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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. They are stark raving mad over there. They believe anything. Only in the USA could WWE be so popular.
  2. They are all stark raving mad. Looks like Harris will get up this election but Trump will be back for 2028.
  3. Where did you meet? Have you considered buying your own food since she almost always gets it wrong?
  4. Oh dear, quite a rant. it is a poll. If a polling company loaded the question that way it would be laughed at. I didn’t give a serious answer because it was such a loaded question that seemed to go over your head. Is street food good for you? Old rancid oil. Cheap oil. Food dripping with oil.
  5. Russian restaurant and Russian nail salon. It might have been the Ukraines?
  6. I think you are confused again. The Land Office (grom tee din) is not the same place as the transport office (grom kon song) To make a legal lease you are required to go to the Land Office, nothing to do with the transport office. Glad I could clear that up for you. Yet again.
  7. Since I was at an all boys school I was made to play a male nurse. I was ahead of my time.
  8. The climate deniers love pointing out that electric cars depreciate. While ignoring that all cars depreciate. They are not very bright generally.
  9. Gawd, not half woke are you? Guilty on all four charges.
  10. Says the bloke that can not even read the entire OP or link. Get back to work. You need the money.
  11. No good for fat western snowflakes. But us tougher farangs along with the tough Thais, not only is all that oil a good source of energy but the rancid stuff builds up your immune system. Half the kids in the nanny state west can’t even eat a peanut theses days without having a seizure.
  12. Americans are the poster child for white trash and really should not be included in white culture. That a lying sex pest such as Trump can be voted in by the masses is proof of this, they have lost their way. Drugs are rife and so are murders with guns. They live in a fantasy land, highly religious, high rates of incarceration, no idea about the outside world, worship rappers and influencers, WWE is a popular “sport”. It is rediculous. They are stark raving mad. I would say Thais are more civilized than Americans overall and have a lot more common sense. Much more pleasant to be around. They refer to England as the “Land of the Gentleman” and have a royal family like us and the other civilized European powers.
  13. I was in Suzy Wong the other night. Pleasant experience. I would say most of the members of this forum are married to bargirls. Some can admit it, some are in denial and some never knew. There is an old Chinese proverb. You can take the girl out of the bar but you can not take the bar out of the girl.
  14. I think we can all agree the promiscuous women are the reason why we are all here. But there is a down side to it as Lampong found out the hard way.
  15. As top of the tree we don’t care if other lesser races want to try to put us down. The “n” word, being “anti semetic” etc are examples of other racial groups being over sensitive from a feeling of being inferior. Why else would they care. Same as women, they have fought for their rights for “sexual freedom” but if you mention it to them you will be accused of slut shaming. Same with fat people being fat shamed. You can not shame a fit person simply because there is nothing to be ashamed about. The smarter Asians don’t seem bothered by it but others do.
  16. So you can not name a single thing so you personally attack me. Are you a feminist?
  17. That is when we lost it. It opened the floodgates for the LGBTIA+ and all the others. History will show that by giving them a vote was the worst mistake we ever made. It just confused them.
  18. We are talking about contributions to the greater mankind. They are nice people, but their greatest contributions are, well, er Nothing.
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