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Everything posted by SoCal1990

  1. Note: I'm posting this for my friend Bob, who is now living in Spain.
  2. You talk about eating healthy, to exercise your brain and muscles, so it sounds like you're advocating a healthy lifestyle and then you suggest using drugs that could be potentially dangerous. It doesn't match up. In addition, why do you assume that everybody needs those drugs in order to maintain and keep their sex life alive? Certainly there are many men who also don't need those drugs as they age. Also, not everyone needs hormone replacement either. A friend of mine (who is nearly 60 years old) still has natural testosterone levels that are above 1000.
  3. Very nice. Good for you. Seems you've discovered something that works good. How long have you two been married now?
  4. In Thailand, there are many options to maintain a good sex life as you get older. When we were young it was a lot simpler. It didn’t take much thought or planning and it seemed like pleasure was to be had easily, but it becomes more complex as you age. Some will say having a loving and caring wife is now the best way. Others will say that’s not the case. Some people will say it’s best to stay single, date a lot, and play the field. Many think the best way is to just P4P and/or go short time when you want it and to avoid any emotional involvement or commitments. Some simply don’t want to look after someone else and choose some sort of freestyle option. And some might think having some sort of young mistress, where you pay all of her expenses, in exchange for some sex whenever you need it, is the best. Personally I prefer no commitments and to stay free and go with the flow. It seems to suit my solitary lifestyle the best, but I still say to each his own. NOTE: If you are one of those men who feels sex is overrated, don’t need it anymore, never enjoyed it, your equipment doesn’t function, don’t care, etc, then please kindly spare us all your off-topic comments as this topic is purely about maintaining a healthy sex life rather than about abstaining.
  5. Great, why didn't you vote in the poll above?
  6. Following is my original post to help give people some reference to the poll: Whenever I see a post from somebody (here on AN) talking about going short-time, or taking part in the nightlife in Thailand there will inevitably be some other posters on here who will then comment something to the effect of "sad" or "shallow", but I never understood why. So let's unpack this. First off, why is it anyone's right or business to say something condescending about another person's lifestyle, especially someone else whom they personally know nothing about? Next, what is actually sad or shallow about it? Some men simply may not want to share their life with a partner full-time, but they also don't want to be forced to be celibate. So short-time works really well for them. Nothing wrong with that. Then are there any real moral issues? No. Are they helping to put some much needed money into the lower end of the local economy? Yes. So somebody explain to me how it's sad or shallow. And furthermore, explain to me how it isn't the perfect thing for someone who still has biological needs and/or carnal desires, but feels happier being alone. I suspect many of the posters making these condescending comments are ones who are in longtime monogamous relationships, and who can't envision or understand how someone else could possibly live a happy life in any other way. But truth be told, the guy living the short-time lifestyle might be a lot happier than the guy judging him and who feels stuck in a married position. And perhaps it's the guy who is not living the short-time lifestyle who is actually the one who's feeling sad.
  7. Stop the debating, join the poll:
  8. Since the topic I posted a few days ago has created so much debate, I thought I would create a poll on the question of the OP to see what the majority of people really think.
  9. Very rarely do phishers, scammers, online fraudsters or hackers ever get caught. They are usually two steps ahead from the moment they start their attack and their identity is usually protected by layers of online autonomy. Catching them requires a fair amount of effort and usually involves a sophisticated plot designed to lure the scammers to a physical location where they can be captured by law enforcement. And this rarely ever happens given the vast number of scammers versus the limited number of law enforcement resources by comparison. It is also typically an issue of law enforcement jurisdiction where the law enforcement agency being notified by the victim is not able to operate in the foreign country where the scammers are located. Victims are often located in Western countries and the scammers are often located in countries like China, India, Brazil, Nigeria, Russia, etc. So it becomes an international cross-border legal challenge to be able to do anything and it requires vast law enforcement resources to do so. Thus, the best defense still remains to simply be awareness.
  10. A friend's email account just got hacked. He's now lost access to the account because the hackers immediately changed the password upon gaining access to his account. Then they started sending out scam emails from his account to every contact of his, this means whomever that my friend has ever exchanged emails with in the past. The first two scripted emails that the scammers sent out are as follows. It's a textbook hacking scam. Many variations of the same are out there with slightly different reasons for asking for gift cards or bitcoin. Presumably, my friend had compromised his email account login details to the scammers during a phishing attempt. So they didn't really hack his account. He most likely handed over his login credentials to the scammers willingly but unknowingly.
  11. @NowNow and @fredwiggy - Between the two of you, you have posted well over 50% of the total replies made on this topic, yet all of it is only intended for you to use to judge, insult and belittle other members, plus none of it is of any interest, nor adds anything to the topic. But the two of you have also focused on highjacking this thread ever since I started it yesterday. What is really wrong with you two? Totally warped and obsessed. You're both so off from what is normal in this world that it's gotten really creepy. You two are also a lot like susanlea.
  12. You perfectly fit the mold of my OP. The type who doesn't get it, passes judgment, makes lots of baseless assumptions, just like the one you made above. Bro, my OP is just discourse, it's not a personal account.
  13. Whenever I see a post from somebody (here on AN) talking about going short-time, or taking part in the nightlife in Thailand there will inevitably be some other posters on here who will then comment something to the effect of "sad" or "shallow", but I never understood why. So let's unpack this. First off, why is it anyone's right or business to say something condescending about another person's lifestyle, especially someone else whom they personally know nothing about? Next, what is actually sad or shallow about it? Some men simply may not want to share their life with a partner full-time, but they also don't want to be forced to be celibate. So short-time works really well for them. Nothing wrong with that. Then are there any real moral issues? No. Are they helping to put some much needed money into the lower end of the local economy? Yes. So somebody explain to me how it's sad or shallow. And furthermore, explain to me how it isn't the perfect thing for someone who still has biological needs and/or carnal desires, but feels happier being alone. I suspect many of the posters making these condescending comments are ones who are in longtime monogamous relationships, and who can't envision or understand how someone else could possibly live a happy life in any other way. But truth be told, the guy living the short-time lifestyle might be a lot happier than the guy judging him and who feels stuck in a married position. And perhaps it's the guy who is not living the short-time lifestyle who is actually the one who's feeling sad.
  14. Doesn’t matter. Trump is so easy to beat. Even Biden beat him by campaigning from his basement. So Kamala will beat him just as easily. And Trump shouldn't be worrying at all about crowd sizes these days. Pretty soon jumpsuit and cell size is going to become the only worries for Trump.
  15. FFS, everybody is a two-bit cross dresser these days. Just because JD Vance does it, now suddenly everyone else has got FOMO.
  16. Some, but not all. Lots of African Americans and women will happily vote for her. And lots of young Gen-Z. She's running on the Obama platform of "hope and change". It worked before and it's working again now.
  17. a cross between unchanged adult diapers and rotting orange face paint.
  18. Hey team aseannow, shut and lock this topic. This angry, frustrated troll has a baiting problem because it upsets him that Trump is going to lose.
  19. I agree. And smelly.
  20. But the OP seems to be from Gyna.
  21. Mr. Mao, you don't have to be anything or anyone of one kind or another to have a useful viewpoint. You're a commie who wants to troll about democratic politics. Case in point.
  22. Careful, your battery is only at 51%.
  23. Excellent way of describing all of your posts. Winner!
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