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Everything posted by Alpha84

  1. They just tell him that he is signing off on invoices to order more of his diapers, another fresh stock of MAGA hats from China, a lifetime supply of orange-tinted face paint, an executive order officially recognizing ketchup as the national vegetable, and a pardon for himself, just in case. Then he just signs away, nodding like he actually read a word of it.
  2. Yes, absolutely not thought about at all. At least, before all of those federal workers were laid off, they were working for their money. Now they will still be living off the government, but staying home and not working for it at all. Perhaps his next move will be to cripple and gut the Department of Labor so that they don't have enough staff to process and pay out unemployment benefits. Apparently, the federal layoffs have only just gotten started, and the numbers are going to increase exponentially.
  3. I wonder if the cost of the massive number of people, who will soon be applying for unemployment benefits, will eventually break the system?
  4. Good thing that, isn't it... cause the WH is already full of turds already.
  5. Yes and it's only going to get worse too as you said. Trump has paused the tariffs on Canada for another month, but Canada has not paused any of their reciprocal tariffs on the US. Meanwhile, Canada buys more US exports than China, Japan, and a number of other countries combined. Canadians have already started boycotting a number of American products. Even if Trump flip-flops on his tariffs, and never really puts them into effect on Canada, the damage is already done. Canadian sentiment has already shifted and unlikely to shift back until Trump is out of office. Plus, his rhetoric about making Canada the 51st state and taking away its sovereignty is only souring sentiment even more. Always winning!
  6. Homelessness is sure to increase in America over the coming months as unemployment continues to rise. Perhaps Trump can move all those homeless Americans out into tents in the desert in Egypt, along with all the Palestinians from Gaza while he builds himself a new golf course for him and Vlad to put around on together.
  7. This month, the unemployment rate in America ticked up to 4.1%. Next month, it's likely to exceed that, which will raise the unemployment level in America to the highest it's been since the Covid crash. Homelessness should increase too. Making America Gutted Again!
  8. Thank you for pointing that out Susan, I mean BigNok, I mean Harris the stalker, oh, never mind.
  9. Making America Great Again? A report by global outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas released Thursday said that planned job cuts surged 245% in February to 172,017 last month. That's the highest level since July 2020, when the economy was reeling from restrictions related to the COVID pandemic, and the highest total for February since the Great Recession in 2009. Source: https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/us-job-cuts-surge-245-february-federal-government-layoffs https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/us-announced-job-cuts-surge-245-february-federal-government-layoffs-2025-03-06/
  10. Susan, we thought you were sporting a mangina?
  11. It’s fascinating, in a rather tragic way, to watch Harrisfan, so utterly intoxicated by an online forum, that he's lost all self-awareness. When you strip away the smug, hostile one-liners and hollow antagonism, what’s left? A person who spends nearly every waking hour, posting over two thousand times per week, desperately seeking even the smallest acknowledgment of their own existence from an anonymous chat messaging site. It’s not about discussion, engagement, or contributing anything of value. It’s an addiction, plain and simple. The endless stream of posts isn’t a choice anymore; it’s a compulsive, obsessive feedback loop, one that has completely overtaken and reduced his life to a deeply troubled existence of mental illness. At this point, it’s not even about the content of his posts. Whether they’re being demeaning, nasty, bitter, or pretending to be performatively disinterested, the only thing that really matters to him is the response. He can’t function without it. It’s the same psychological mechanism as any other dependency, just another hit of dopamine from every reply, every emoji, every moment where someone acknowledges that he exists, even if it’s in the form of the usual disgust he receives back from most other members. This isn’t participation in a community. It’s a loop, an endless cycle of needing to be seen and heard, to be responded to, to feel something, anything, in a life that clearly has nothing else going for it. The most telling part? He doesn't even deny it. He can’t. Instead, he deflects, minimizes, and pretends it’s all just a bit of harmless fun, all while his post count continues to tick up into the thousands week after week. The forum has banned him multiple times for his toxic and unwarranted attacks against others, yet he crawls back under new accounts within minutes, unable to break free, unable to let go. And deep down, he knows it. There’s no escape for him, no real control. A serial troll run amok to the highest level. This place owns Harris/Susan/BigNok now. It’s not a pastime for him, it’s a prison. And the saddest part is, he built his cage of isolation all by himself.
  12. Only you. That's the problem.
  13. Bravo. Your mental gymnastics are truly something to behold. “0.1% of my life,” really? You are physically incapable of making a post without immediately contradicting reality. You drop nearly 300 posts a day according to your weekly post count displayed on AN that shows you've made more than 2,000 posts over the last 7 days, which, unless you’ve cracked some secret code to stretching time, means you’re glued to this site for three-quarters of your waking life. It’s not a hobby. It’s not entertainment. It’s an addiction. And worse, it’s one you’ve lost complete control over. I’ve fully figured it out now. It’s not that you want to spend your life this way, it’s that you can’t stop. It’s obsessive compulsive disorder taken to an extreme. You’ve tried to cut it off before, maybe even convinced yourself you could step away. But you failed. And now? Now, you’ve just submitted to it. Fully surrendered. You tell yourself you’re here for the “human interaction” but the truth is, you’re here because you literally cannot exist without the micro-doses of dopamine that you get from any response, positive or negative. You don’t care about meaningful discussion, nor are you here to contribute anything of value as we discussed. No, you just need the acknowledgment, a signal from the void, or even a blackhole like an anonymous online forum, that you still exist. That someone, anyone, has noticed you. You’ve become the forum’s equivalent of those blokes who pay dominatrixes to humiliate, degrade, and try to intentionally hurt them. It’s not about connection, it’s about obsession. Your addiction is just as real, just as all-consuming. And that’s the real difference between us. You claim “nobody will read” what I wrote? But that’s the thing, I don’t need them to. Unlike you, I’m not a prisoner to this place. I don’t require the validation. You, on the other hand? You can’t function without it. That’s why you’re already back here, clinging to the last shreds of denial, firing off the same predictable, tired responses, hoping someone, just anyone, throws another hit of acknowledgment your way. So go on there. Remain in your alternate reality, pretending that this site doest make up nearly your entire waking existence. Keep lying to yourself. We, and everyone else on AN all know exactly what you are and why you are here, as it is something clearly and totally beyond and out of your own control.
  14. I genuinely can’t wrap my head around it. You pump out an average of 285 smug, antagonistic, completely substance-free posts per day, just a relentless flood of snide remarks, hollow one-liners, and bitter, attention-seeking drivel. This isn’t just a bad habit. This is your life. So tell us, how do you do it? More importantly, why do you do it? Have you ever stopped, even for a half second, to question your own existence? Is there truly nothing else out there for you? No real human contact, no meaningful pursuits, beyond spending two-thirds of your waking hours posting petty jabs and sharing photos of the sad, underwhelming and cheap looking meals that you seem to think impress people? You’ve been banned multiple times from what other members have noted. So the site itself has made it clear you’re not wanted, yet here you are, crawling back under new accounts like a sewer rat scurrying toward the nearest scrap of negativity. Doesn’t it get exhausting? Doesn’t it feel desperate? Or do you just need this? Do you thrive on the idea that even if people don't want you around, at least they’re paying attention to you? Or do you simply get off on the thousands of sad emojis left on your posts? At some point you’ve got to ask yourself, what exactly are you getting out of this? What's in it for you? Is this it? The end of the road and the grand sum of your existence? Sitting behind a screen, injecting more hostility into the world day after day, desperately trying to hijack every new and interesting discussion with your nastiness until people just give up and walk away out of disgust? Does that actually fulfill you? Because from the outside looking in, it just looks desperate and tragic.
  15. Wow, nailed it, wouldn’t you say Harrisfrown?
  16. Try doing both at the same time. You might end up with the tips of your fingers up your anose.
  17. You mean like farangs who wear Hawaiian shirts looking for meaning in a meanlingless world?
  18. You've posted the word "angry" over 10 times already throughout this short topic. Clearly you are trying to message something to everyone about yourself. Have fun.
  19. Triggered. Can't cope. Snowflake. Cry more.
  20. And wrong again. I'm not a farang. But on the topic of an angry farang, from reading many of your posts, if the shoe fits, kettle black.
  21. Pointless conclusions in your OP. Clearly, you never interact with real people, just judge them based on their glances at you. Your only “dialogue” is the 1,500 meaningless posts you scatter across an anonymous forum every week. Obsessed with knowing nothing but thinking it’s something. A top-tier serial stalker.
  22. Bring your minging old whinging wife to Thailand, dump her off, then leave with a fresh young one. Yep, can't imagine why anyone would possibly want to do that???
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