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  1. I wonder if it can decline over 100% Elon Musk-led Tesla’s sales plummet over 75% in Germany amid political backlash Read more at: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/us/elon-musk-led-teslas-sales-plummet-over-75-in-germany-amid-political-backlash/articleshow/118738079.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst
  2. Within 6 months US flags will fly half mast. Wink wink nod nod
  3. Anyone here has experience with uPvc windows installed by SC Eco House in Huay Yai? Thanks
  4. Look like they were right on the ball again. NOT
  5. New elections with the same result as the previous ones.
  6. I remember the last big event before New years eve. When the event ended they switched Pattaya central road to one way from beach road to Sukumvith road...............except the section between the traffic light at big c xtra and the traffic light at third road
  7. I have plans to renovate a house, which has the cheap aluminium windows and doors, so I will replace them with uPvc. All companies I have contacted so far use Conch profiles, which seems to be an Indonesian company producing in China. I never heard of them before, but Google tells me they are reliable. Anyone experience with Conch? My first thought was the regular white profiles, but lately I see many houses with the black color profiles, and they stand out from those with white color windows. One of the companies I contacted actually advised against black, as they said they would twist in the hot sun, regardless of that they are reinforced with steel. I have a hard time believing that, and think they may have another reason for their claims. So has anyone experience with black color uPvc windows and doors?
  8. So traffic will be even more horrible than it was last weekend, when as far as I'm aware no event was going on? From Friday till Sunday traffic was in a complete deadlock, comparable with New Year's Eve or when the fireworks are on.
  9. 7-11 has all central air installed. Guess for a reason
  10. Why this troll thread, posted by someone pretending to speak Thai but uses google translate, in the Thai language forum?
  11. What you're on about? Someone who made 3500 posts in less than 30 days, and think he has nothing to say ? 🤣😂🤣
  12. And the pedant post of the day goes to..................
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