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Everything posted by TedG

  1. Is this your way of saying that Obama didn't do much? He did make a mess of the student loan program.
  2. The Democrats are obsessed with race. Everything is about race. You must be a Democrat.
  3. Check out the plans. It's not all that great.
  4. You seem obsessed with pigmentation, and you can’t come up with any great accomplishments. Obama is overrated.
  5. Did he actually accomplish anything of note worthy?
  6. What made him in the best in your eyes?
  7. He is also an empty suite.
  8. Joe will do what ever his wife tells him to do.
  9. I've said for a while the Dems would romp over Trump in Nov if they had a decent candidate. But, they decided to engage in gaslighting about the state of Joe Biden and it blew up in their face last night.
  10. Is this the best you have? You are nothing but a standard life with zero substance.
  11. The DNC should be investigated for elder abuse.
  12. LOL...you lack the chops to discuss anything.
  13. Sorry for your loss, dude. Go someplace and cry it out.
  14. You people are taking last nights disaster hard. Maybe you should turn off your computer and go for a walk.
  15. Fifty one former intelligence sighed a letter stating that Joe Biden won last night.
  16. All the gaslighting blew up in their faces last night.
  17. What about the tax cuts?
  18. Looks like the math went over your head. The 500 billion Joe talks about won't cover his 1.7 trillion dollar deficit.
  19. “He had the largest national debt of any president in a four-year period,” Biden said of Trump. “Number two, that $2 trillion tax cut benefitted the very wealthy. What I’m gonna do is fix the tax system. For example, we have a thousand trillionaires in America. I mean billionaires. And what’s happening? We’re in a situation where they in fact pay 8.2% in taxes. If they just pay 24%, 25%, either one of those numbers we would’ve raised $500 million– billion dollars, I should say, in a 10-year period. We’d be able to wipe out his debt. 500 billion x 10 = 5 trillion. The national debt is 34 trillion. Yes, Joe Biden is tossing out the "facts".
  20. Biden looks awful. Sorry for your loss tonight.
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