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  1. What I certainly don't like about Shopee is that most of their vouchers are racist based. Right now, i have 17 vouchers, of which 15 are only valid for those who have registered for pay later. Vouchers for pay later registrants also offer higher discounts. Foreigners can't register for pay later.
  2. Are you sure that's how it works? I think once you have a tax ID, you'll have it forever, regardless how many days you are in the country some years.
  3. I guess that included those of the 3 "ladies" who you considered so actractive
  4. I think you have a valid point there. I also had plans to buy a condo, but there may be some surprises down the line, where suddenly that condo increases 35% in price.
  5. No need CIA for that. There are plenty of credible examples that Google - FB etc are listening while your phone is in your pocket. For example you are discussing hotels while in a taxi or at home, next you turn on your phone and open FB or Google, and there are the ads for hotels right at the top of the page. You think a coincidence? I don't
  6. So you picked a side, the side of the US liberals propaganda machine.
  7. Didn't replace shocks as I had them replaced with genuine ones about 50K km before. I expect if shocks were bad that it would just be the opposite of what I experience. On an unevenness, the car is soft but it tends to jump a little
  8. That is a huge difference from the spec @KhunBENQ posted for the same car.
  9. Of course after replacing ball joints and steering rack, the tracking was adjusted again. The issue isn't that the car goes off track, but every unevenness in the road can be felt.
  10. I thought that was a public secret for years already
  11. Yes it is indeed sad when someone who is a wannabe expert and wannabe moderator, didn't get the humour sense implanted at his birth.
  12. Your wife also a martial arts expert? Man Burns Down House in Martial Dispute
  13. CallumWK

    Will Advice

    I can only guess that you are illiterate, since you are unable to read and comprehend a 3 line post, and with a chip on your shoulder. Try again, S L O W L Y this time. Let me know if I need to make a drawing for you to understand. Witnesses can be Amphur staff, and even if it needs to be non-staff members, witnesses can die before me. I am single and have no relatives.
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