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  1. How do promotions on Iherb work? Currently at the top of the page it states 20% discount on multivitamin, but no code is displayed. Adding an item to the cart also no discount is applied
  2. Take a look at this post from last year, when I went to visit the revenue department in Jomtien.
  3. Fail. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_salute
  4. Today I asked Google how often I should change the engine air filter in my Nissan Navara. Below is what AI told me. 😅😅
  5. My pension started on January 2024, so virtually all money in the bank is from before 2024, but I'm not gonna gamble to send it here lol
  6. That is also what my embassy informed me about in 2023. The tax on my pension is covered by the DTA, so I get taxed on it in Belgium. But if I remit it to Thailand, and the tax scale in Thailand is higher than Belgium, I will pay the difference in Thailand. Of course there was no mention of what happens if the tax scale in Thailand is lower. And now, my pension isn't taxed in Belgium, because I'm below the threshold. I receive annually about 500K baht pension. What happens if I remit this to Thailand, as i believe the threshold for being tax free is much lower here
  7. Yeah, Thaksin is really popular. NOT
  8. It's a word to attract the pedant spelling police
  9. How would I, as a NON-US citizen, be conned by anything Trump promises or not? I suggest you, as an Australian citizen, get over it.
  10. And what is your point, Australian not interested in US politics Trump hater? Did he say he would sort it within 24 hours after the election of November fifth?
  11. Belgium. I don't remit anything to Thailand, so for now it's not taxable, unless the rumours of worldwide income tax get enforced in the future
  12. You beat me to it. To me that sounds as if the revenue office in your home country, automatically will forward all your earnings to the Thai revenue department. And that was also what my bank told me, when I was asked where my tax residency would be. If I select Thailand as my tax residency, I will be exempt of withholding on my interests, but it comes with a caveat. If you use the tax exemption, the document is valid for one year and the taxes are passed on to the selected tax office. I decided to keep my tax residency in my home country.
  13. If there were no crimes, there obviously would have been nom need for any pardon.
  14. And it is still scaremongering, which should not be allowed. There is no news, info or indication that the tax return will be connected to visa extensions. You are the only one continuing with the scaremongering without any evidence. Give it a rest

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