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Everything posted by SoCal1990

  1. Most of the time I'm carrying my physical debit card in my pocket as a backup, but rarely do I ever use it. Normally it gets used when I occasionally encounter a store that has an outdated card reader and I need to insert the physical card to complete the payment.
  2. Today, I went to fill up my motorcycle with petrol and paid using my Wise debit card through Apple Wallet on my iPhone, simply tapping my phone on a contactless card sensor that was wireless and held out by the pump attendant. This got me thinking; has Thailand already truly embraced the 21st century to where it has everything one would need? People often say that Thailand is decades behind the West in some respects, and perhaps it is in certain ways. But in others, the country has made remarkable progress. Sure, we could spend all day pointing out the flaws, Pongsak this, Pornthip that, but I’d rather think about the positives. These are the aspects of life in Thailand where it genuinely stacks up against, or even surpasses, life in the West. For example, I can order food, drinking water, cannabis, a massage, or even companionship through one app or another on my phone and it all gets delivered. I can pay for nearly everything using my debit card in my iPhone, my banking and utility payments are done online, many are even automatic. I can also schedule appointments for visa and driving license renewals online whenever necessary. Healthcare and dentistry in Thailand are also excellent, prescription medicines are inexpensive, internet speeds are fast, Wi-Fi is everywhere, and cellular signals are reliable. Plus, nearly everything I need is within walking distance such as a gym, banks, supermarkets, dozens of restaurants, and 24-hour convenience stores. If I want to head out beyond my neighborhood, there’s an extensive and affordable public transport system, including electric buses, trains, and a network that leads straight to a sprawling, high-tech shopping mall. So, what more do we really need that isn’t already available in Thailand? Or, flip that the other way around, what conveniences available here are still missing in the West?
  3. In many Western relationships, I believe that expectations tend to be rooted more in notions of romance, intimacy, and equality than in Asia. And in Thailand, male-female relationships often take on a more transactional nature. Essentially, there is an unspoken agreement I've noticed where, while a Thai woman may expect greater financial support from her partner, she often offers a different kind of flexibility in return. One of the key aspects that stands out to me is the level of freedom a Western man may feel he has in a relationship with a Thai woman versus a Western woman. Thus, Western men in Thailand often find themselves in a situation where their partner is much more accepting of certain behaviors that would be unacceptable or frowned upon in more traditional Western relationships. A Thai wife might tolerate the occasional drunken binge, a happy ending massage, or even the open agreement that the man can partake in a bit of infidelity. Proving that it's not about keeping tabs or setting rigid rules, instead she accepts that he needs his space and doesn’t push for anything too serious or restrictive. This arrangement is, of course, different from what many Western men are used to. Thai women aren’t necessarily seeking to control or micromanage their partners. Instead, they seem to offer a more relaxed and laid-back approach. The idea is that they give their partner the freedom to be more of themselves, with less nagging that often characterizes the relationships back home. This flexibility could be one of the major reasons why so many Western men praise Thai women, especially when it comes to relationships and even marriage. But there is often more to the story than that. Although, Thai women may not expect the same emotional intimacy or exclusivity, they may still demand something else in return. That’s where the transactional side comes into play. They might not expect lavish spending, but there’s often an expectation of consistent financial support, especially when it comes to daily living, providing a nice home to live in, and helping out financially with her family. But most of all, without the expectation that the Thai woman must also work. These things are something that Western men may be more than willing to give to a Thai woman than to a Western woman in exchange for the sense of freedom and ease that comes with being in a relationship with a Thai woman. It’s also worth noting that many Western men in Thailand seem to accept this arrangement because they feel like they’re getting more of what they really want from the relationship, being that their own added freedom and flexibility, rather than the traditional intimacy or emotional connection that Western relationships so often emphasize. So, when Western men talk about how wonderful Thai women are as wives, they’re really often talking about the things that the Thai women don’t do rather than what they do do. The men value the space, the lack of constant scrutiny, and the freedom to be themselves without the pressure to conform to traditional expectations of marriage and relationships. In the end, it’s a different kind of dynamic, one that prioritizes freedom over intimacy. Thai women offer an understanding of their partner’s needs, but at the same time, there’s an underlying expectation that support will always solidly be there, often in a financial sense. It’s not a perfect system, and it may not work for everyone, but it’s a reality for many Western men who find themselves drawn to relationships in Thailand. So when a Western man praises his own Thai wife, it could be less about having found the perfect soul mate and more about the flexible relational aspects they are benefitting from, which differ a lot to those in the West.
  4. If you want to know what I got up to on New Year's Eve, let's just say it wasn't uneventful. But you'll have to read about it in The Lounge. All a bit too much for here in The Pub.
  5. Wow, you're really desperate and clutching at straws. All these assumptions you're making about me, this is already your fourth set of incorrect conclusions. I suggest you quit while you are ahead before you strike out yet again. I wasn't following anyone, nor was I going anywhere. I was sat at the bar, next-door to the short time hotel, just having a drink and watching the comings and goings. You should try it some time instead of obsessing over who I talk with and where I go. Anyway, I've run out of interest in feeding your pedestrian curiosity. So you will need to go on making your continued wrong assumptions on your own and without any further corrections from me. Have fun with it because I'll be heading out soon to enjoy New Year's Eve while you sit at home obsessing about me even more. Cringy AF dude!
  6. No, you're totally focused on me, who I talk to, etc. Nothing at all to do with the topic. Based on what you are focused on you're either gay or homophobic, but hopefully it's the first and not the latter.
  7. I think in Thailand, the word "top shelf" refers to middle tier stuff. If it's really the top stuff in Thailand, then they normally refer to it as "exotic". But maybe you really were referring to top shelf and not the higher quality exotic stuff. Meanwhile, the price you pay in Cambodia does sound expensive compared to pricing available online now in Thailand. No reason it seems for one to pay any more than a quarter of that price in Thailand anymore. Just need to avoid the high priced shops in the tourist areas of Thailand and you'll be fine.
  8. Are you referring to transsexuals in general or particularly the ones in Thailand?
  9. Truth often stranger than fiction. And so is your obsession with who I speak with or not. Creepy.
  10. Must admit I’ve never anyone as obsessed as you are with the original poster of a topic about the sex lives of others.
  11. This was at least 15 years ago. He was a client of the company I worked for. He was an interesting person to speak with. We discussed many aspects of expat life in Bangkok at that time and the differences in male expat behavior. Have you never had a normal conversation with a gay person? Guess not. Too afraid? Seems like you've also learned your weak trolling techniques from Bob. But I'll await your next bankrupt post. Go on G_Drivel...
  12. Over the years I've seen it at least 50 times. Maybe even many more times than that. I never counted. If I've observed that many myself though then how many other thousands are there that I haven't spotted?
  13. My only preference is talking with people that possess emotional stability. I don't talk to ladyboys on Sukhumvit Road because many are unstable and desperate characters and many are using drugs like meth that can also make a person violent. I don't talk to all the Nigerian drug dealers on Sukhumvit Road either. Or the Indian touts selling fake Rolexes. Or the aggressive beggars. Shall I go on or do you get it now?
  14. Bob seems to get upset when you call him Bob and needs to be called Colin now. He must be having identity issues.
  15. Over 30 years ago, while hanging out late at night in the original Thermae, I got approached by a nice looking Singaporean girl who wanted me to go with her and her muscled-up German boyfriend, who was off to the side. I said "Sorry honey, if it were just you alone then we could make this work". I didn't even ask further questions though. I'm assuming it was more his idea than hers. That was a weird one.
  16. When it comes to balls GG, you do whatever you need to do with them. Nobody will ever stop you.
  17. Thank you. It didn't occur to me that these are all blokes with ladyboy fetishes. They probably also don't realize that they are gay or bisexual. Anyway, it makes perfect sense now why they are so defensive. I actually see unusual stuff quite often, but most people wouldn't understand the peculiarity in it so I don't bother posting about it. I reckon mostly you'll get more dudes like them wanting to kill the messenger when you share these kinds of observations.
  18. I agree. At least they should admit it to themselves. We all like certain things and, if we accept what we are, then it helps us to understand ourselves better.
  19. Bubbles my friend, you've made six posts now on this topic, but all purely about me, yet not a single one about the topic itself. You seem really obsessed and surely have nothing better to do. Have you thought about this? Maybe some slumming might help you manage with your OCD. You appear to be struggling almost as much as the German guy earlier.
  20. You said it, not me. At least you remembered it. Well done. It means that you can do more than just count to 3. I wish it were true. But who is the one actually making assumptions? Is your insomnia really that bad?
  21. Nice to see you can count to at least 3. Wow, I didn't think I was really going to have to do this the stupid way. Ok, here it is. You ready? To me it's peculiar and unusual. Gumballs you sound really frustrated. Did you accidentally give yourself a wedgie over this?
  22. Did you read any of my posts? Go count how many times I use the word swinging in my OP. I also used the words, unusual and peculiar. That should give you a hint. Now run off and go do your homework.
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