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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. Zilch. us white men did it all, And we did it all with nagging white women dragging us down the whole time. We should all be given a medal.
  2. I will buy one to put with my Trump bible for when I go to Trump casinos on Trump Airline. And when I am flogging off to Stormy Daniel’s porn. They are all stark raving mad.
  3. Personally I find modern women to be too promiscuous to marry. Why would you want to marry someone who had sex with others and is cum stained? I nearly married a slut but luckily came to my senses. I think she took advantage of me during Covid. Now I am just reverting back to when I was younger and just do as many as I can. If I found a virgin I probably would marry her if I got along with her. I know a few exes of mine married and now divorced. I got to use her the same way and didn’t have to give her half my stuff when it was over.
  4. No, it was a venomous pit viper and his traditional medicine cured him. That you think that a traditional methods can not work just shows your ignorance. Half that muck Big Pharma sells is to make money, traditional medicine is all about the cure.
  5. Sure, white people did that also. Part of our superiority. what is your point?
  6. Yeah, they are doing well. can you actually list some of those wonderful inventions.
  7. I said nearly which you conveniently left out. The Asians are good at copying our stuff. please give me a list of the great inventions and innovations by non white males. We could easily live without them, but they would be stuffed without us. They wouldn’t even have cars,refrigerators,electricity or internet.
  8. You Americans are stark raving mad if you believe that is an insult.
  9. I would put forward that nearly all major contributions to mankind have come from white men. credit where credit due Freddy. Fine to be friendly with women and people from other races. They have overall benefitted from our inventions, electricity, planes, trains and automobiles etc and advances in modern medicine that has increased life expectancy for all. Unfortunately jealousy rears its ugly head and we don’t get the credits and accolades we deserve. A big Thankyou to the white men and all you have done for us.
  10. Thanks for your question. Killing for food is different. What are you? A vegan?
  11. Another uninvited farang showing up and wanting to change Thailand. You comments indicate you are an advocate of genital mutational and keeping dogs locked up? I just asked my dog friend and he said that he likes the freedom of having a penis which he enjoys using on the local bitches. He didn’t like the idea of cutting off his knackers and being locked up all day. I assume the dog in your photo is a transgender dog? I am not sure what the point is with those types of handbag dogs.
  12. Yep, these promiscuous women cause a lot of problems that could be avoided if they kept their pants on.
  13. There is no law in Thailand that says you are not allowed to be racist. If you have a problem with that then you should go back to the woke nanny state you came from.
  14. Oh dear. You have lost the plot. If you think that the average Thai waste their time thinking about white supremacy you have imagined it and need help.
  15. On no. Nothing sadder than a privileged white guy playing the woke race card. Most draconian immigration laws in the world?????? It couldn’t be much easier, a range of various visas that accommodate us all. Fill out a few forms and they will even give you a work permit. Harden up mate, you sound like a real Karen.
  16. Calm down. You seem to have been triggered? Where did he say he had an issue?
  17. I am living the life in Thailand due to my white privilege. No point denying it as some woke like to do. You have to embrace it. Doubly good when you add “male” to it. White male = nothing better.
  18. He had his chance. completely stuffed everything up so bad that people voted for old Joe. They are stark raving mad.
  19. They are all stark raving mad over there. 350 million people to chose from and it is down to a choice behind a woman and elderly lying sex pest. Harris seems to be getting most of her support, not because she is good, but only because people hate the other idiot more. Not because of her plan for the future. Trump is the laughing stock of the world.
  20. The floods over the past month have done a good job in washing much of the rubbish away. Into the klongs. Which ends up in the sea. And then washed up on to the beaches.
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