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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. When was the last time they attacked a Christian country? Vietnam, Laos, Korea, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq George Bush has claimed he was on a mission from God when he launched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq Religion also surfaced as an issue when Mr Bush and Tony Blair were reported to have prayed together in 2002 at his ranch at Crawford, Texas - the summit at which the invasion of Iraq was agreed in principle. Mr Blair has consistently refused to admit or deny the claim. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/oct/07/iraq.usa Religious nutters must be stopped.
  2. Yes, it is called the US Armed Forces. Killed way more civilians than any Muslim terrorist group have.
  3. Those Russians are mostly Christians. Always causing trouble those Christians.
  4. And a good hard prison gang rape so he learns his lesson.
  5. Nah, the Swiss, Russians, Belgiuns, Brits, Viets, and now Indians are providing plenty of incidents to criticize. People should learn to behave in countries where they are guests. Poor old Thai people are the ones that have to sort them all out. And usually volunteers.
  6. No you are wrong. Over a million dead Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan bombed by the American led Christians. Under 50,000 Christian’s killed by Muslims.
  7. Wouldn’t be as good as you mate.
  8. I wonder what AI moderation would be like?
  9. For the first time ever I agree with you. Well said.
  10. I will take that rambling answer as a no. i thought as much. I guess a no answer would not have suited your over the top narrative.
  11. Has anyone you know actually died from drink driving? Or do you just like to follow rules for the sake of following rules.
  12. It probably has a lot to with that most of us came here for the sex industry.
  13. Is it illegal to be racist and homophobic these days? I am both.
  14. Well Israel is denying genocide in Gaza.
  15. I admire her looks more than her brains.
  16. Against crazy farangs with with packs of dogs?
  17. I would never attack an elderly Thai person with a pack of dogs, so nothing to worry about. This punk had it coming to him. It was in all the other news anyway. Only Aseannow protects the perps. i was inspired by Julian Assange
  18. Yes, first trip. Hurt like buggery.
  19. It has been and he has been From Belgium
  20. As a fellow Brit I am also trying to chill out more like thai people. The Thais certainly seem happier than us and don’t sweat to small stuff. And they hardly ever complain, and complaining seems to be our favorite hobby. we can learn a lot from these people.
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