ดำเนินการตรวจสอบและปิดล้อมตรวจค้นเป้าหมายที่เกี่ยวข้องกับกลุ่มชาวต่างชาติที่เข้ามาประกอบธุรกิจในประเทศไทยโดยมิชอบด้วยกฎหมาย ครอบคลุมพื้นที่ 7 จังหวัดในเขตตำรวจภูธรภาค 8 รวม 29 เป้าหมาย... อ่านข่าวต้นฉบับได้ที่ : https://www.matichon.co.th/region/news_5066398
  17. I wonder what country they would be from?
  18. I didn’t think there were any. I admire the brave way the Thai army goes about it, making sure not to kill any innocent women and children.
  19. How many women and children have the Thai army killed in the South in the last year? How many houses have they destroyed? How many cars? How many businesses? How many hospitals? Have they cut off the water and stopped food from entering the south? How many bombs have they dropped on the people of the south? Have you got any figures?
  20. She has received many award’s already. I want to give here one for triggering the grumpy old men. Does anyone do it better than Greta?
  21. Maybe he was referring to that Israel imposed a lot of restrictions on daily lives of the Gazans and those living in the West Bank. or are you going to deny that happens as well?
  22. A man who wears make up, uses fake tan, hairspray and dances on stage with the Village People objects to drag queens?
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