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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. What are you on about? The Aussie is dead, do you think they should lock him up for decades before the funeral?
  2. Just show your thai drivers license and they give you the locals discount.
  3. A terrible troll. Thailand is good value as a tourist and even better value once you figure out how not to pay tourist prices. If there was a better all round country to live in I would leave and go there. It doesn’t exist
  4. There is a link between the climate deniers and those who argue against EVs. The mere mention of EVs sends them nutty. If you don’t think there is then I will let you believe that. You believe plenty of other things that doesn’t suit your narrative not based on any facts. Now imagine if the bus that just killed 25 in Bangkok was an EV. That would send them all right off. The climate denying anti EV mob love a good vehicle fire. If it is an EV.
  5. Good for you. You might be able to retire one day. I am sure most of the money will not be spent on alcohol. But it makes for a good rant.
  6. Door wouldn’t open and the kindergarten aged kids couldn’t manage to break the emergency window.
  7. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13906603/brit-tourist-beats-australian-friend-death-drunk-thailand.html An Australian tourist was allegedly beaten to death by his British friend in Thailand, police have claimed. The Australian man had been drinking beer with the Brit, 29, when they had a drunken row in front of their hotel in Pattaya - often referred to as 'Sin City' because of its focus on nightlife - before dawn on September 27. The pair sparked panic as they came to blows in the street while terrified locals watched on in horror. Another example of if you want to fight, make sure you actually can fight.
  8. Interesting that a thread on white culture has brought out the maga loons.
  9. His country refrained from dropping bombs on innocent people, women and children in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
  10. No such thing as a bad dog breed. Just bad owners. And it looks like this committee will address that issue. American people kill more people per year than American Pitbulls. I have never seen an American Pitbull pull off a mass shooting. They are inherently more dangerous but everyone wants to kill all the dogs. I suggest if you do not like stray dogs then Thailand is not for you. Nothing worse than when an uninvited immigrant shows up and wants to change the culture to be like their country.
  11. Yet another example of easy visas for people from these countries and quantity over quality backfiring on Thailand..
  12. That is not correct, the USA has. Only country to nuke other counties also. Who said I am rooting for Muslims? You sad arse Americans always have to take sides. if I say something about Trump you start ranting about Kamala when I never said she was any good either. Just because I hate Jews doesn’t mean I like Muslims either. I don’t like Christian’s either, religion is nonsense. I think this is a big part of why America is so disfunctional. If you criticize something it doesn’t mean something else must be good. Trump is a loser and Kamala is also. Because you don’t have the intellect to realise that is why things are so bad over there currently. If you were able to accept that you could be better. You are all stark raving mad.
  13. I like you Nick. What are you doing later? I hate the Jews and Americans for the slaughter of women and children. I like peaceful people, like Thais. Unlike yourself I don’t have any issue with Thai males who seem to intimidate you so much.
  14. Not American sports shoes. Why would I? And I don’t eat hamburgers, they are junk food. Garbage for the poor. I eat steak and vegetables mostly, fresh seafood. I lot of fruit. I don’t want a fat arse like Trump. People might think I am American
  15. Per capita is a better indicator. I would rather be a rich person than a poor person in a big country. You don’t even like half of your own countrymen, or a bit over half.
  16. If America was so good under Trump how did he lose to Sleepy Joe Biden. He is a Loser. And unfortunately will lose again. Vance was calling Trump Americas Hitler. Sort of saying a weak, woke American Hitler, like you think McDonald’s make good food.
  17. No I hate America and want to see Trump win. So we can laugh again as he mucks everything up again. Laughing stock of the whole world and even for about half of Americans themselves. It was great the first time as he drowned in the swamp he said he would drain.
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